CHAZ does what MDEfugees could only ever dream of doing.

27  2020-06-22 by MikeStoklasa-cel


Hot damn those replies lmao

Who'd have thought that the "progressive" left would reintroduce Jim Crow/Apartheid in Chaz

Its Jamal Crow

So where are the black people

In the field, just like back in the day.


meanwhile MAGAtards are still waiting for Trump to do one single even slightly noteworthy thing🤣🤣🤣

the fact of the matter is the mayo uprising DDF endlessly gloated about ended up being a bunch of twitter communists.


pushes up glasses in that super cool way anime guys do; light flashes against them for a split second

our Israel budget is at an all time high

Man, segregation, border wall, citizens walking around openly carrying assault rifles, how are they so based?

Demands soy product replacements while holding a store hostage.

Incredibly based.

Rightoids slowly realizing they were the larpers.

Is america even real or just a fucking built up fever dream

Look at ur yellow ass teeth lmao. Adam why are you posing with brown white nationalists 🤔 something u want to tell us? He is kinda cute tho

Yes, he is a very handsome young man.

Fun fact, when I took my hoodie off to reveal the shirt, Adam pointed at me and jokingly went, "This guy's a Nazi! ... Nah, just kidding, Sam is one of the funniest comedians alive"

Lol I was wondering if you ever had people look funny at you because of the shirt.

Or any smelly teens who went all "yooo based and redpilled!" when they saw you in it?

I only wear it around trusted individuals and on special occasions. No one ever spoke to me about it except for my close friends & Adam.

Except for one time, when I started going to the gym (after the Cumtown sub started bullying me into doing it, based on the picture) and I wore it there once. I met a very friendly guy - very built and lean, kind of otter-shaped. He was very pasty, but had "Khazar phenotypic traits in the face", if you catch my drift.

He spotted me and helped me with my form with squats. Right before he left the gym, he said "Nice shirt, bro", and I replied, "uhh, yeah, haha, he can't keep getting away with this", and him and his friend giggled and walked off.

How did you get into the sub? Or was this b4 it went private

Motherfucker, I was the mod who made the sub private.

And all for naught cause it got banned :/

I'm genuinely so sad right now.

I'm actually sad too. CT was the only online place that felt like a community to me. I guess I'll see you at the forum. Wish there was a good way to access it on mobile.

I'll talk to Merkle. Hopefully we'll agree on a website that doesn't look like it's straight from the 90s and send a mass DM to every approved user to go there.

Oh yeah merkle was the only other good mod

Somehow cumtown2 is still up, but I don't trust the mods to not ban that as well if it gets too many people

BastardRadio as well

BastardRadio I can understand, but cumtown2 is literally the same name except with a 2 and those usually get banned along with the main subs is by far the best reddit alternative.

saidit is really slow for me for some reason, posts take like 8 seconds to appear when I click expand. Not a huge fan


straight from the 90s

Hey! It was the best I could do on short notice, lol.

No problem man lol, it's an excellent short term solution

And I never got approved poster status 😢

All I see is two bugs.

You’re probably the hulk right?

I have powerful haunches.

Hasidic homeboy

im not the jew on the right

I wonder what you would mumble while avoiding eye contact

They'd tell you that Nick and Stav don't need you.

classic white savior complex. SMH

When the dramatards obsess over something, they do not let it go until it's completely torn apart. You're the pitbulls of people, but with less to contribute to society.


  1. CHAZ does what MDEfugees could only... -,

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lol why is it always white women?

They’re over socialized.

They're all sick of 🐕 🍆 and want to upgrade to 🤴🏿 🍆. Unfortunately, many 🤴🏿s have fallen under the sway of the White Devil and succumbed to their wiles.

This is why I call on my brothers to reject gussy and embrace bussy! It's the only way we can ever truly be free.

Destructively based username

i hope they don't discriminate and extend an invite to the crackhead that spoke during open-mic night

This is the funniest shit I've ever seen

When they started cheering I thought it was an /r/drama meetup, but then I realized it's a bunch of woke-tards who actually cheered that BS.

cause he black and if you dont clap you racist

I can only imagine what segregationists would say. they’re willingly segregating now? Huh....

Imagine being a hardcore racist from the 20's and being resurrected in2020 only to find that the coloreds are segregating themselves.

The Confederate were the true march through the institutions


True innovators are always ahead of their time

Are timelines merging??


For people that tell everyone to read and get education, methinks they may want to read up on why some white and black supremists groups were in agreement during the Civil Rights Era.

they aren't allowed to read any histories not written by Zinn.



At least the twitter responses were adecuated

Thank you white women, very cool!

Who really needs this? I can understand the police stuff, but do black people really need all this cuddling?

Also based twittard calling being half Italian half Colombian the same as being black. Preach the good word brother.


Pasta-ni🅱️🅱️as are the worst race

Italian - Americans = 🤢🤮

Italian - Italians = 😎😎😎

Unless you are from Piemonte.

Women were a mistake