By reopening before the Mde virus has been addressed, TheRightCantMeme sees a second wave. Sample comments: “Wait are we talking about poor people or Israel?”

1  2020-06-22 by d4ddyd64m4


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This might come as a shock to you, but I do not care about your opinions, your ignorance or failure to comprehend the research, or what you believe. The only thing I care about, and I can not stress this enough, is what the empirical research says. And it says you are wrong.

Your personal opinion? worth as much as a pile of dog shit on the sidewalk to me. That is the absolute extent to which I care about what you think. This is where I stopped reading. I do not entertain the economic illiteracy of far leftists or far right-wing tards.

Both are equally misinformed on average, both are failures.


  1. By reopening before the Mde virus h... -,

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How can reddit leftoids simultaneously be so smug and yet so stupid?


That's how.

Your sentiment can be encapsulated by the following comment,

Bet there are way more ræpes by whîte men that are never reported

If a r@pe occurs in the middle of the woods and there's no one around to hear it, did it ever even happen?


The average age of users on this website is south of twenty.

The cardinal directions are oppressive tools used to place the concept of "north" on a higher rung than that of "south". History is written by the winners.

The stupid is too stupid to realize he's stupid. It's called the Dunning-Kruger effect (literally)

Creating a sub to cry about memes from rightoids is the most pathetic thing ever


Well, not THE most pathetic - that would be reserved for the same sub banning submissions because the submitted content was too dank

Lol my dad may be absent as hell from my life but I’m glad he isn’t a racist pos like yours. Sorry man

But like how can you know 🤔🤔🤔

let him keep his fantasy, is all he has

well that and a dragon dildo

I genuinelly can't tell which posts are made by leftoids and which by /pol/tards, and that's a good thing.

Right?! It’ll be hilarious if RCM gets woke on the JQ

Seriously, this is some reverse trolling or what I didn't know, yesterday the top post was about "ap3s strong together" and blm. I


That sub is great. /pol/ has them so fucked up theyre a laughing stock

I’m waiting for them to unironically starting statistic posting

the irony of chapos quoting the DV cop statistic but screeching at any other combination of numbers

Piggies and basketballs are going through generational sectarian violence. Like the Jews and the Palestinians. Either you develop a two state solution or you assimilate one culture into the other, if you want an end to the fighting.

Maybe make all blacks into cops? Or give the blacks the south as reparations? I'm just throwing out ideas here

Make chocolate people into honorary coppers, all coppers into honorary chocolate people, enforce a policy that honorary chocolate people have to be oppressed to find out what life is like for coloured people, and then give them all the South.



Man that sub is good. Points out just how bad Nazi memes are


He's saying that black men rape 20,000 white women a year and that to be equal white men would have to rape 20,000 black women.

Oh that makes sense at first I thought he meant that white man rape 20k women and they should also do black girls and I was so confused now I see hes a racist cunt

Statistics are racist now?

You think thats actually true boo?

Yes. Cross reference Tables 14, 15, 16, and 17.


Are they arguing that comparing black people to apes is a good thing because the apes were the good guys in the movie?

This is what happens when you dogwhistle in an echo chamber

DeuxChads and pollacks have been using that sub to share based memes again

>have earth shattering levels of drama

>close the sub cause we can't filter out the MDEfugees

I hate this place and i hate the jannies who run it


First this...

Yep. Racism wasn't invented by billionaires, but it is wielded by them in class warfare.

And in response this comment is made without a hint of irony.

Exactly. Poor, racist, white people are too busy owning the libs and hating minorities to be concerned with wealth inequality.

Poor, racist, white people are too busy owning the libs and hating minorities to be concerned with wealth inequality.

wheres the lie?


“Wait are we talking about poor people or Israel?”

I still can't tell if it's an MDE'er or a leftoid.

Me neither, I’m enjoying it greatly

They are becoming unbased and horseshoe pilled! xD

by using a version of mass tagger, you can see that a lot of consume product posters are tending a reddit upboat garden in therightcantmeme

If you ignore the comments that subreddit is basically what rightoids want content wise. Lmao

They’ve been brigading it recently, you can tell by the titles and how they’re vague - you’ll see a lot of posts with titles like “lol” or “the stupidity” or “I dont even know where to start” that the users of the sub see as “lol righties aren’t woke like me” and the brigaders see as “lol lefties lmao”