Cop with a paintball gun starts shooting at reporters

1  2020-05-30 by mcbrd


Reports are coming in that this officer has the words "Learn to code" etched into the side of his paintball gun. What did he mean by this?

That he wants to switch professions and become a coder.


Recovered body cam footage revealed that he stated “Subscribe to CodeAcademy” before opening fire.

The beanbag that struck her in the gooch had a QRC code that led to a 90% off Udemy class.

This is so fucking bizarre. Like people were talking about umbrella acting in a way that made him seem like a glownigger but this guy is fucking radiant. The fact that he doesn't say anything to them before or after, just shoots them and walks off; he doesn't even react when the cameras pointing directly at him. And none of the other cops see anything wrong with this. It's so fucking weird

i think they're just dumb

I think this is happening now because of #F***news. The cops are low IQ r*ghtoids and they view the press as evil. Thus they're more inclined to treat them like *******.

There's a cycle in big cities wherein fresh cops are initiated into a good old boy network that indoctrinates them to immediately develop a siege mentality, which is reinforced because most of the people they deal with on a day-to-day basis are miscreants who fucking hate the cops, which makes them more extremist in their beliefs and behavior, which goes completely unchecked, which causes them to abuse their power even more which makes the community hate them even more etc. until you have situations like this where the cop feels like it is being attacked and acts accordingly, under the belief that the behavior is justified because the target is the enemy and bad behavior goes unpunished. The police system in the US is fucked beyond repair lmao

Think anything could ever be done snally? Or will anarchy reign?

Why contain it?


I think the US is just going to degrade into a better version of Brazil with a political culture/system that is similar to but slightly better than Hungary's within the next few decades tbh

my bussy is ready

I disagree

I disagree w/ your disagreement

Good talk


On what basis?

I think the US is just going to degrade into a better version of Brazil

In a way you two are eerily similar.

with a political culture/system that is similar to but slightly better than Hungary's within the next few decades tbh

I think you'll become more leftist economically under the Hispanic vote.

Lol asking from snail

Absolutely. I went on a ride along with a police buddy of mine, and the people he had to interact with all day... I can't imagine what that does to a person doing that shit for 5+ years.

Yeah, it can't be healthy to solely interact with criminals who wish you were dead, and the culture of police departments fosters an extreme 'us vs. them' mentality and actively pushes out anybody who wants to change the community. The problem with American police is so multi-faceted that even if by some miracle the US decided to try and solve it from one angle (not going to happen lol), the problem would reappear super quickly just by virtue of the fact that a different angle causes the other one to occur. It's really disappointing.

I'll ask you the same thing I asked some other dude spreading this conspiracy:

So what's the end goal? Martial law over the burnt out husk that was once the U.S.? What a brilliant coup de gras.

Other tweets are saying this was a corrections officer. Corrections officers are bottom-of-the-barrel police rejects.

I don't actually think he's a glownigger or antifa supersoldier I'm just saying I wouldn't believe he's a cop if there were any other possibilities because his behaviour is so bizarre

Oh, ok, yeah. Again, some are saying he's a corrections officer and I absolutely would chalk up that kind of behavior to one of those police academy rejects.



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enticing the mob so state governors have no choice but to bring in national guard / military.

They did the same thing at the 13th precinct.

Shot tear gas into the crowd repeatedly then pulled out leaving the building undefended, they wanted the protesters to riot and torch the building.


murican cops are dumber than a bag of hammers.

Yeah, pretty much. And fat.

And racist.

Fat, racist, dumb? They would make the perfect drama-poster.

Shit, fat, bald, old.
And racist.

We need some cops for jannies

shit we just gotta include them /legaladvice jânnies

We employ literally the lowest intelligence people as police officers. And that's a feature, not a flaw.

I know a certain bag of hammers that created a wonderful Minecraft server, thank you very much.

This actually made me laugh because the gun must be calibrated for a very low mps or she'd be feeling it.

Yeah even normal paintballs can leave a pretty massive bruise if you're hit without thick clothes on.

I used to play speedball paintball and got shot in the trachea once. bah did not feel good. Wore a neck guard from then on.

You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


  1. Cop with a paintball gun starts sho... -,

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If we learn anything from this clusterfuck, its that when someone asks if these riots are the fault of the police, protesters or media, you just say "yes"



Cop: pew pew heheeheh pew pew 🎨

haha paintball gun go spspspspsp

undeniably, unironically, unequivocally

based cop

“Who are they shooting at?!?“ as the gun is pointed directly at the camera.