10 2020-05-31 by The_Homocracy
1 AutoModerator 2020-05-31
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3 TaysSecondGussy 2020-05-31
Jannie formatting detected.
3 PizzaWasRiteAbtWomen 2020-05-31
Good gôd that’s a lot of subs you môd It's pretty much my main hobby so I spend a lot of time on it. I find it enjoyable.
Good gôd that’s a lot of subs you môd
It's pretty much my main hobby so I spend a lot of time on it. I find it enjoyable.
1 d4ddyd64m4 2020-05-31
Aww the jannie made all these nice rules, just for the comment section of the rules post to turn to shit
Is this the online version of pissing in the mop bucket?
1 murlokz 2020-05-31
Did leftoids really need ANOTHER sub to jerk each other off on
2 The_Homocracy 2020-05-31
The left is a group that endlessly factionalizes so the answer is always yes
1 AutoModerator 2020-05-31
do not comment or vote in linked threads
I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.
3 TaysSecondGussy 2020-05-31
Jannie formatting detected.
3 PizzaWasRiteAbtWomen 2020-05-31
1 d4ddyd64m4 2020-05-31
Aww the jannie made all these nice rules, just for the comment section of the rules post to turn to shit
Is this the online version of pissing in the mop bucket?
1 murlokz 2020-05-31
Did leftoids really need ANOTHER sub to jerk each other off on
2 The_Homocracy 2020-05-31
The left is a group that endlessly factionalizes so the answer is always yes