Twitter Introduces New 'Send Mob' Feature

9  2020-06-22 by caliberoverreaching


This article is fucking hilarious. The boomers at that place are really funny.

One of the things about current year I still have a hard time dealing with is the fact that internet christians now have a more developed sense of humor than media lefties.

Modern American Christians as a group got so defanged and eroded under Obama and Trump that they're both politically harmless and are in fact a less restrictive sect than current left humanism.

I'm pretty sure I saw the veggie tales guy successfully dunking on a twitter commie the other day. What's up is now down and I'm not ok with it.

This isn't a right wing jerkoff, anyone that identifies as anything is a cunt and you're a cunt for pretending there's a difference between fundies and wokies.

all Christians are fundamentalist now lol


it wasn't a question dan


touché dan

that's how you know you're actually the societal underdogs, once you have the best satire

gotta stay ahead of that culture curve. someone post that old slate star codex article

please don't, you'll give the poor cuck a panic attack about unsafe spaces linking him again and he'll take down the page to save face.

Few conducted themselves in as embarrassing a fashion as {Name for Alba} {Macedonian King} in the aftermath of the great post-2016 public canceling.

he wrote more than a paragraph about between-group iq differences…

the lady doth protest too much, methinks 🤔🤔🤔

stay woke

He took down a piece called "You are still crying wolf" about how the media constantly calling Trump an "open white supremacist" was both diluting the utility of the term and giving mental problems to the public, because journalists cried about it.

I used that article several times to keep panicking family members from offing themselves or otherwise doing something rash after the 2016 election. He's a spineless cuck and apparently did the same DFE and run away routine over his powerword going public yesterday.

you sure called that

Lol Christians aren't a perscuted minority, you guys try this larp pretty regularly and it's as stupid now as it's always been.

You guys?

Christians are the underdogs in the U S of A

Low IQ take #125 on r/drama today

someone post that old slate star codex article

Post what?

i give it a few more months before it goes the way of the onion and just becomes thinly veiled defenses of boomer politicians.

I'm not a homosexual because I have straight sex with a man and I like men. But I'm straight because I prefer women's dicks and love having sex with them. I'm a homophobe because I can't have it.


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We gonna start posting onion articles now too?

Get this weak shit outttaa here.


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