Uncle Sam cucking Euros

2  2020-06-23 by Sub_G4

So after Euros proved that they really are colonies of burgerland r/Europe decided to remove all doubts.

Confiscate this tankie's green card.

Literally the top comment.



If you don't want to go to prison don't commit a crime or hang out with people who commit crimes. Sure we keep a lot of them for too long, but it's not like not openly doing anything illegal is a difficult standard to achieve. Besides, you could make the argument that 100% of Europeans are prisoners of their effete surveillance states, and then the numbers aren't even close.

If there was ever a case for the "RENT FREE" meme, it would definitely be yuropoors seething over America.

Have you posted bussy yet?


  1. Uncle Sam cucking Euros - archive.org, archive.today

  2. r/Europe - archive.org, archive.today*

  3. Confiscate this tankie's green car... - archive.org, archive.today

  4. Literally the top comment. - archive.org, archive.today

  5. C**e. - archive.org, archive.today

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The gini coefficient sounds like something someone wearing flannel would bring up.
