Influencer charged $165 dollars for "creativity workshops" and couldn't deliver. She also got famous because of her writing and turns out someone else was writing for her the entire time

18  2020-06-22 by amyperaltiago


Beach also wrote that she was promised 35% of Calloway’s book deal to ghostwrite, working tirelessly on the failed proposal before the friendship imploded, then stepping back and taking a look at Calloway’s spiraling Adderall addiction, lies, and manipulation — and realizing that the book was never going to happen.

adderall addiction seems really popular among zoomers

Last night I dreamt my neighbour was saying Adderall could cure COVID-19 and how my dad and I weren't believing it. I... Wow.

My god I just checked your post history. There is no shaming you. This is literally your life. Just imagine how much you could accomplish if you weren’t addicted to Reddit. You’re making a difference, though!


  1. Influencer charged $165 dollars for... -,

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And We Were Like

Actual name of the book.

You know what, how about this, how about, she deserves every dollar - and more, a 100 times more - to take from dumb ret0's who spend even a second reading that.

Take their money, babe, and fuck 'em up the @ss while at it.

Proud of her as she found a way to take your money more efficiently than Bezos.

People who have any sort of parasocial interest in a social media """"influencer""" are lower lifeforms than a bunch of ticks sucking blood from a pig's taint.

Take their money, babe, and fuck 'em up the @ss while at it.

Typically I'd agree, but I'm anxious for her "too broke for NYC" saga to get started. She's so great though, a classic self-important user who seems to be relishing all the recent negative attention

Must have outsourced to fiverr...

meh, i'll wait for the internet historian video.

Down the rabbit hole is good to, but more morbid so this wouldn't get play i don't think.


His heart isn't in some of his earlier ones because he was only making the videos to show employers that he was a competent video maker.

He's incredibly passionate about the more recent ones, you can hear him talking about them with enthusiasm for hours in livestreams. But he prefers a more neutral tone is required when narrating videos, to give them a documentary feel and balanced approach to the subject matter.

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“It wasn’t that I didn’t think readers could handle the full interior world of a deeply human heroine. Or that I didn’t want to let you in. It wasn’t even that I thought I had to make myself into a breezy, uncomplicated role model in order for publishers to publish me! The truth is that I used to be too afraid to tell it,” she wrote in a post to her followers.

Imagine my shock upon discovery that she went to NYU.

I am so happy I don't know who this is.

You should, she's one of the best lolcows of the late 2010s.

I bet she charged the ghostwriter $165 per post.

Maybe they did it for free. ;)

If she has a ghost writer, that automatically makes her a rapper. I'm calling it now!

literally who

Why is she not a mod?