Don't watch Ad Astra.
8 2020-06-22 by IBiteYou
I dvr'd it because it's on HBO or something and my husband likes space shit and I like it, too, if it's like "Firefly" we watched it last night.
Now I hate Brad Pitt.
Let me explain.
It's two hours of what the fuck is this and why I am watching it.
Brad Pitt goes to space to blow up his father issues. I hope Tommy Lee Jones has done another movie since this because if his last role before he dies is Space Kaczynski it would be a shame to finish like that.
Really. Don't watch it. It was so bad we couldn't even make proper jokes about how bad it was like we normally do when something is bad. That's how we handle bad movies. We try to salvage the mess by going MST3K on it.
I'm not an ad astrophysicist, obviously. I'm blonde, but even my no-skill having self was calling bullshit on major aspects of this flick. Like... Earth was in danger of destruction because Space Kaczynski's ship was leaking anti matter or some bullshit.
It's like they went, "Okay...what's our impetus for getting Brad Pitt to space to confront his personal issues with his dad?"
And someone went, "Let's have Dad's ship leak anti matter and this will cause electrical cataclysms on Earth and we can have Brad Pitt parachute off a space antenna in the beginning..."
Some bits of the film were fun to watch. But none of it made any sense. If you are getting a guy to extreme outer space to save the Earth then how the hell do you let him get attacked by space pirates on the moon? And what did the pirates even want? And where did they come from?
And what was the point of having ferile space lab monkeys on a vessel that sent an SOS because apparently everyone got killed by ferile space lab monkeys that will bite your face off in zero g? I mean...we can get to space but we can't keep the fucking lab monkeys in the cages and they get out and kill the whole crew, what?
I kept asking my husband, "Do you think this is going to make ANY sense at any point?"
And it just doesn't. For no reason at all Brad Pitt has to follow a rope through some underground water-filled thing on Mars and he stows away on a rocket just as it takes off without getting burned to death. My husband said, "He's gonna get fried." I said, "No, poached because he's wet from that swim."
For some reason he's on a 70 something day trip to Venus and he has to hook himself up to a do it yourself feeding tube like can't he eat moon cheese and space dried ice cream and jerky like a normal person.
And then FINALLY after all the trainwreck of middle age automatonic Ken doll Brad Pitt having quiet boring internal monologues with himself while doing senseless things the screen goes black and you just see some stars.
I said, "Is it over?"
Another scene started...
I said, "Well, shit..."
Because you just can't wait for it to end.
Then Brad Pitt rips a panel off this space station and decides to use it like a Captain America shield to jet pack himself through SATURNS rings. I mean... naw. I'm not a scientist. Like I said.
He would have been swiss cheese.
And I would be willing to suspend disbelief had the movie had any kind of a plot or compelling characters or ... a refund for the two hours of my life I spent with a "wtf" look on my face.
Don't see this movie because I think it got made because someone has solid evidence of SOMEONE being a pedophile and that's how this movie happened. Nothing else makes any sense.
Oh, I forgot to say, the critics on rotten tomatoes gave it a "certified fresh" 85% so they are all hoping to gobble Brad Pitt's cock or they are pedos, too.
5 Lord_Sticky 2020-06-22
There is nothing more plebeian and more reddit than watching a movie and nitpicking every “plothole”
Do better
1 IBiteYou 2020-06-22
This movie was nothing but plot holes, though.
It was a giant plot hole. I'll bet that if you get high and watch it, it isn't even better.
3 SJCards 2020-06-22
It definitely sucked ass.
1 loli_esports 2020-06-22
Be better
1 IBiteYou 2020-06-22
Don't you mean "be best"?
2 loli_esports 2020-06-22
Bigots like you can never be best, only better.
1 IBiteYou 2020-06-22
You hurt my last feeling.
That's going to make me drink more Black Rifle Coffee and submit even more things to drama tomorrow.
1 loli_esports 2020-06-22
how u gonna stir ur coffee if you're outta spoons? hmmmm???
1 IBiteYou 2020-06-22
With your penis.
1 loli_esports 2020-06-22
im me2ing you
1 IBiteYou 2020-06-22
I'm guilty.
4 GeminiRocket 2020-06-22
I got trick into watching this too, absolute piece of shit badly built.
3 IBiteYou 2020-06-22
When I thought about how much money probably got spent on making this two hours of absolute dog diarrhea it almost turned me into a commie.
2 Outdated_CPU_1 2020-06-22
2 GeminiRocket 2020-06-22
4 tHeSiD 2020-06-22
Did you every find out why there were gangs on the moon?
2 IBiteYou 2020-06-22
No, but I invented a backstory in my mind.
Moon Satanists.
Hear me out.
The movie takes place in our potential near future. And in the movie you see many indications that society is somehow deeply religious. Like they are on the spaceships praying to Jesus before the flight and stuff...and Braddy's d-ddy appears to be gripped by religious fervor.
So what had happened was...Seattle CHOP grew and grew and eventually all the anarchists decided it was time to make a giant statue of Baphomet, feeling as though it was their moment.
What they did not know was that the government was waiting for them to do this. When the international Satanists came from all over the world to CHOP to worship Baphomet, the "whatever religious nation it is then" troops came in, rounded them up, loaded them on ships and blasted them off one way to the moon.
I mean these bitches on the moon just came vrooming out of absolute darkness to attack Brad Pitt's moon car, so it's the only thing that makes sense.
2 tHeSiD 2020-06-22
Make sense. Do you think it was Raz of Chaz who armed the moon thugs?
1 IBiteYou 2020-06-22
Maybe Raz of Chaz's great, great grandson Blop of CHOP.
1 [deleted] 2020-06-22
3 theworstever 2020-06-22
I just wanted moon wars.
1 IBiteYou 2020-06-22
Mad Max on the Moon had potential.
3 DrunkenRecidivist 2020-06-22
Tldr. It sucks. And I am a huge scifi fan.
3 tutto778 2020-06-22
yikes unironically
1 IBiteYou 2020-06-22
Look man. I had to. It was an entire day later and I was still pissed.
I'm banned from offmychest because I'm a rightoid.
3 CapitalistVenezuelan 2020-06-22
You can't say you're too smart for a movie and spell feral "ferile" in the same post, sweaty
1 IBiteYou 2020-06-22
Shit I'm so busted.
Also, I said I'm blonde.
2 byobombs 2020-06-22
I’m not reading ur spergout. What’s the tldr?
2 IBiteYou 2020-06-22
This movie must have gotten made because someone had solid evidence that someone influential in Hollywood is a pedo.
2 byobombs 2020-06-22
Thanks 😎 you ain’t as bad as what everyone says about you, rightoid.
2 IBiteYou 2020-06-22
I see you are a man of class, a fellow TrappySaruh stan.
2 byobombs 2020-06-22
As long as her cock stans hard, I stan hard o7
2 IBiteYou 2020-06-22
Like an obelisk!
2 HodorLePortePorte 2020-06-22
It’s good. OP is a dumb bitch.
4 IBiteYou 2020-06-22
That's it. I'm not visiting your CHAZ subreddit.
2 HodorLePortePorte 2020-06-22
Oh no!
2 IBiteYou 2020-06-22
I was bringing the Kalashnikov.
2 bareballzthebitch 2020-06-22
you missed the point of Netflix and Chill
1 IBiteYou 2020-06-22
I had a headache when the movie started and it was worse when the movie ended.
2 CommissarCletus 2020-06-22
That only works if you’re Lawlz, sweaty
1 IBiteYou 2020-06-22
Wow sexist.
2 based_and_tedpilled 2020-06-22
the plot itself was quite bad, but I enjoyed the main character's internal monologues
2 IBiteYou 2020-06-22
You enjoyed them?
That was, for me, one of the worst parts of the movie. They were all delivered in monotone.
2 based_and_tedpilled 2020-06-22
I like angsty wordy monotone stuff
2 UnheardIdentity 2020-06-22
Why sit through the entire movie? Its not like you paid to watch it. Just turn it off if it's shit.
1 IBiteYou 2020-06-22
Your wise words came too late.
I thought "it's got major stars maybe it will redeem itself."
1 SnapshillBot 2020-06-22
That was worse than I thought it would be. They even singled out a certain user.
I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers
1 NervousTomatillo 2020-06-22
As a "film" with a "plot" and "characters," yeah, you're right.
But as a two-hour music video for that Max Richter score, I thought it was pretty great.
1 IBiteYou 2020-06-22
There was a score?
I didn't even notice it.
1 SAC-Lawn_Gnome 2020-06-22
If there's one redeeming point to the film I like how it presents a man having basically all his childhood hopes and dreams about space crushed by the reality of humanity.