WORDS WORDS WORDS "meme" gets posted in meme sub for expensive plastics for manchildren. Watch as people break character and froth when they ask "Who is Sen Bapiro?" Scroll down to the bottom.

7  2020-06-23 by Spysix


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I don't know shit about WH, but I thought 40k fanbase was supposed to be the last "edgy" community in the mainstream? The people on that thread sound like even bigger pussies than the average capeshit fan.

Lol, trying to read the thread is like fucking Chinese to me with all the references.

Bro just reference lore codex horus Hennessey #275 book 3 page 515 of the in canon black pre horous when the necrons stole the elder elves sun stun gun as seen in the most recent blood sisters novel #3 page 744 and again in the slannish chaos codex #2 page 112 where the space marines also have the same sun stun gun.

What you mean you aren't familiar with over 40 thousand pages of lore and you call yourself a 40k grimdankner?

Fucking noob.

I prefer battletech

It kinda does, just not on Reddit. The reddit warhammer subs are being slowly taken over by commies. Until a few months ago there was occasional drama if someone mentioned female space marines but otherwise it was just nerds talking about their hobby.

Then the 2020 US election buzz started and real life politics invaded pretty much every sub, including niche hobby arent immune.

Then a prominent 40k youtuber stirred up some shit by being openly National Socialist. Then BLM came up and again real world politics is pushed into the places that people go to escape from it.

Its basically all being pushed by the sub r/Sigmarxism, who are a bunch of zoomer commies who want to change all of 40k/Warhammer lore to be pc and commie friendly or some bullshit, idk I admit I'm a fucking plastic spaceshit nerd but I still have too much self respect to go there.

Edit: If you want edgy 40k shit you can still get it on /tg/

Sigmarxism is one of those subs where I despise it based on the premise alone. There are no words to describe how subhuman you have to be to need politics in everything you do

le epic everything but cishet white men is politics

Le epic fucking retard has arrived

x to doubt, liberal

Do you communicate exclusively with memes?

On this sub, yes, cause it's one giant meme

shut up

Happy Cake Day!

And make me.

Oh, they've been purging the "problematic" part of the community and Warhammer40k is becoming more marvel-ized. It's becoming less about "your dudes" and more about fielding expensive named models now.


Kill Team is ideal for "your dudes" but you are right that general 40k is becoming big expensive kit = win.

Yeah you’re looking at the reddit side of warhammer. The cancerous side of the hobby

Aye most 40k fans don't actually give a shit abiut any if this stuff. Its just Reddit losers trying to ruin everything like they always do.

yes but you're on reddit, so you're obviously only going to see the soyboy subversives trying to wokey everything

i kinda understand their anger. they've never gotten over Shapiro calling w40k a shitty starcraft knockoff (which is true btw).

Wait, I thought 40k ripped off pretty much every sci fi trademark they could long before starcraft ripped them off?

!the main joke with w40k is blizzard was supposed to develop a w40k but they peace'd out mid development and made starcraft, which has elements that were "inspired" by w40k; diehard w40k fans say SC is made with stolen assets. every time i've posted this on /tg/ or /v/ it's brought out the seethe."!<

Do you follow up with the fact that gw stole from star wars, sherlock homes and the pink panther to make the character Inquisitor Obiwan Sherlock Clousseau?

Please tell me that's a real character in wh

He was introduced in rogue trader which later would become warhammer 40k.

I still find it hard to belive any of these tabletop gamers can follow this shit closely enough to interject politics.

When I ran a hobby shop we had over 600 lbs of warhammer books, I built the shelf. Just fucking lore. Tens of thousands of pages. So many fucking lore books. So many teeny tiny bottles of expensive paint.

I'd have people calling me if we had such and such army in stock and I'd say yeah sure that's what the box says, because it did, and they'd show up and be angry it was the wrong version like I'm supposed to be familiar with a game that has more written lore than my wife's psychology textbooks for her four year major in child psychology.

Fraternizing with a psych*logist.

Absolutely haram. Repent for your sins.

I'll post an update of my plants soon don't worry.



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As much as we hate on funko pops they are pretty much better than Warhammer figs in every way.

You can’t make lesser nerds cry with funko pops tho


implying ben wouldn't be with the pure and unclean uncle nurgle