As a Colored person, I'd like drama to decide if i'm a bigot?

1  2020-06-21 by Violent_Yet_Polite

I've been black my entire life. But i'm also an ex-military imperialist. My mom doesn't give me tendies and my white gf won't go down on me when i insist i'm colored. The defense would like to point to exhibits A and B as proof of colored discrimination.


Rachel Dolezal is better at being black than me. Colored icons are being cancelled, RE: first black woman to win an oscar , Aunt Jemima, who has graced our less than Log Cabin and greater than Krogers brand syrup bottles, and the ever reassuring Uncle Ben, who always smiles at me when i'm broke AF.

Why then is it proper for the NAACP, which claims to represent all non-gated community Americans, to call its self the National Association for the Advancement of COLORED people.


This post may be a drunken reartar- i mean [redacted] shitpost but I lowkey want to know why I can't be colored. I don't want to be a person of color. I want to be Colored, as our prophet and savior Ted (Cave Paintings Be Unto Him) promulgated.




A budweiser drinking mentally ill veteran.


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


  1. As a Colored person, I'd like drama... -,

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I want time stamped proof you're not a mayo.



I'm stickying this post omg haha.

Thank you for humoring me.

I'm honored! And the thanks go to you fam. This is a Budweiser "can't keep up with America after war" post hsha

Thanks for serving man. Are you getting any support for the mental health issues?

Not to serious post but I have a lot of family and friends who are ex military so I have some level understanding of how hard it can be. Take care of yourself!

Thanks for making sure there was a home for me to come back to.

I get VA mental health support sporadically (my fault), but the thing that keeps me alive is my friends and family. Im not proud of it but I struggle with coke and drinking. I do good for a few months and then I go on a bender for a week or weekend. I don't know how to explain it but imagine knowing every moment may be your last and then surviving and trying to learn how to plan and treat your body like you have your whole life ahead of you.

Thank you for the support. I want to want to live and I'm proud that I've kept it to just drinking and shitposting for a few months. I know I will relapse but learning to forgive myself is something I'm working on.

Sorry for the seriousness. I'm drunk af. Thank you

It’s rough out there. I’ve lived a well adjusted, successful life but I still wake up screaming sometimes in the middle of the night.

Falling into a bottle doesn’t change any of it, it just makes you feel physically like shit the next day.

Much appreciated. Shit sucks, but yeah, you're right.

Make sure you flair it Country Club thread.

No brother smokes Marblos

But military coloreds do

In my experiences anyways, Marlboro 27s basically always means stoner. Most military guys I know smoke Marlboro reds.



They do be smoking 27s tho

That’s a whole lotta brown sharpie “brotha”

hah. gonna use this to sneak into bpt cc threads

Ahhhhhh I see you are a refined smoker like myself. 27s.

I bet you never had actual Budweiser from Budweiser Budvar brewery. I don't think you even know how beer taste like.

So are you a crip or a blood?

wristlet ahahaha

careful with that tylenol chum

I like your watch. Also stop drinking and smoking, its bad for you.

You put so much effort into this I love it

nice watch bro, model?

Post picture of forearm with handwritten date, time and username

Please see previous comments.

dude incredible

You are a bigot, but it’s not your fault, the alt-white propaganda got you.

The cool part is you can tell white people what to call you and they will, personal victories count (excluding the GF apparently, sorry). The Gone With the Wind and Aunt Jemima stuff is dumb AF. I contrast that with the Negro League jerseys and merch that has been put out, I thought that was pretty cool. If it happened, why erase it instead of trying to celebrate it somehow? I thought representation was important, but I guess cardboard inclusion in shitty TV shows is more important than cultural mainstays that everyone knows.

Idk man, rough time. I’m sure some white girl that hates the military can tell you how you are supposed to feel though.

White people invented PoC. I just wanna know why I can't call myself colored. Im too drunk to explain it but PoC reeks of horseshoe to me

I got ya. You can’t because they decided it was racist but person of color is good. The fact that it is stupid just makes them think it’s more progressive. Make them call you colored if you want, it will make them seethe but they will still have to do it.

If you're black you can call yourself colored. You can identify however you see fit. It's just that white people can't call you colored. It's a dated label with racist connotations.

It's only got racist connotations because old people say it. My grandmother said it a lot because she didn't really have another word besides nigra. She was racist but a lot less racist than most people born in the 1920s Alabama

Poc is the most patronising term ever, its like all non whites are lumped into one group and the hwi1tes talk as though we need their saving graces , makes me wanna punch a wall

I was gonna yikes but then I remembered you are a PoC, that’s just the inter-generational colonial trauma hon, it makes you dislike what is good for you. It’s like paradoxical undressing in hypothermia (your people are good at science so I’m being culturally sensitive and using examples you can relate to).

For real tho I thought PoC was a troll thing for the first year that it became popular.

I remembered you are a PoC,


is funny because yank latinos have shit to do with us, the cultural links even between pochos and real mexicans are getting thinner every day as both groups diverge, and we barely have anything in common with anyone north of bolivia, only really old stuff from colony times

yank mayos think we are not only all the same but also all the same with black yanks like OP who are also all the same with every single african, even though that continent is big af with tons of ethnic groups, countries and tribes that really fucking hate each other in many cases, but random congolese guy is literally the same than jamal from chicago according to becky, just like naka the 5th generation jap-yank guy who only speaks english is the same than random actually-japanese guy living in kyoto who thinks other japanese born outside of japan are not japanese at all

I get the same impression. It kinda reeks of wanting to say "colored people" while also signaling that you're not one of "those whites" if you know what I mean

Since we verified you're not full of shit -

Rachel Dolezal when you really look at her history didn't so much as pretend to be black as she did fall into it. I know she lied about her ethnicity but I don't think she set out to do so. She was very involved in the the POC community before she went full faux-black and had black siblings and was generally involved in the POC community in her area. I dead ass think she did her hair one day an someone asked her if she was black and wanted a job and she said sure why not.

Re: Hattie McDaniel. She is not cancelled. She is a celebrated actress that broke a lot of barriers for black actors that came after her. The move is cancelled because it's 3 fucking hours long and her character name is literally Mammy.

I dont eat carbs so idk about Aunt Jemima but I bet that bitch knows how to party.

I'm not arguing against your points. I'm just having a [redacted] moment and want to know the difference between colored and people of color.

I'm black but first and always I'm a trashy American vet. I'm black but I can't keep up with the culture wars. I just wanna grill, get drunk, smoke Marlboros and not get cancelled.

I think Rachel is a meme and I only mention her because she gets more woke points than me for expressing myself as I feel.

the difference between colored and people of color.

Some will argue that it's just cultural semantics: that we only don't say it because it's not acceptable anymore (like tranny or queer), and while that's true the reason why we don't say colored anymore is because the black community at large have rejected that label. White people called black peopled colored. It was a label curated and perpetuated by white people to label people of color and the black community has rejected that label.

Minority groups have always been given names by the majority and those minority groups always reject those names because they almost never reflect how those minority groups view themselves (plus they are usually pejorative or have negative connotations).

Go deeper find out how many different times we were givens different names or you can read all three versions of the homestead act then you’ll feel a little better about yourself

If you know you know

"colored" was the term used during segregation and when millenial mayos see it being used it makes them feel icky so they made up a new term that means the same thing

that's why you can't be "colored" because it makes mayoid yuppies feel uncomfortable so it's cancelled

There's a Chris Rock bit about this.

why colored and not just black? seeing as "black" is next on the cancel list as poc is somehow less problematic

literally an srdine

Why are you upset? You can just go around trolling mayos online and occasionally in real life.

You worship Thomas Sowell and Clarence Thomas in your free time, if that makes you feel better

I just wanna be me. Thank you for the input. I'm more of a Uncle Ted type. I just want to know why I can't call myself what I want

I just wanna be me

Why can't you? Don't say shit on social media or on the job and you'll be fine.

I'm more of a Uncle Ted type


I'm more of a Uncle Ted type.

A man after my mayo heart.

You're a bigot but so is everyone else. At least you aren't white or otherwise you'd be a racist bigot. No halfway sane person cares about the color of a person's skin, they just care if that person is a douchebag or not.

Thank you for understanding

I don't see why you can't be colored if that's what you want. I'm sure eventually person of color will become not the preferred nomenclature too so whatevs.

Which branch you serve in?

I don't want to doxx myself, but I'm of the Skytrain, "seals cry too" variety

Take back the word colored and make it your word. Like that other word. IDK like whats up my colored?

Further proof of me being domestic and Marlboro pilled

Rip and tear your guts brother

Stop smoking it's bad for your health and would make Jesus sad.

You're politically white. Hence you're a bigot.

I've been black my entire life.


Seriously OP. You are really playing some stupid games, so you are going to win some stupid prizes 🤡

Well, the thing about the internet that I like is that I can ask what I want and not worry. It's 2020, things are already stupid, and I am not a smart man.

Yikes, OP! Be better.

I just... can't.

Dude were you drunk

You are here aren’t you ? We all float down here, Georgie .

the most important question - what is your opinion of trannies, especially online twitter types?

This is what going private does to a sub

Please get off the board darkie ✊✊✊😩

Wtf lacist 😡😡😡

Love u bro

Words dont make you a bigot the context does you r*tard. Good luck.

I don’t think I’ll be whole again until I see Uncle Ben’s smile in the grocery isle...

Go back into your box you crayon

I mean you’re probably a bigot because you called yourself a “colored person”.

NAACP keeps its name around because it's the oldest organization of its kind and the name change would produce more confusion than benefit. Also, they probably can't agree on a new one. Internal discussions on the matter have been held - probably are every few years.

short answer: no

longer answer: bigot means intolerant of those holding other opinions, and that's all it means. if you're not being intolerant of others with differing opinions, then you aren't being a bigot.

anti-racists are many times, especially the loud ones, bigots. they are so intolerant of the concept of genetic superiority, they will hate you even if you say you're merely open to the idea. they like to misuse the word bigot and just call people they dislike bigots, or nazis, or some other unjustified label, in an ironic twist of pure bigotry.

racist can also be bigots, especially if they take actions against people who think everyone should be treated equally.

you calling yourself whatever you want is deductively not you being intolerant of others holding different opinions, at worst it's simply ignoring them.

whether you are a right or wrong for doing so, you're not a bigot, as per the definition of what a bigot it.

The most disturbing thing about this post is the Budweiser, ngl.