Oblivious Britbong smugly calls US a cautionary tale. Freedom fighter calls him out and worldnews doesn't like it.

33  2020-05-31 by rakrakaon


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Bongs always taking the high road when really they're just mad that nobody cares about boats anymore.

Couldn't keep up after the krauts pushed their shit in twice, so now they chime in on foreign affairs as though they have any more geopolitical significance than say, Babylon or Carthage.

Daily reminder that US of A is the greatest country in the world and arr slazh worldnews leafs, bongs and yuros are literally seething, dilating, shidding farding and cumming in their pants over this.

Don't need a reminder when you live it everyday 😎

Hell yeah! MURICA 🍔

And that's why you're here, coping 😎

I'm so American I was banned there for defending America

As long as you aren't a dumbass, it's unironically by far the best country to live in.

Today a British player in a German soccer league scored a goal and lifted up his jersey to show a shirt that had Justice for George Floyd on it. These people have America on the brain 24/7. It's fucking pathetic.

Comment chain about the Irish or something (typical British crap.

How do you know someone's Irish on Reddit? Just mention England and they'll be there.

that thread though; "U.S. police must end militarized response to protests"

as opposed to what? just let an mob burn down every inner city? Oh no some dumb karens caught a pepper ball to the face, now the usa is literally more oppressive than the french and their 2 years of suppressing the yellow vests. The UK twitter task force, and giant police/protester clashes in Germany every time some sort of international conference goes down.

Indefatigably based

Other threads have a bunch of highly suspicious posts about how the Hong Kong police had a softer touch while gunning down civilians with live ammo.


they really are just that buggered in the head and have all the time in the world. Two faced media indoctrination, which despite like le plebbitor would claim is just as bad if not worse in non burger countries; will do that.

bunch of highly suspicious posts about how the Hong Kong police had a softer touch.

Worldnews is filled with noodle shills, Iran shills, Muslims, commies and other anti West types.

Uh sweety the gilets jaunes were a white people thang so the violent police response was based

Canada here ...

I see your smug and raise it... lmao

Day of the Rake when?

Who are you? Kaiser died a martyr, copying his style of username is in poor taste.

It's literally me. Quietus let me back in.


I was busting your balls, Tzar. And yeah that libtárd Jànny would.

I'm too r3t@rded. 😳

Lol a Dutch person calling anyone out for being crazy.

5g towers are being set on fire and technicians attacked because the Dutch think that is how Covid is spread.

The dutch are the second most smug reddiţařds after c*nadians. 🤢

they think being tall makes them special


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The UK is the awkward nephew where the US is the outright racist uncle.

lemme google history of dutch colonies in africa real quick....

Anyone who says anything that happens in America is worse than what those poor souls in Hong Kong went through should be forced to live there. Musk needs to get on it and pay for them to go

If Londoners were all evicerated not only would the UKs smug levels be cut by a good 90% but it would be an excellent first step towards world peace.

Why is it so easy to bait r/drama just by calling the US a shithole?

Because it is. A shithole, that is. It's a shithole. That's why even bongs and leafs are so smug about it, because our Commonwealth shithole is somehow not as shitty as your shithole, and that's impressive. My nation is fucking funny but you guys take it to another level.

Any time someone brings that up -- that the US is, somehow, almost as shitty as some slav countries -- you guys forget where we are and start seriously trying to explain how actually the US is the greatest nation to ever nation in every single way.

I can happily joke with you guys all day about the bong police arresting people for improper use of a bicycle wheel. It's embarrassing how quickly you lose your sense of humour when it's the other way around.

New Snappy?

Did your buck toothed, inbred ass read any of the comments in here? Every post was a joke.

just move here and buy a gun already, we know you want to.