(NSFW) You limp dicks will have to take my word for it because it's deleted now, but Jewdank was "featured" on efukt.com

1  2020-06-21 by jason_frg

A couple of weeks ago while this sub was closed in le epixxxx fashion LOL I went to efukt.com to get my jerk on to some weird porn and actually say a Jewdank deepthroat video on the top. The description even linked to an /r/ OOTL post about her.

I have to admit that I've never actually watched a Jewdank porn, so I broke my cherry that day. I have to say, it was very boring and unsexy. Although that could just be my biases as I find blowjob porn to be the dumbest porn in the world.

Now I will open the floor to discuss this very important topic.


Okay, so first of all, you've just made a reply to me that is in two unrelated parts. The first is unrelated to anything I said. As long as you comport yourself in this manner, you will only be met with derision. It is a nonsense method of communication.


  1. (NSFW) You limp dicks will have to ... - archive.org, archive.today

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers

Here's the thing. you said a "white woman is a dogfucker."

Is it in the same family? Yes. No one's arguing that.

As a pornographer who watches white women, BBC, squirting, Japanese porn and even cuck porn, I am telling yuo, specifically, in pornography, no one calls white women dogfuckers. If you want to be "specific" like you said, then you shouldn't either.

The fuck is a jewdank porn?

Hi newfriend -

Jewdank was a local lolcow celebrity and /r/drama regular. She had her own sub and premium porn subscription service, and a fair number of thirsty white knights. Drama would follow her around and she had the tendency to make things worse.

I'm not sure what she's doing now, but I think after rage quitting reddit several times she did it for real.

Doing a sub subject search for jewdank will undoubtedly give you a dozen of huge threads about her drama.

Gotcha, thanks for the info

She said she was in school to be a mortician.

lol i forgot about that

I always assumed that was just bants

Whitney Wisconsin > jewdank

Omg you must be new.

get out.

Don’t you have some vomit to mop up you filthy jannie?

Scrubs that don't even know who Jewdank is don't phase me.

Bully harder.

Critically support Jannies. They should know their place but be defended against tourists.

The prosecution would like to argue for permaban on the grounds that Ramen used the slur, "mop" in reference to a janitor, and bodily fluids, vice the socially acceptable "clean it up Jannie".

I'd ban you but I like your username.

Thank you. I think it's time for me to get or the internet. Drunk and annoying phase. Have a good one


Jewdank was very pretty (despite the awful tattoos) and very adept at editing (to remove the aforementioned bad tattoos) but she was not into sex. That's why her porn was so awful. She must have been in a pinch or something to resort to sex work because she very obviously just wasn't a very sexual person.

I think people looked at her photos and thought because she looked so good that she was some kind of sex queen but the reality is that she didn't seem interested in that line of work, or topic at all. That's why it was so easy for her to discard her following as quickly as she did (r/drama helped tho haha).

I'm not surprised she ended up on efukt. That video was awful.

She enjoyed attention above all else, so probably did all the porn just as a means to satisfy that.

She also loved being a jannie, so that tells us everything we need to know about her personality type.

I always remember her moderating a sub dedicated to mayos with big arses (PAWGs), but she didn't even have a PAWG herself but would somehow keep winning "PAWG of the week" awards πŸ˜‚

PS. I know all this because I'm a lolcow fan, NOT because I'm a coomer, because I'm not. Long as everyone knows that.

Is it this one?

It was actually the first one you listed. πŸ™

2nd link "amateur teen".

Isn't she in her thirties?

I think she was late 20s at the time, but now she is.

> trusting a whore's stated age

rethink this, king