Uk wrestling is in free fall at the moment

1  2020-06-21 by Topompot


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They targeted gamers. Gamers.


  1. Uk wrestling is in free fall at the... -,*

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Who even knew there were this many straight wrestlers around.

Nothin gay about rubbing up on another man wearing skin tight clothing as long as it's in a public venue.

Not enough drama because most wrestling fans are too stupid to think for themselves and question anything. It's mostly just boring "pat yourself on the back for believing women" shit

I'll have you know i have atleast 2 brain cells to rub together for warmth which puts me in the top 2% thank you very much

The real drama won't kick off till Dave Meltzer comes out with his accusation star ratings.

Ummm... welll uhhhhhhh.... (coughs) uhhhhh David Starr has shown a tremendous work rate with his number of accusations but uhhhhhh Joey Ryan is quickly catching up so plans may change

Gonna need to see some proof before we let a fucking teenager tarnish someone's reputation.