Just heard LE EPIX quote from underground garage rock band from the 90s ... sums up the situation perfectly

1  2020-05-30 by jason_frg

Some of those who work forces

Are the same that burn crosses

Broooo,, tell me that's not deep af, man we are transforming AmeriKKKa tonight


Sorry, Mr. De La Rocha- you have a call from your rep at Sony records. Shall I take a message?

No, I will have one of my staff handle it. Thank you and fuck you, stay edgy

No problem, sir. I will maintain a strenuous simmering anger toward whichever nebulous machine you instruct me to.

Fuk u I won't do what you tell me

13 year old me found that very profound and powerful. Later in life, a 19 year old me had the same reaction to massive black cock behind the 7-11

Was that massive black cock Mr. Floyd's glorious rod, by chance?

Id like to think there's a little bit of Mr. Floyd's glorious rod in all of us.

13 year old me could never figure out what "work forces" was supposed to mean

rly now

ys fgt

My god I just checked your post history. There is no shaming you. This is literally your life. Just imagine how much you could accomplish if you weren’t addicted to Reddit. You’re making a difference, though!


  1. Just heard LE EPIX quote from under... - archive.org, archive.today

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but fair

Ok boomer

This is only a reminder that reddits core demographic is college students.

You forgot terminal NEETs in /r/antiwork

Heck yeah dude I love Nirvana

Kurtis Cocaine was truly a legendary musician

lol no

The riot is the rhyme of the unheard, donch'ya know?

Thats my favorite Nickelback quote too!

That's as deep as your mothers gape

Punk is for f*ggots