D4ddy says two burger cities have greater murder rates than 2 whole shithole countries and leftoids own themselves

36  2020-06-22 by hackfraud30011999


Here's the year-old politifact. It says that while what Daddy said was factual, it's not what they consider a perfect academic comparison, so he told a half-lie still.


When you can't even compare Baltimore to fucking El Salvador as a whole without consulting experts to make sure that that's entirely fair, then Daddy's point has been made, and you can rate that True.

Holy shit 54 per 100k. That's almost Cape Town levels lol. For a lib bluecheque journo to see this number and decide that the proper response is to OWN Orange Blumpf with an epic "Well, akshually" – truly sociopathic.

That's the WuFlu mortality rate in general population in Italy.

St. Louis is higher at 64/100k, but it's a less populous city. It's 9th in the world.

Wow that actually is Cape Town levels

Why are libs like this

What libs really want to say is that Baltimore's murders are largely confined to young black people in specific hyper-improverished neighborhoods, and therefore shouldn't count because those aren't real people.

Well I guess comparing a city to a country wouldn't make sense since most crime rates are higher in urban areas. Wonder what the San Salvador homicide rate it compared to Baltimore

Just looked it up real quick and from what I can tell, San Salvador currently has a lower homicide rate but just a couple years ago this wouldn’t have been the case. Also comparing population density, san salvador is much more dense than baltimore

So what you're saying is the shittiest, most densely populated city in the shitbox that is El Salvador is actually improving its crime rate faster than Baltimore is? How is this a defense of Baltimore???

can anyone tell me what per capita means

Drumpf: these cities have higher murder rates than these 3 countries.

Libs: that's completely false. Although it's true, its false because I say so

Is it really possible? Could blue cheques really be a lower form of life than jannies?

Twitter volunteer moderator program when

no link to original factchecker

what weaksauce is this

I mean it's hard to beat El Salvador when they probably count abortions and miscarriages as homicides. Otherwise burger cities would be always number one.

Oh oh, I learned this on arrdrama the other day, homicides are not the same thing as murder.

So even if they did consider abortions to be homicide, it wouldn't up the murder rate.


It's actually Mexico that leads the race - top five most violent cities are all theirs.

I feel like we deserve an assist because we supply them with guns to keep the numbers flowing.

Not only guns. You finance them by purchasing their drugs.

when they probably count abortions and miscarriages as homicides.


Doesn't Burgerstan fund killer cops in El Salvador?

Well all the worst US gangs were founded by Salvadorans.


In 2016, one in 5,000 Salvadoran women were killed.

Hard to beat theses numbers

Based and controlled pharma pilled.

No. They do it for free.

Ah the "El Janitors" scary

Wait till k-pop-stans hear about this.

This has to be a social experiment at this point

All that does it confirm America is a 1st world shithole

Take that back

more ruralcel anti city propaganda

begone welfare leeches

People sometimes mistake their own shortcomings for those of society and want to fix the Cities because they don’t know how to fix themselves

-- The Caves of Steel

implying Elijah Bailey was right about the Cities when he was obviously written to be an r-slurred mole-person on this topic, and collapsed into a nervous heap as soon as he was faced with reality on a planet's surface

I sure hope you didn't write this sober!

Considering you have to be wasted to appreciate Asimov's fourth-grade writing level, probably.

^ I bet farmers would laugh at dumb takes like this.

^ i bet this person doesn't understand how tariffs work

His half-truths have legit more truth than most of his adversaries which is extremely depressing.

Everything can be seen as a half truth if you try hard enough.

Happy with C pluses 😏

Nah, this sort of alignment only happens once in a while.


No joke how do people ‘well akshually’ this shit with a straight face?

My god I just checked your post history. There is no shaming you. This is literally your life. Just imagine how much you could accomplish if you weren’t addicted to Reddit. You’re making a difference, though!


  1. D4ddy says two burger cities have g... - archive.org, archive.today

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First reply to OP tweet has recent stats proving both U.S. cities worse than El Salvador.

Womp womp

Yeah but that only means that we should streamline the process of naturalizing El Salvador immigrants. Some of them are good people I believe.

They have the best _____bowls, ask anyone.

More immicration to dilute the american violence culture 👏👏👏

salvador is a shithole even for us

A bunch of r-slurs don’t know how murder rates work

So many people in these threads with no flair. Jesus.

he thinks having a flair makes him superior

he takes great pride in his flair

he tosses and turns at night thinking about unflaireds

he thinks it began for him

but it never even did

Mods opened the sub back up

Whatever you gotta basic ass flair anyway lol


Shut up janny's pet.

Ok person who cried about not getting enough attention and upvotes for his dumb Tzar-month posts.

I'm a narcissist, but I'm not pretentious about it.

Hey, we're posting on a drama forum so we can feel superior to others. No need to apologize for narcissism here.


Dexu got banned and all the trash needed a new home too bad they came here

I just cannot fathom why we reopened so soon after that.

I-I just learned how to apply flairs myself without asking mods. o.o This is a glorious day.


Flairs are idpol.


mdefugee ruralcel agenda posting

It’s weird watching rightoids do a victory lap because daddy told the truth for once and the fact checkers didn’t lie about it. Little victories I guess.

We take what we can get. Although the near constant seething for the last 3 years is a good prize to hold me over between his intelligible points. The vote is not for the man, the vote is to piss off the other side. Now go protest in your pussy hat some more

Imagine Americans not even being best at their national sport, shooting people.

Hahahahahahahahaahahahahaha Trump? A “strong parental figure”? hahahahahah! My god my sides are killing me hahahahahahaha! That’s rich, dude wears diapers. Trump wears diapers man. He got spooked by non-violent angry protestors and ran to his bunker. He’s Bunker Boy! Weak. Coward. Major pussy. Threw a hissy fit when everyone called him out for using a sharpie to alter a federal weather map because he did not want to admit he was wrong about a hurricane hitting Alabama. He’s a weak, pathetic coward. When the Vietnam war was going on, he ran to his daddy to beg him to be saved. He begged his daddy to get him out of going to the war, and lied about medical condition. He’s Bones Spurs Donnie. Pathetic, pathetic. Loser. Mother fucker rally was surprisingly small, way smaller than anyone expected. We all know he has heard that multiple times, that it is now engraved into his memory. Hahahahahah. Oh, going back to the Bunker Boi shit. Tear. Gassed. Citizens. For. Bible. Photo. Op.