r/GTAOnline discusses the Killdozer

1  2020-06-24 by FrostBittenSalsa


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I feel this vehicle has a bit too much of a.. sad story to it. Id feel ashamed to see this in a game knowing the story behind it.

What are the odds this g*mer regularly massacres hordes of people in GTA 5 and also LARPs as a military dictator in a map painting game?

Higher than I am right now

Id feel ashamed to see this in a game knowing the story behind it.

Implying that anyone regularly playing GTA:O is capable of shame.

"Yeah guys haha only 20 more successful heists and I can finally go toe to toe with that Chinese kid who bought a stealth bomber with his mom's Mastercard."

I wouldn’t want to live in GTA city

Wasnt asking you, cretin.

Let me speak in your language of Cretin Retardian. Im a bit rusty. I haven't fully grasped your language.


Darrrr dyurrr wewoo wewoo wavaba nyarn wohoo wohoo waaaaaaa durrr durhhhhhh duhhhh

For people who arent Cretin Retardians, that translates to:

Go fuck your Dad's dick hole like the good little sperm you are


  1. r/GTAOnline discusses the Killdozer - archive.org, archive.today

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Intellectuals weighing in there

killdozer guy is an american hero and the only christcel libright I respect

You all sound like SRDines in this thread btw

Why do people defend the killdozer guy? Are they normal retards or is it a rightoid retard thing?

Rule of cool.

I don’t know if this is a real term but it definitely summarizes why people defense certain idiots in society.

Why not?

Because he was a crazy who built a killdozer because he was fined for illegally dumping sewage and a minor land dispute with a concrete company. I suspect the people who support him are just dweebs who are angry at the world for some reason. They're too timid to REEElease their own rage so they fetishize bulldozer man.

