twitter censors a tweet from that guy who lives in the white house (i don't want to deal with automod) because "autonomous zone" is an identifiable group

5  2020-06-23 by i_Chapo-d_my_pants


Personally I'm happy that they're antagonizing Trump because getting him passionate over free speech rights in the private sector is a neat little idea.

Republicans supporting 1st amendment immunity for workers in private business might be the most pro-worker movement they’ve done for this country since 1971.

The ability to decide for oneself what speech your private company will publish is the real free speech

Change my mind 😤

Ah so Twitter is a publisher then right?

Guys, what if we keep using our billion dollar platforms to send complicated debunks on Trump? This will surely make the poor white uneducated demographic in swing states, the group who decides the election, change their mind this time.

As if these companies really want the leftoid moneycows to get what they want, these sites will get more traffic and therefore money if the checkmarks keep seething.

It's fascinating to see twitter flex on the prez like this, any other country they'd be quarted before they could say anything. And d@ddy being the crybaby can't seem to do anything about it.


edit: just sold all my $TWTR

Lmao at owning twitter in the first place

Buy MSFT 200c 6/26 bïtch

Boy, what are you doin?

Why don't they just ban trump so the white house is forced to make an off brand twitter

Why on Earth would they do that when bitching about him must make up 50% of the content on that hellsite

God yes. 100% he would be jacking national airtime on all the major networks to go on unhinged rants every night. It would be amazing.

Between trump supporters and Trump haters, he's responsible for like 75% of all traffic.

Your prez will end up on Parler.

Presidential Mastodon instance when

Presidential Pleroma or bust

I want twitter and Trump to have this cold war of insults. Great for drama

Can someone explain to me how tagging a tweet is "censorship" lmao.

Why do rightoids keep saying this.

I think the OP is under the impression that the tweet was made inaccessible when it really is just twitter doing a limp-wristed stunt. 🙄


I said this last time it happened, but all it does is point a giant sign at Trump's tweet saying "HEY THIS GUY SAID SOMETHING, CLICK TO SEE IT!" and prevents the usual reply guys from stinking up the area below it.

So honestly I hope they do it to all of his tweets

edit: rightoids call it censorship because they can't like or retweet it now, but i think its a fair trade for what I said above

sub opens up all of pizza’s posts get downvoted



Can someone please regulate Twitter now please.

Imagine D@ddy actually did this, and also seizes Amazon over his hatred for Bezos, Bernie would suddenly look like a Libertarian in comparison.

Only Nixon could go to China, and only D@ddy can nationalize Twitter



State bird!

blue check marks to dems, red check marks for repubes

The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


  1. twitter censors a tweet from that g... -,*

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open the site RES seems to bypass it? 🤷‍♂️

They seemed to just have it behind a click, so they didn't remove it just made it more attractive for people to read by saying it's sensitive and contains scary scary comments.

daddys head is going to pop one of these days. as much as everyone thinks hes unstable, i dont think hes a had a real meltdown yet

yes this doesn't make him look better and you look worse at all twitter, great job 10/10

Well, it seems to piss people off when twitter does this so I'm in favor more people being pissed off it what this world needs now.

It's not election interference


I thought Saber rattling was cosher?