Our delegate here in DC was attacked by a drama user, while doing an interview at Black Lives Matter Plaza. Asks where are the police.

3  2020-06-23 by missmurrr


Within the past few hours, we were made aware of a disturbing incident that occurred involving one of our moderators and Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton. We are sickened by this incident and we sincerely apologize to Andrea Mitchell, her crew and everyone impacted by this painful experience. They deserved better.

Since learning of this incident, r/Drama leadership has taken the following action:

  • Launched an assertive internal investigation, which included extensive video review, analysis, moderator interviews and input from human resources professionals and other experts in the field.

  • As a result of the investigation, one r/Drama moderator is no longer with the subreddit. To reiterate, there is a level of sensitivity, discretion, and customer service we expect from our moderators and all who represent the r/Drama brand.

  • Revised our dress code policy and communicated with our moderators to inform them of the new dress code policy, reiterate and reinforce our unwavering position that there is no place for racism nor discrimination in any form within our subreddit. We will continue to implement our diversity and inclusion training required for all moderators and are currently educating ourselves on additional ways we can continue to expand and improve these efforts.

  • Attempted to connect with Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton and Andrea Mitchell. Unfortunately, we were unsuccessful but we will continue to try and open dialogue. Again, we want to extend our sincerest, heartfelt apology. We don’t want anyone to go through this type of embarrassing and hurtful experience.

What took place was not only disturbing, it was also eye-opening, and we are committed to learning from it and implementing real change as a result. As we continue working towards bettering ourselves as a subreddit, we are carefully evaluating our recruitment, training, management and giving practices, among others.

We are currently forming an advisory board that will be responsible for addressing the important issue of moderator social responsibility, of which social justice is a key component. Our goal is to create long-term, sustainable change that dramatically improves the quality of life for everyone around us.

We know this is just the beginning, and that there is much work to be done, but we are eager to continue to strive EVERY DAY to be better and to do better - not just through our words, but through our actions. While we have long striven to be a subreddit of fairness and inclusion, we must, and will, do more.

- The r/Drama Moderator Team

It’s a shame that this comment won’t be seen by that many, best mod post in many months

Please conduct sensitivity training for the moderators. Its apparent that they feel they can attack anyone when they feel attacked especially when it's bipocqt peoples.

OK but seriously corporal-hicks looks good in blond hair.

OK but seriously corporal-hicks looks good in blond hair.

Shall not be infringed.

Your mind is diseased. Pick a dandelion and hold it in your mouth until you feel the urge to urinate. Then, swallow the dandelion and urinate on the spot from which it was picked.


  1. Our delegate here in DC was attacke... - archive.org, archive.today

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This person tried to get me to give them money via a credit card swiper on their phone a week or so ago after reading me a "custom" poem I did not ask for down near the White House...

Can you give a negative amount?

So this person was a regular nuance on 18th street. She/he/it would walk around in crutches and a nasty fake cast with a scarf tied around that would drag in the street.

So she would see a couple (aka a guy trying to be woke) and ask them to carry their purse either across the street or up 18th. She/it would also try to right poetry for people and then would ask them for money.

They were banned from a few bars on 18th and supposedly the little local beat cops are annoyed as fuck with her.

This person annoyed me a few times at a bar and tried the poetry thing.

It’s so bizarre seeing someone I’ve met on arrrDrama.

Guy was probably too meth'd out to know he shouldn't have charged towards her.