Everyone out here talking about Twitter vs Blomf when the real drama's gonna be about Twitter vs Winnie

2  2020-05-29 by AI_WAIFU


Why even bother with this.

These social media website should only see themselves as a medium of information, not arbiter nor curator. Now they will be told to mark more and more tweets with fact-checking stuff.

I can’t help but feel like people like that have had abusive childhoods. It’s the social equivalent of smearing faeces on the walls. Intentionally doing things that are weird and unpleasant for everyone involved just to provoke (justified) negative attention.


  1. Everyone out here talking about Twi... - archive.org, archive.today*

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we can safely say that if D@ddy didn't raise a stink, they wouldn't have attempted this face-saving move, can't we?

the tweets are from March 13th.

Silicon Valley-cels about to have the uncomfortable realization that effortless pandering works for Burgers but Chicom money comes with actual strings.