#YaleIsCancelled - will they have the guts?

49  2020-06-20 by ShemaleSmasher


"Unfiltered and Unapologetic, Jesse Kelly is the greatest mind of the 21st century now on demand. From history to politics to pizza The Jesse Kelly Show has it all in a no nonsense kind of way. Whether you’re a veteran like Jesse, or just a good ol’ fashion red blooded American, the show has something for everyone."

Come on, man.

What, bro, are you #TRIGGERED? Somebody get a SAFE SPACE for this OFFENDED LIBTARD!!!

oh shit this guy. i was just watching him talk about getting to eat a lot in basic

he seemed kinda simple to me


Confirmed pedovore

Yale is old enough to claim actual history exception, especially by the standards of this baby country - people wouldn't be taking down Caligula statues now either, if any were left standing.

But yeah, they should honestly just do it. Dude was a wanker, and reality is they just didn't want to be "Dummer University".

Twatter checkmarks have found Yale's tweets from 1825.

Who thought that right wingers had even a brain cell?

Their trolling is always on point despite their mean IQ is like, 85.

I think you're confusing mean with max.

An IQ of 85 means that they have a lower IQ than 84% of the population.

This is interesting. On one hand hand the only people posting this are rightoid retards who don't actually care, but on the other hand they're completely right and there's no way for the leftoids to argue aside from saying "Ew you're icky".

Whoa, is slurtard not a slur now?

The problem is that they're being way too obviously goofy about it. If they were tone down the "hurrdurr own the libs" stylings, they might actually be able get some traction with this, and that would be way funnier than just listing off places you don't like that you want to see get cancelled.

I love it for that exact reason, hypocrisy trap.

yeah, would be better if they just waited for students to call for it themselves, the rightoids poisoning the well is just gonna mean they won't do it to own the conservatards

most of the "woke" stuff is an affectation and class marker of the elite, so it'd be fun to see it turned against their institutions

On the other hand, non-genuine campaigns have a really short prevalence on the public's mind.

This is going nowhere.

You underestimate the common leftoid’s ability to ignore even the most basic logic when it might make them look bad, or worse agree with 🍊🙍‍♂️ supporters (may their names be forever black)

Because nowadays the average leftist only represents the middle class. The working class is just a bit too nationalist to be not considered a bunch of fascists to them.


If renouncing names and statues is the hill leftöids want to die on, there’s a lot that needs to change!

I normally hate them but I respect rightîes no-uing here. Good move.

Hola basado departamento

I'll say it again, we need to just replace all this racist history with Star Wars and corporate shilling. Nobody's h8ting on "Obi Wan Kenobi's Jedi University brought to you by Popeye's Chicken." Prestigious.

This but unironically.

If we’re unironically condoning starshit then I vote Trek. At least (most) of it is hypothetically possible and would give our generous helping of hopeless NEETs something to set their sights on.

Lmao imagine having your uni be named after a slave trader and not having the foresight to change it at any point down the line

Look at this mans face and tell me he doesn’t jerk off to the thought of big black cock.

Lmao imagine going to Yale like literally all I hear when someone tells me they go to Yale is "Yeah I wasn't good enough to get into Harvard or Princeton but it's better than Cornell I guess" lmaooo

I didn't go to an Ivy League and hope this sticks. Destroying a few centuries of brand equity is only good for equally good schools that can't trade on a well connected alumni network.

That said I don't think these tards that believe sticking it to people who have been dead since 1700 will fix their problems are actually thinking that far ahead.

Also if they actually wanted change they'd be bitching about Harvarss $40 billion endowment doing nothing for low income pre school or early education lmao.

Atheist renounce religions but not original sins apparently

Pretty sure Yale can't change ores name even if it wanted to. It's a creature of the CT constitution

Queen Latifah University

Wait, so it wasn't?

ah he overplayed his hand, that sucks

NeonNeedles on su1cide watch