27  2020-06-23 by TrailerParkRide

I had to be on a 7 AM call this morning, and don't have any groceries in the house, so I decided to go get myself a delicious egg McMuffin. I hadn't had one since college, and I remembered them being a pretty inexpensive, reasonably wholesome food option that could be enjoyed on the go. Unfortunately, I was wrong.

An egg McMuffin and a medium black coffee from McDonald's costs almost $8.

Honestly what the fuck? I only rarely eat fast food, is everything on their menu this marked up? I was expecting to pay like $2.50, given that they had a sign on the window for their McFilA knockoff biscuit deal, which was 2 for $3. For $8 I could have had a breakfast special with ham, eggs, and toast at the little mom and pop diner down the block. When did Mickey D's get so damn expensive? How do people afford to fatten themselves on our traditional national diet?


this is why i stick to the breakfast burritos. there's almost nothing to them and people start asking questions when the price gets too high

McChickens can often cost up to $3 depending on the economy. Breakfast menus at fast food places have been exorbitant for years now, though. You should have known that. YTA

I didn't know that because normally if I'm going to eat something more substantial than some yogurt or oatmeal for breakfast I'm going to cook it at home like a functional adult.

Mcdonald's pledge recently to not serve eggs from intensive farming because muh chicks rights, so the prices have gone up in some places 🐥

But 8$...something must be wrong are you sure you took the the simple egg/bacon muffin and not the triple cheese bacon egg bagel or something




hey this is my bit

stop stealin' my rays bro

You really can't claim retarded blogposting as your bit. It's been an integral part of ahrdrama for years.

but i can't sticky mine :(

Me neither. Some blessed mod saw fit to help me ascend.


you might say he needs a *puts on sunglasses* ray ban

I hate this website man. why am I here.


no your bit is posting nudes of your ol' lady from your favela

i'm more than that 😭😭😭

Show us your wife's bush again

It's nice of you to take photos for the bull

This is surprisingly artistic.

The graininess and color of the photo depicting the basic human evolutionary experience of lovemaking with the kettle highlighted in the background evokes a ponderance of timelessness.

The subject sits patiently, comfortably, even pleasurably waiting for time to manifest in its fullest glory what has come to pass and what lie in the future.


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What's the weird designer table she is sitting on, looks uncomfortable


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Meta posting is fucking gay

Kill yourself

Define meta

Pretty sure they're 2 for 4 90% of the time, not that I really ever seek out McD breakfast. They can still get fucked for killing off the best cinnamon roll ever in favor of that dry ass cinnamon nugget trash. Also shout out to the goys that celebrate lent so I can get that juicy 2 for 4 filet o fish 😤

It seems that we have found our new MasterLawlz? 😲

You could've added a hash brown and paid the meal price for around $5

I asked, the meal would have cost me $8.50. Plus I didn't want the hashbrown and I hate throwing food away.

Still, your story doesn't add up. What menu item are you hiding fat ? 😎 🍔

I'm sure as fuck not buying another one but maybe I'll go take a picture of the menu later.

With the receipt, thanks.

I threw the receipt out and I'm not digging through the trash to appease a dramacel.

digging through the trash to appease a dramacel

That's literally what this sub is you mong, so don't come back until you dive into that dumpster.


It's just grease and salt with a little bit of potato. It just barely qualifies as food.

I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check. src


  1. WHAT THE FUCK - archive.org, archive.today

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cost 8 dollars


What's the minimum wage in your state?

I don't know because I'm not a poorslur. In San Diego County I think it's $13.

"$13" well there's your answer. The minimum wage here is like $8 and the egg McMuffin is like $2.50. there's a reason why they ask for your location on fast food official sites when you look at the menu. People can promote $15 slavewages all they want and provide all the proof they want but what it all comes down to is businesses and corporations ain't going to let higher pay cut into their profits.

The fuck? I haven't had one in 2 or 3 years but I thought they were like $2-3 dollars. Maybe the rent is high in that area and that McDonald's is a franchise. The owner's must have set that bullshit price 🤔

if you just get the mcmuffin it is, it's the meal(ie the beverage and hash brown) that really costs now

Even so, it's insane to me that'd it be over $5. It's fucking McDonald's lmao

you're not wrong, but that's inflation buddy

then again if this is emotionally disturbing definitely don't risk ordering a dbl big mac or 10 pc nugget meal. you have to apply for financial aid

It's a matter of principle, bucko. McDonald's was one of the go to restaurants for the working man, the fat, the mentally broken and destitute. If they think I'm going to McDonald's for an $8 shit breakfast, I'll take my hangover elsewhere.

Something happened in the last year or so that Mc Ds just buttfucks you over anything. You used to be able to get a burger for a dollar or a meal for 5. Last time I went was a couple months ago it was almost 12 FUCKING DOLLARS for a cheeseburger combo and it was horrible.

It makes no fucking sense to go there anymore. The food tastes like shit still.

It's barely any cheaper than ordering takeout from restaurants. Except the food from the restaurant actually tastes good and probably won't give you ass cancer.

In cities they just let chocolate folk walk in, rip the register from the counter, and walk out.

This is considered as uninsured reparations. As a result they have raised prices across the board.

>I only rarely eat fast food

Lying fat lies again

Chicken McGriddle, large sweet tea and a hash brown is only 3 bucks if you get there before lunch

Where in the country are you located? I'm in San Diego and thinking that might have something to do with it, or maybe this is special covid egg and pork shortages pricing. I dunno, I think the moral of the story is to continue to not eat fast food.

Tennessee so maybe that’s what it is

Your northern and better neighbor to the north here in the great state of fentynaland and it's the same here. I lived in CT for 8 months and the average extra value meal was like $9 bucks there 14 years ago and a studio apartment was 1600 a month.

Damn Yankees and their higher cost of living smdh

What's your a1c?


Do you have the sugars

Are you talking about the sweet tea? Yeah it’s got a lot of sugar.

Edit: oh I googled it nah my sugar levels fine. I’m in college and eat fast food a lot sue me lol

Bk breakfast two sandwiches for $4 lol McNaynayed ur wallet

Dude, I don't even pay $8 for that shit in Canadian Meme Dollars.

I knew for a while, not sure if it's still a thing, but you could get 2 for 3$ egg mcmuffins, and it was cheaper to just do that and get a coffee than to just get 1 or the meal. You could always give the extra one to a hobo or somethin

Haven't been in a while

get the hashbrown and you save relative to what you just paid

or just don't eat garbage breakfast, the second-to-last (sausage and) egg mcmuffin i ate put me in the goddamn hospital.

then again i did eat another one after so i do obviously get the appeal

This is because minimum wage and taxes do not impact the price of goods and services at all, they only impact the profits of billionaires

didn't read lol

mcdonalds and fast food in general is for fat people with no self-control

cook at home and when you don't want to do that, support a local business rather than a soulless global conglomerate.

the only excuse for eating mcdonalds is being either extremely poor, obese, hammered, or mentally unwell. YES this standard still applies to your local fast food place that is super overrated (in n out, whataburger, etc)

Now this is boomerposting


Same here in Chicago. $15/hr minimum wage, it's actually cheaper to eat at mom and pop places where the employees are family since they're all paid less under the table.

Blessing in disguise really, encourages me to only buy groceries instead of fast food. Those McDonald's hash brows are like 5 for $1 at Target. For $5 you can buy the ingredients for 10 McMuffins.

Every time workers fight for a minimum wage increase, McDonald's threatens the consumer with higher prices. The workers don't get their raises, the prices go up anyways. Here's the sexy little trick though; you are already paying $4 dollars for that $2 dollar burger through the massive subsidies given to the beef, and corn industry that are lobbied for by companies like McDonald's. They're burning your candle at both ends, and most are only mad at me for pointing it out.

You got screwed. Where I am an egg McMuffin is 3.19 and a large coffee is 1.09.

are these burger prices or leaf prices?

because if it's leaf prices than yeah, i know

if its burger prices than what the fuck

what kind of exclusive mcdonalds are you not g*y people going to. i can get a mcmuffin w egg and a coffee for like $4 at the most

Are you in a $15 min wage city? If so that's probably the problem. Ever since Seattle passed that fast food has been prohibitively expensive (the crazy property taxes don't help either). Last time I made the mistake of going to a taco bell it was like $12 for a typical meal. WTF.

If I go just outside of city limits all of a sudden the prices are normal again.


McDonald’s has literally been silent on this whole expose on how the police are essentially the klan. Don’t eat their food, it’s trash

Lol fucking burgers.

Brand name items are insanely expensive, but value menu is cheap as fuck.

its over for fatcels