Computer.. I dont even know, just synthesize a strong drink for me

19  2020-06-20 by Drama_Bridge_Crew


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I don't give a fuck how much you call your flimsy delusions "enlightenment." There is no amount of ceaseless self-deception that will make you accept the charred hellscape of being a miserable useless destitute fucking junkie piece of shit. You know what you are, and it is deeply ugly on every level.


  1. Computer.. I dont even know, just s... -,

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How can they be married without consummation?

legally, from what i understand, you can indeed have your marriage annulled if it hasnt been consummated.

The question that will determine how really pathetic this situation is — is she a stay at home wife? Is he the sole earner?

He 100% deserves to get cked by his wre wife, 6 years lol

Bets on this being a menslibbers throwaway?

My money is on drama LARPer

A menslibber would have raped his wife.

or he'd have somehow argued himself into thinking that this was all his fault for not respecting her enough


This is just the average Reddit user

lol plot twist: she's fucking someone else

Is it really a plot twist if it’s what everyone is thinking?

Fake and gay

marrying a virgin: small brain being married to a virgin: galaxy brain

Creative writing exercise 🥱

You'd be surprised by how sad deadbedrooms can be while being real. What do you think asexuals do when they get married? Have sex? Lmao

Cuddle? Idk I can't even imagine a relationship without intimacy like that. It's not the most important thing but it is important.

I used to work with a woman that had been married for like 15 years and had only had sex with her husband 3 times.( The following was told to me by the only other co worker she talked to so while it is 2nd hand I knew how sheltered she was so I believe it 100% and there was probably more to it than what was told to me.) The 1st was a month after the marriage and then like 2 more tries over the next decade. She said it hurt and she didn't like it. They also moved in with her overprotective mother immediately after the marriage because the woman had always lived with her. The daughter couldnt/wouldn't drive so you would always see her 70+ year old mother dropping her off and picking her up because the husband worked the same hours as his wife and could drive himself . She talked about how when they 1st started talking on the phone at like 22 that she would be so shy she would just listen to him and never speak and if he asked if she was still there she would tap the receiver to say yes. I had to have multiple talks with her and how she had to communicate to her co workers to be more productive. So it would be a one sided conversation for hours a day . So my whole point of this is at what fucking point are you so lonely and desperate that you settle for this red flag of a mess ? I realize he was probably just as weird as he is but dammit that's pathetic.

at what fucking point are you so lonely and desperate that you settle

5'9" and under

Come to think of it the few times I saw him drop her off he was a 5'7 or so manlet

The daughter couldnt/wouldn't drive so you would always see her 70+ year old mother dropping her off and picking her up because the husband worked the same hours as his wife and could drive himself.

This makes no sense at all. Her mother was dropping her off/picking her up BECAUSE her husband worked the same hours and could drive himself? Wtf do those things have to do with eachother? If he worked the same hours why didn't he take her?

Different directions . She lived like 15 miles away

Deffo a r/menslib user

Just have sex incel lmo

She's fucking other dudes.

Tea, earl gray, boiling hot

Didn't actually read it but I saw it was /r/DeadRedditors so its safe to say the answer is that it's going to end in a murder suicide.