CollegeBoard asks "how do you do fellow kids" in their super secret "please cheat on my test so we keep your money" subreddit

2  2020-06-01 by Dedod_2

Here is a nice in depth video explanation of the shenanigans that have been going on at r/APTests2020 and here is a link to the thread where it all came crashing down.

Tl:dw- The 'rona forced CollegeBoard to conduct their exams online with the major rule being that you cannot ask other people for help during the exam. Someone at the company makes the subreddit r/APTests2020 to lure zoomers into fucking up their chances at getting to college. The sub creator could not be more obvious as to what their actual intention is and the sub turns into worldpolitics2.0


Solid drama, op.

Holy fuck dude this universe doesn’t even have a reason to exist. Human life is worthless we are conscious for no reason we have nothing to achieve this is all bullshit I’m surprised we haven’t gone extinct through mass suicide from all this existential shit. The best thing that can happy to a person is pretty much just doing a bunch of drugs cause it is the best distraction in the universe. If humans reached peak efficiency then we really won’t gain anything except for the whole population realizing we have nothing important to do with that efficiency. Maybe then humans finna go extinct cuz why torture our meaningless lives for nun. I hate thinking about how the rich run the world and college boards and all that shit have so much power over people when they themselves haven’t realized that in the end they aren’t doing shit but satisfying themselves by torturing humans pretty much taking the job of the universe and making society their own lil universe.


Join the anarcho-communist gang

And like that, a comrade was born.

The number of outright anti-social "socialists" is frankly kind of disgusting.

I only respect leftists who affirm life and view responsible procreation among the capable as a moral obligation to their society.

i lost the thread, why does this make cheating ok?

Ban everyone from that sub. They're all teenagers and therefore are too young to be here.

Imagine being dumber than potential cheaters.

Don't even try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.


  1. CollegeBoard asks "how do you do fe... -,

  2. Here -,

  3. r/APTests2020 -,*

  4. here -,

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There are people who unironically think CollegeBoard is a non-profit.


How did they find out it was the employee?

Lol this shit is old news

Not for those of us older than 18 mate.


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I wish they would've asked me, I love dunking on rætards