They hate us cause they ain't us 🇺🇸🇺🇸

1  2020-06-02 by employee10038080


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they've both got terrible people in charge, especially the fascists in India

And in China lol.

It's worrying to see how eager redditors are to destroy the United States when we'd have much, much better chances trying to turn the U.S. into a force for good than hoping the Chinese leadership will suddenly have a change of heart. I'm sure astroturfing plays a big part in it.

based ameriCHAD

If only China and India got along. It's crucial to undermine American hegemony, but both have governments with different plans.

Said someone without the slightest knowledge of the region. While China is mostly focused on controlling/expanding it's territorial waters and securing resource pipelines, they both have significant interests in the Himalayan highlands. Factor in their completely different political systems and cultures (especially with the resurgence of Hindu nationalism) and it all makes a pretty tense situation.

I swear to go the knee-jerk ''Murica BAB' attitude on Reddit is the most basic of shit.

That link of his is pretty compelling. Two kids dead in 10 years. Has to be the absolute worst thing any world power has done in that time frame.

every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


  1. They hate us cause they ain't us 🇺🇸... -,

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