This is what happens when you mix BLM with schizophrenia and a fuck load of fireworks

1  2020-06-22 by AI_WAIFU


I am all alone (poor me) in the White House waiting for the Democrats to come back and make a deal on desperately needed Border Security. At some point the Democrats not wanting to make a deal will cost our Country more money than the Border Wall we are all talking about. Crazy!


  1. This is what happens when you mix B... -,

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TFW the government is hiring 16 year old black kids to blow up fireworks so when they start dropping airstrikes on your apartment complex you won't be able to tell the difference.

Trust the plan. Q.

Desensitization as a means to get us so used to the sounds of firecrackers and other fireworks that when they start using their real artillery on us we won't know the difference.

I haven't ever been hit by 120mm mortars but my understanding is that you can tell the difference.

I think it’s a euphemism for 9mm handguns

Anything to externalize blame.

This whole thread and the replies reads like a rightoid dog whistle subreddit - like that HVAC one. Like, everyone knows "fireworks" is really shitty codespeak for "gunshots" right?

Lol, this sub is far more nuanced sweaty compared to that MDE-hive HVAC sub. Are you one of BraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaapFan's foot soliders trying to start shit?

I just check your post history sweaty and you are actually based.

Very based.

thanks for bringing this to my attention. i was ready to categorize rivea as a screachy lefty but i wouldve been wrong. am i turning into a rightoid?


afaik im not a rightoid. but i may be wrong


See my edit. You are only half included since you checked first.

Using dog whistle unironically


rightoid dog whistle subreddit

Break this all down for me sweaty, let's get rowdy.

You know, that HVAC subrebbit where a bunch of MDEgenerates thought they were being cool and edgy using air conditioning terminology to talk about muh juice taking over the world.

For the record, the Jewish people are fucking wonderful and long live Israel.

It's protesters trying to prevent their own people from sleeping? Trying to trigger their own people? Trying to bewilder and confuse and stress their own people?


From crack to firecrackers. The government has really lost it's touch.


I live in baltimore and literally watch black kids set off fireworks in the street and police try to stop them. I probably just have racist eyes and ears though.

Good lord, does that guy get paid by the word?


These people make the qtards seem reasonable.

Leftoids are reaching rightoid level of conspiracy theories. 🐎 πŸ‘ž


I dont know how anyone could live in brooklyn and not realize kids shoot off fireworks at night every summer