Noose found in Bubba Wallace’s garage had been there since October 2019, no federal crimes committed

20  2020-06-23 by RedditsAnti-American


The FBI report concludes, and photographic evidence confirms, that the garage door pull rope fashioned like a noose had been positioned there since as early as last fall.



if this is what caused the ruckus then 🍿 👈 👀

Mods over in the NASCAR subreddit deleted every comment that suggested this may be the case

Top post on r all right now is still filled with comments making fun of people calling this "fake news".

This is fucking golden

on twitter at one point: #FakeNoose

surely they were paid handsomely for this!

Honestly I'm starting to think some of them are due to all the b.s. being pushed

Not a cent!

What the fuck does a nascar reddit mod look like? Seriously. It's like a weird oxymoronic existence. Try picturing a rat tailed white trash sitting at home being an internet moderator with a keyboard that's caked with ashes...

but will ban you for not taking the knee

NASCAR reddit is weird, man. It's basically a no rednecks allowed zone over there.

NASCAR has been shifting away from rurals to affluent whites ever since Dale died

It's a dirty secret but it's been like that for a long time. Racing is a very expensive sport to get in to. You just can't go in your backyard with a couple of friends and practice like most sports. I would say 99% of the drivers come from money.

That's why this story is so funny. A black guy named bubba, coming from the moneyed class. Some real Beverly Hillbillies stuff here.

The only Nascar fan I ever met was a super, duper Persian dude.

This is so fucking amazing.

The black Frenchman has pulled another fake hate crime!


The other is Jussie Smollett. He's not actually French but Dave Chappell calls a him French in his stand up act.


fucking clown world bro

The g*mer thread is fantastic. They’re twisting themselves into nooses knots trying to prove this is still a hate crime.

The dude means the date on the right picture is important. It means someone added the moose back very recently after it had been removed and very soon before bubba was assigned to the garage.

The racist moose!

While it wasn't put there due to Bubba, it was definitely put there for the connotation it represents. Make not mistake about that.

Lmao its a knot.

Knots are a symbol of white supremacy now. Didn't even need /pol/ to start this one.

Knots are a symbol of white supremacy now


Knot-see symbolism.

National furcialism will rise again?

When these people look at tied shoelaces do they start screaming?

Does the resetera userbase overlap with reddit at all? This is the only place I ever hear about their wacky antics, but I feel like the buzzkills at AHS or wherever would have a blast over there.

They think the Reddit admins are literally Nazis because of the_Blorph so the Venn diagram between Era dorks and AHS users is probably a circle.

I'd imagine there's not a big overlap. Era is a site of its own, the hardcore users don't even seem to care about games at all, and I'd say they seek the sheltered, safe space experience of specific website, so you're more likely to find them on Discord, Mastodon or (heavily block-botted) Twitter.

Though I'd imagine there are a few of them in GamerGhazi, maybe also CB2, GCJ or some LGBT subs.


ResetEra probably overlaps a whole lot more with twitter.

Yikes folx it’s like racists don’t understand the significance of a knot or something! Why would anyone tie a slip knot outside of wanting to hang ungendered BIPOC folx?!?

The fuck is bipoc

It’s 👏 not 👏 my 👏 job 👏 to 👏 educate 👏 you 👏


It is a little baby noose in that picture. I am sure it grew up into an adult noose by the time it was found.

A noose for premature black babies. What is wrong with this country.

John Menard did this

Uncle Ruckus?

One of the biggest reporters in NASCAR went through his phone and his interviews from Talladega last year. He had an interview with Matt Crafton who was using that garage stall at the time. The "noose" is clearly visible in the background.

Oh no no no no no bwhahahha

Btw did any mayos kneel over this event?

no idea where he started in the grid tho

e: the above is press box / equivalent footage

that's what showed on FOX

that second tweet lmao

Don't worry, I'm sure those people calling it stunning and brave will learn from this, and be less eager to draw conclusions next time...

I made an easy buck betting that this was a hoax/nothingburger. Way more reliable than gambling on MMA.

Your Book had a line for this? LMAO. It would be even funnier if it not being a hoax was + money.

NASCAR was alerted and contacted the FBI, which sent 15 agents to the track to investigate.

They needed 15 agents to figure this out?

Maybe it's like firemen. They get paid for showing up, so for smaller incidents they send a bunch of people for a job they only need one or two for.

That's not how this shit works. The FBI is for when you want protocol followed to the last detail and no laywer can bullshit his way to to exoneration. But 15 guys? That means they wanted this out to bed and real fucking quick.

Those guys at least had a good laugh I'm sure. Imagine being the guy who has to lead the agents to the "noose" and have 15 FBI agents either laugh at you, or ask you if you're fucking retarded...

They have to go through the motions

Or what?

Or they'll be defunded

I knew you were a woman, but not a white woman

You don't determine who I identify as

No, God does. He goes by many names and you're that many times wrong.

They wouldn’t have been acting like the fbi in the movies.


It's hard to tell who is more retarded, the FBI, NASCAR or Black People.

NASCAR loving black fbi agent

One to look at the noose, another to ask a mechanic "So this does what?", a third for him to make awkward eye contact with after hearing "Closes the door", a fourth to pull the rope and close the garage door, and eleven to play a game of cricket.


reminds me of our beloved Jussie 😍😍😍

Netflix should grab the rights for "Jussie & Bubba"

Wait. I always thought someone else "found" it and then NASCAR told Bubba "Hey, someone found a noose in your garage". Did he find it?

Articles I've read all say it was someone in his crew that found it.

Yeah, then he's not really at fault here. Not a Jussie situation in my opinion. Some idiot of his crew found the "noose", went to NASCAR and then to Bubba. It's not like Bubba himself "found" it.

Didn't he call people that questioned simple minded? Bubba at least joined in on the plot afterwards to gain sympathy and attention.

What else should he have done? NASCAR comes to him and says that there is a racist placing nooses in his garage and you think he will go "hmmm, nah my employer clearly lies to me. This is a trap by NASCAR. It will come out as hoax and people will start to blame me".

No, but the fact that he called skeptics simple minded in the first place makes him seem overly defensive. He was at best, very complicit in the conspiracy, and at worst, the leader of it.

So was NASCAR, but they won't get shit for it. He will.

Fair, but regardless on who did it, he was always going to get the blame. Easier to hate a face than it is to hate a company.

It's even easier if it's the only black person.

> Maybe he didn't know about it, he's still in the wrong though.

What's really important is that everyone go home believing the absolute worst in others, despite any evidence to the contrary.

If you can't assume everyone is evil how can you be the good guy?

You're forgetting a crucial detail that automatically means he's guilty of deception and deceit in the eyes of certain people.

He is, after all, black.



wtf, that's the worst choice. "Dilate" loses to everything except "have sex", and while it's a perfect counter to "have sex", you led with it into nothing! Now I can counter with "seethe" and you're left with your pants down and my tongue up your ass. How embarrassing...

smh, kids these days not understanding the buzzword power pyramid.


bro you just did a cringe

everything here is cringe, you're posting on Reddit

Just because you're part of le sekrit club doesn't make you any less of a redditor. In fact, it probably means you're even more of one.



Yep, can't imagine he's at fault. His crew member found it and surely never talked to him about it or showed him a pic. And they were very forthcoming with an explanation of what they found, along with pictures.

And he waited until there was full information about it before jumping to conclusions. He didn't immediately rush to the press talking about what a terrible racist incident this was. Can't see how he could be at fault for any of this.

Sounds like he did the same as every other person involved in this including NASCAR.


He was cashing in the fame and sympathies. Time to pay taxes. Simple world

Jub Jub


It would've been Jussie-special if Bubba put the "noose" there himself

Except Jussi was exonerated


Yet another one. Sometimes I think fake hate crimes out number the real ones - at least when the media makes them a big deal

The demand for something something or other

Media loves fake hate crimes because there's twice as much seethe and nobody learns anything

No way, no one would ever tell a lie that is virtually guaranteed to not bite him in the ass thanks to sport team-politics, and which would mean massive free publicity, money, fame, and social standing if they get away with it. Surely no one would ever do that 🤭

at least when the media makes them a big deal

Yep, pour one out for the homie cancelled by the NYT:

If nobody can make loops in rope anymore without a federal investigation, things are going to get complicated.

Stacking square knots to replace heaving line knots to appease the current political climate.

Like bro I just want to throw this rope.

Just do a bowline.

Even a double bowline isn't very heavy for throwing.

Triple or quad bowline can get snagged on shit and you look like a boyscout if you're seen with it.

I only remember three knots from boyscouts and it's one.

Just tie the bowline to a kettlebell bruh

Are you implying that things aren’t already complicated you râcist bïgot?!?!?

Has any viral noose story over the last 10 years actually been real? They're either innocuous or a stunt.

Look, if you remove intent, logic and context from the Oakland exercise equipment guy, that could have been pretty scary.

mayor of oakland literally saying intent doesn't matter.

They've already abandoned logic and context. So yeah, really scary for those wackos lol

wh*te f*id telling a black man how to think

This reminds me of the college campus that went into lockdown when a student thought she saw a Klansman lurking in one of the classrooms, but it turned out to be the cover on an overhead projector.

Did they check what organizations the overhead projector belonged to?🤔🤔🤔

It was reportedly made by known KKK-supplier Huawei-te

An (((overhead projector))) committing a hate hoax? Color me surprised.

I would think racists would be more covert than that. The noose is way too obvious.

They live and breathe for the moment someone burns a cross. But that ain't happening.

I guess you can't really set one up stealthily enough to get away with faking that.

I might be wrong, but haven’t there been a few black guys hung around the LA area over the past couple of week?

Calling it, political suicide (in the vein of Buddhist burnings) with copycats, because they published it. You don't publish suicides, because there is always a copycat.

Wasn’t there a huge spike in the suicide rate after Robin Williams died? Imagine if some internet famous zoomer posted their suicide on tiktok. We’d lose 1/3 of the under 23 population in a week


We’d lose 1/3 of the under 23 population in a week


For at least one of them there's apparently surveillance video of him hanging himself


They haven't released it, but apparently the family saw it and was satisfied

Pretty sure there are a lot of hung black guys around L.A.🥵🥵

Thinking any of these got lynched is hilariously retarded though. People suicide by noose all the time. Just ask Jake Paul🤭

They almost certainly killed themselves. Suicide by hanging is still common and there really isn't any reason to believe otherwise besides Twitter hysteria.

Wasn't there a noose at the African American History museum when it first opened?

My boy bussy smollett strikes again.

Dude, Bubbussy lmao


Hahahahahah a hahahahah Hahahahahah a hahahahah Hahahahahah a hahahahah Hahahahahah a hahahahah Hahahahahah a hahahahah Hahahahahah a hahahahah Hahahahahah a hahahahah Hahahahahah a hahahahah Hahahahahah a hahahahah Hahahahahah a hahahahah Hahahahahah a hahahahah Hahahahahah a hahahahah Hahahahahah a hahahahah Hahahahahah a hahahahah Hahahahahah a hahahahah Hahahahahah a hahahahah Hahahahahah a hahahahah Hahahahahah a hahahahah Hahahahahah a hahahahah Hahahahahah a hahahahah Hahahahahah a hahahahah Hahahahahah a hahahahah Hahahahahah a hahahahah Hahahahahah a hahahahah Hahahahahah a hahahahah Hahahahahah a hahahahah Hahahahahah a hahahahah Hahahahahah a hahahahah Hahahahahah a hahahahah Hahahahahah a hahahahah Hahahahahah a hahahahah Hahahahahah a hahahahah Hahahahahah a hahahahah Hahahahahah a hahahahah Hahahahahah a hahahahah Hahahahahah a hahahahah Hahahahahah a hahahahah Hahahahahah a hahahahah Hahahahahah a hahahahah Hahahahahah a hahahahah Hahahahahah a hahahahah Hahahahahah a hahahahah Hahahahahah a hahahahah Hahahahahah a hahahahah Hahahahahah a hahahahah Hahahahahah a hahahahah Hahahahahah a hahahahah Hahahahahah a hahahahah Hahahahahah a hahahahah Hahahahahah a hahahahah Hahahahahah a hahahahah Hahahahahah a hahahahah Hahahahahah a hahahahah Hahahahahah a hahahahah Hahahahahah a hahahahah Hahahahahah a hahahahah Hahahahahah a hahahahah Hahahahahah a hahahahah Hahahahahah a hahahahah Hahahahahah a hahahahah Hahahahahah a hahahahah Hahahahahah a hahahahah Hahahahahah a hahahahah Hahahahahah a hahahahah Hahahahahah a hahahahah Hahahahahah a hahahahah Hahahahahah a hahahahah Hahahahahah a hahahahah Hahahahahah a hahahahah Hahahahahah a hahahahah Hahahahahah a hahahahah Hahahahahah a hahahahah Hahahahahah a hahahahah Hahahahahah a hahahahah Hahahahahah a hahahahah Hahahahahah a hahahahah Hahahahahah a hahahahah

I read this in Cartman’s voice. It makes it better

Holy shit there's gonna be a lot of "but that's not the point" posting on twitter

‘At least it’s started a conversation that apparently we weren’t having by torching cities and knocking down statues!!’

why twitter??

Has everyone been whipped up into such a race-panic hysteria that critical thinking goes out the window?

People tend to do that when people feel the need to fly airplanes with a giant confederate flag over the racetrack.

The crew member did the right thing by reporting it. NASCAR did the right thing by condemning it and starting an investigation. NASCAR's teams did the right thing by backing Bubba. Bubba did the right thing by not letting this get to him. The FBI did the right thing by finding the truth.

No one here fucked up. No one in NASCAR is a fucking piece of shit. This is the best possible outcome.

October 2019

things were different back then

Obviously a product of its time.

before le fire nation attacked XD

Never go full Jussie

This is so sad, he almost landed himself some fresh endorsements.

Do you think any of his sponsors are going to do anything but double down in the face of this?

Of course not, but being a persecuted minority is so hot right now that he could've landed something huge from a big company if it turned out to be true.

I see someone was playing the hate crime long con.

I guarantee a brаinlet on Twitter said the line above unironically.



You can always take part and heighten the contradictions

Maybe they should stop jumping to conclusions that every rope with a loop is a noose and must be a hate crime

Maybe they should stop jumping to conclusions that every rope with a loop is a noose and everything involving a certain type of people must be a hate crime

How about real justice is served next time this happens and the people who didn't take the noose down when Bubba was assigned to the garage get the hate crime.

I can't believe awful racists are getting away with it again, 3rd world country people

Fake newse!

Bubba Smollet

It’s almost as if the demand for hate in our society outstrips supply so much that it has to be fabricated. Really makes you think.

Jussie’s back baby!

I hate daddy as much as the next centrist but a few more of these and he just might eliminate term limits altogether.

If you combine Jussie and Bubba, you get Bussie - coincidence?

Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


  1. Noose found in Bubba Wallace’s gara... -,

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Pewkie do your thing pls ily

Dude, Jussie lmao

Yea but tbh it sounds like a pizzashillesque set up years in advance, a deep state coup, with multiple big shot government players involved, to move him to that garage. I mean you’d have to be a repulsive-can’t to think that this was anything other than a complete setup by the Koch brothers of nascar to make this look like this poor BIPOC would think that this isn’t a clear sign from maga country that he needs to quit. I swear repüblicans think us rational folx are stupid enough to fall for something like this.

Another "ban bait" thread. Let's see how many get culled this time.

Fake noose media




Boba Boissy smolette

Not to say that I'm the prophet, buuuuuut


Jussie Smollett 2 Electric Boog bois.

womp womp

Bubba Smollett

Does the common negro know no shame?

Bubba is now doubling down on it. "Whether it was tied in 2019 or whatever, it was still a noose". The guy who had that garage stall in October 19 was Matt Crafton, a 45 year old white guy.

Bubba Wallace also sucks and theres hardly any reason for anyone to be angry over him being there. He's been racing for what seems like forever now and he's never even won a race (or come close) in the top 2 series.

Bubba is as dumb as someone named 'Bubba' should be.

Bubba is as dumb as a racist would expect him to be.