“You guys” gets y’alled

19  2020-06-23 by cfbWORKING


That's why I address groups solely as "you people."

Marginalizing furries smh

Marginalized gypsiés do better.

That’s much better punchline than my joke, which was “sup n——s”

I used to use "hey everybody" but I stopped because I have empathy for non-bodied individuals such as ghosts.

Stop erasing ghost 👏🏾 bodies 👏🏾

Nice try Dr. Nick

try "you lot" that way you can sound patronizing and folksy but also effete and refined

Also since "you lot" came from slave trading days when that referred to a "lot" or group of slaves to be sold, extremely racist.

wonderful, i'm trying to bring back some more obscure ethnic slurs

maroon is good too

Try moon cricket

Originally a slur against white people. I don't know how we flipped that one before 4chan.

Fart knocker


My waiter didn't pronounce the x on the end of folx last night so I short changed the bill and reported him to the manager. 🤭

God just shut the fuck up

Sloth from the Goonies / whomever from The Electric Company eternally BTFO

I stopped reading after they said they were at work. I don't have to sit through lies.

I wish I had such a cushy upbringing that this would’ve been all I had to worry about in my adult life

imagine not greeting with Hey gang! like a true patrician

Too bad you never got to bang Daphne

Which one is worse, jannies or journos?

I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


  1. “You guys” gets y’alled - archive.org, archive.today*

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Use the gender neutral term of Celestial Being unless you want b&

Celestial Being


Not only are we going back to racial segregation but we're gonna have to stop speaking words soon too.

oo oo aah aah

Wtf I love cancel culture now! 🐵❤

😳 😂 😭

grug woke

or we can go back to middle english thees and thous when we had the pronoun 'ye' for 2nd person plural

Um sweaty ye is a reference to Kanye West who is a white supremacist. Be better


What are you supposed to use instead?

My ninjas

Mah nibbaz



You people.

I thought that was considered a racist thing to say lol 🤷‍♂️

This is offensive to people who do not identify as people


Way way back in the 1980s

Secret government emplo-yees

Dug up famous guys and ladies people

And made a-muse-ing genetic copies...

Nah see we can't do this you guys it breaks the rhyme scheme.


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My bad

We dont have fun here anymore

It's not the mod's fault; they're just trying to get this place from getting y'all-ed.

Reddits getting gayer by the second 😞

Let's be clear, it's not a broad coalition it's a coalition of broads

I'd say to use y'all but Yanks appropriating my Southern culture is disgusting.

It drives me nuts to see reddit use y’all



Bruh who cares what some dipshit writing a blogpost says

and a debate coach who specifically encourages his students to use y’all

Of course.