SRDines arguing that doxxing a 12 year old and getting him expelled from School is perfectly reason able for Posting a meme on instagram

1  2020-06-24 by Miedrich_Frerz


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I hope that this is the end. r/Drama has a unique way of bringing out the worst in people. It really does, I think. The dynamic here is just so fucking toxic and it turns people into the worst possible people they can be.

Drama is an addiction. It should be classified as something more like heroine or meth than a game.

The legacy of Drama has been written large in blood, quite literally. Several Drama posters have committed mayocide, and this place enabled their downward spirals. u/DarqWolff's insanity was made far worse by this place. I've come to the conclusion that the internet, as a social platform, was a mistake.

It radicalizes people by isolating them with other people just like them and so they spiral into the worst versions of themselves. Drama made me a worse person, and it's made most of you worse people. It's been the breeding ground of pedophile groomers, alt-right killers, and suicidal narcissists. This place is a total fucking shithole and I spent three years of my life that I'll never get back immersed in it. It was a total waste and I'm going to regret this period of my life for the rest of my existence as will most of you.

Even the most moral people have been made worse for being here. I think that the fundamental issue with Drama is that due to the way reputations work, betrayal, secret cabals, two-faced bs, and bad faith negotiation isn't just prioritized, it's the only effective way to operate. Being a huge piece of shit to everybody around you and tearing them down like crabs in a bucket isn't just a viable strategy, it's actually the only viable strategy once Drama reached a certain size. It's all just a bunch of assholes circlejerking over how bad all the other assholes are, because it's impossible to do anything else short of outright genociding anybody who poses any sort of threat to Drama's security and dominance.


  1. SRDines arguing that doxxing a 12 y... -,*

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[removed] x 1000

glad to see srdine jannies haven't lost their jobs at least

Unemployment at an all time high due to covid but jannies on that tenure shit.

What was posted that was so bad that they had to remove it all? I wonder if it was stuff that would get the sub banned, or just plain-ol wrongthink.

Man I'm so glad I experienced my dipshit teenage edgelord years before social media was a big deal. Imagine having to contend with that bullshit when you're a moron pretty much by nature lmao

How is what she doing not incitement under American law?

She’s literally activating people to do her harassment for her.

Burger law filled with so many holes.

American law

lol it’s basically mob justice

We're in the Late Roman Republic.

And so that CHAZites are basically Cinna?

Congresswoman Feet Pics is gonna raise an army of black trans women and march across the Potomac

This makes me hard

Reminder that there is no US jurisdiction in which doxxing is illegal.

searches “is doxxing legal in US”

first result: Doxxing is an illegal act in the U.S.

No it isn't (Australian article but the point still stands)

But sure, go on defending the chick who fires her cannon into the clump of children on the hopes that one of them is a white supremacist.

(Spoiler, none of them are)

The articles you posted are wrong and the actual law you linked doesn't say that doxxing is illegal.

Please click the link "covered persons" and realize you a nincompoop

Please read the next paragraph, where it says doxxing is covered under stalking law for everyone else and is effectively just as illegal.

everyone else

(1) without the intent to threaten, intimidate, or incite the commission of a crime of violence against that covered person, or a member of the immediate family of that covered person; or

(2) with the intent and knowledge that the restricted personal information will be used to threaten, intimidate, or facilitate the commission of a crime of violence against that covered person, or a member of the immediate family of that covered person,

So where is every one else?

Read the last link.

(A) places that person in reasonable fear of the death of or serious bodily injury to a person …; or

(B) causes, attempts to cause, or would be reasonably expected to cause substantial emotional distress to a person … shall be punished as provided in section 2261(b) of this title.”

Good luck with that reasonable part. Just posting info isn't enough to get in trouble. You've got to be doing other stuff in conjunction, such as in the second link, where the man was obviously trying to cause harm.

That's cool, didn't realize the U.S was governed by Reddit law!


I never said it did...

Wtf rslur stop downvoting me 🤣🤣🤣. Anyway if u go as far as leaking some1s address that could qualify as harassment. but gluck winning the case

There’s a little more than it to that

posting someone's address isn't considered doxing in law, as it's technically public information, it's shit like social security numbers and credit card information that is illegal to post

It's amazing how quickly even reasonable people started supporting ruining people's lives over something as inane as this. Guaranteed if you ask them if people should lose everything for smoking weed they'd be up in arms though.

This is par for the course though for the ever perfidious SRDine though, the day of the can will not come soon enough.

Those are not srdines

If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s probably a duck even without a nametag.
