Lmao look at the edit

13  2020-06-01 by AI_WAIFU


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Same thing happened in LA. Roman candles being shot at the police. People kept trying to block him but then he would start aiming at the crowd.

That's definitely assault, why wasn't he arrested?

Me: ACAB! Fuck the police! Down with the man!

Also me: Why won't the police arrest people

Not a single hint of irony either. The duality of the mayo anarchist.

Amazing. All their rslurred hot takes about revolution don’t seem to grasp that if you choose to make the extreme choice to opt out of the social contract, you also lose the protections of that contract.

They figured it out in the comments. Obviously it wasn't based kangz, it was the proud boys.

I figured it out all out. The CIA planted coronachan in glorious China and let it spread.

From there they killed Floyd so that the protests will spread the virus in the summer and limit the exposure radius to just those who went to peaceful protests.

Next the hospitals are clogged and daddy sold all the ventilinos to Italy so all the LGBTQ2+P and undocumented die.

It’s aids all over again.

Idk, fireworks don't seem like a very kang thing to do. I also don't think the proud boys are like smart enough to do this. Drumf may be right with the anarchist point.

It wasn't rightoids. These people have been play fighting with each other for years so they know each other pretty well. They'd recognize someone from the other side trying to infiltrate.

They'd recognize someone from the other side trying to infiltrate

Very much yes. Anytime there was a little larp video posted, /r/Portland was quick to identify the tightyrighties

Kangz fucking love fireworks. Take a drive on MLK in any town July 4th.

Somebody shit fireworks on jul 4?!?

Idk, fireworks don't seem like a very kang thing to do.

You've clearly never been to the ghetto

I live relatively close to one. I guess different ghetto cultures. White women on next door call the police if they hear bangs so there aren't many

White women

Well there's your problem

/r/Portland blames everything on them. If you step on a feces covered heroin needle in the Pearl district, they'll tell you it was a proud boy who planted it there.

Kind of like how a certain group of people are always to blame for the country's problems πŸ€”

Are the people in that thread just intentionally missing the point or are they really that r-slurred?


Take a guess


😁😁😁 #SoProud! #blessed

Then people got hurt and some people smashed windows because the cops tear gassed so many of us.

people smashed windows because the cops tear gassed so many of us.


If the the police hurt you, the proper response is to commit more crime in retaliation.

Mental toddlers throwing a tantrum. The bad men use pepper spray! Uh..uh..I break this! Yea that shows them, and I'll smash that too! I feel much more in control again by enacting immediate change upon my surroundings :)

it's really frightening seeing grown adults acting like children. What went wrong there?

2 minutes after you posted:

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Quick jannies. They probably have the TotesMessenger notification that gets sent to modmail. Good for them tbh. Many dramacels cannot behave.

I hope they get adequately rewarded for their work. Maybe a pay raise? Like a 100% increase or so.

I'm offering them a 300% salary increase each

lmao poorcel

10,000% or bust

Apparently they've got the same rule as r/polyamory. I wouldn't be surprised if there's a lot of overlap in the mod teams.

is drama going to do this again

Hope not, cuz with the political climate I'd guarantee a quarantine here

We can be the heroes we believe in.

Also, I realize it's hypocritical of me to suggest fighting violence with violence.

I mean, supposedly the "protesters" are fighting (police) violence with violence. Wouldn't fighting the rioters with even more violence just be following what they're trying to teach us? Seems like a good white ally would listen to these unheard black voices and start clubbing heads just like they want.


Grovel more, you wanna be a good ally dont you? Lick dem boots.


This post has been linked elsewhere on Reddit, so we're locking the post to new comments. Stay safe, everyone.

Look what you did, OP!

I'm 100% convinced Proud Boys and chapos are the same thing, since they both perpetually live somewhere rent free.

They are both unemployed/under employed, white suburbanites that go into black neighborhoods to rip shit up rather than do anything productive with their lives.

I think one group baths slightly more often than the other one so there is that.

They're literally projecting on and pearl clutching over the proud boys and I haven't heard a lick about them from anywhere else lmao.

Only in portland.

The Proud Boys? What year is it?

An election year

Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


  1. Lmao look at the edit - archive.org, archive.today

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