Tw*tter finally shows a wholesome message 👨‍❤️‍👨

7  2020-06-01 by ArlenBilldozer


have any of you drama-slurs (hard-r) ever experienced the culinary transcendence that is being invited to a black barbecue? religious experience

Have you posted bussy yet?


  1. Tw*tter finally shows a wholesome m... -,

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Regardless of the color of your skin, we all just want to grill for God’s sake

This is pretty much how I feel. Luckily, these people just want to loot stores without being arrested so suburbia ain't their target market. So I pool, grill and sleep in peace.

if this unrest has had any effect, it's that im definitely asking my black neighbor what he's got in the smoker next time I see that thing going so that I can get a piece

The establishment fears shitty clip art

I fear jpeg compression artefacts that appeared to get worse and worse down the thread. Aaaaaa.


Someone should organize a Grill to End R@cism.

Just to make the woke uneasy about it, use the south African word for it, braai


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