Country club fellas go full on conspiracy with Bubba Smollett

1  2020-06-24 by universalChamp1on


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So it was a rope used for opening the garage door and Bubba is just being a bitch.

Not only that, the dude cried like a little bitch. Steph Curry posted a pic on Instagram of an ultra zoomed in pic of bubba holding the stem of his nose and crying. Because there was a rope on his garage door that had been there since 2019.

You can’t make this shit up. You seriously can’t make this up.

This was REAL 🙏🏽. Never met you @BubbaWallace. But feel like the world knows exactly who you are & what you’re about after today. Stare hate & bigotry right in the face & spread LOVE and HOPE. Now let’s find out who left that noose in the garage


Now read it like Steph Curry knew way before that it was obviously a rope garage door handle.

Honest mistake by someone on his team

Its not honest, jesus christ. This is supposed to be a professional pit crew not some kid who sees klansmen hiding in his toolbox.

On 9/5/18 I met my best friend. Nearly 5 months later she gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Just a reminder that being a father is not about “blood” but about being available with unconditional love and support


  1. Country club fellas go full on cons... -,

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One of my friends is acting like this. Like, there's pictures of the looped garage pull being there months before it was even decided which garage Bubba would be in. There's video showing that multiple different garages used looped pull cords. What more do you want???

The destruction of society. I get that they feel that the system is working against them (it’s kind of not?), but they’re not going to stop. Especially dudes on that subreddit. They’re feeling emboldened, empowered, nobody can say anything to them. Even when the truth stares them straight in the face. Next level mental gymnastics

Up until March, we lived in the safest, most stable, most peaceful and most prosperous time in human history. Racial equality was the best it's ever been, gay rights had won every single major legal battle, trannies on their way to the same. Depressingly, white women were even doing very well.

They're gonna blow all this up and set all this shit back generations because they use Twitter too much and never read Kaczynski.

Good. Degenerates got way too much power.

I don't do Twitter and still have never read Kaczynski, despite checking out quite a few books on various political, economical and historical subjects(imagine reading lol). Out of curiosity, why is Kaczynski an important read? c:

He ... states that leftism is driven primarily by "feelings of inferiority" and "oversocialization," and derides leftism as "one of the most widespread manifestations of the craziness of our world."

He also addresses right-wing politics as a movement. Describing conservatives as "fools" who "whine about the decay of traditional values, yet they enthusiastically support technological progress and economic growth."

Kaczynski is a literal prophet of our times, everything he wrote, down to the smallest detail was correct. Also he was a sexy sexy man

The destruction of society

I kinda wanted to make fun of you for this but at this point I don’t think you’re wrong


Everyone goes full Alex Jones when something doesn’t fit their narrative

A little admitted reality: Everyone is a conspiracy theorist if the circumstances are right.

Conspiracism isn't something only impacting a fringe minority of the population, it's the outcome of cognitive biases found in literally every human.

Some people are just better at hiding it than others, right up until something like this happens.

It's especially common in people that view the world through the lens of a victim.

Didn't read lol

For example we had about half to 2/3 of Republicans believe the birther theory.

Then in 2017/2018, we had 2/3 of Democrats believing that the Russians changed the actual vote tallies to make Daddy the President.


Isn’t being a victim the very essence of leftism? “Let’s protect minorities” “poor people are ripped by the rich” “let’s push the proletariat revolution”.

You'd think so, and that's probably true when it comes to minorities - but conservatives in America have by far the most intense and extreme victim complex I have ever seen.

White evangelicals, for example, believe they face a lot of discrimination in America.

As if the resident retard of arrdrama who quits the site and comes back every other week is any authority on victim complexes.

The only conclusion I can come to here is you're a pissed off rightoid that has fabricated your own reality.

Oh I wouldn’t know, I’m not American

You can see it easily by watching Fox News, by far the biggest and most-watched news network and part of a media empire that includes a bunch of other really popular news sources like the Wall Street Journal , try and act like they’re some oppressed underground freedom fighters being oppressed by the Mainstream Media(TM).

Or how conservatives turned the idea of the “deep state” into some major liberal boogeyman so they could paint the Republicans as the underdogs back when they controlled every branch of the government (they’ve dialed back “deep state” rhetoric now that the Democrats control the House and they can point fingers at them).

Yeah, there's a weird dynamic in America where the conservative establishment years ago started playing up this narrative.

The narrative being conservatives aren't wrong, but they're simply discriminated against in every academic field of study, the media, society in general.

And as society advanced and religious discrimination against other demographics become increasingly frowned upon, they started getting it in their heads that not being allowed to discriminate against others is actually a form of anti-white evangelical oppression.

For example:

According to the survey, 57 percent of white evangelicals say there’s a lot of discrimination against Christians in the United States today, while 44 percent said the same thing for Muslims in the United States. White evangelicals were the only major religious group more likely to perceive more discrimination against Christians than Muslims.

Trump actually took advantage of this over the years, injecting himself into various culture wars:

Thanks, I’ll check it out.

However, even tough I’m not American, I’m aware of the Cultural War. It’s been happening in my country as well. As taught by Mao Tse Tung and Gramsci, Marxist do have taken control of universities and the Media. At least that’s what happened in SA in large scale.

I can’t say anything about the rest but I’ll check the article. Cheers!

It's pretty simple really. White evangelicals are basically hardcore Marxists but on the other side of the aisle.

They don’t want my shit tho unlike Marxists so idc snout them

It's all fine until Prohibition comes along.

Fair 😂

Lol conservatives are such bitches it makes me laugh how they get away with the snowflake meme. You just have to watch an hour of Tucker Carlson to see how much they piss and moan about the stupidest shit

Or just go on /r/ShitPoliticssays

"No ur the snowflake!!!"

Does the left even try anymore or are they basically conceding at this point? You can do better than that.

This is exactly what I mean lmao you guys get upset over everything

"It makes me laugh how they get away with the snowflake meme."

The conservatoid thinkers and speech makers who calmly confronted crowds of enraged "leftoids" and "progressives" carried the anti-snowflake narrative. But technically, they never got away with it. "Snowflake" was quickly taken up, particularly by Bernie Bros and dirtbag leftoids.

The Left Can't Meme? /r/TheRightCantMeme

During the Kavanaugh incident, "burden of proof" was more heavily introduced to political discussions. "Leftoids" took that on, too.

"Rule of law" is utilised against right wing libertarian and pro-boogaloo groups, despite being prominent in rightoid circles.

Rightoids do not get away with creating phrases because they are then held to their own standards, and their hypocrisy is called out where it exists. In my experience, I've seen leftoid phrases called out less often.

Never seen a socialist or tankie who despises liberals debate that "reality has a liberal bias", nor seen a feminist face down the "silence is violence" phrase with "silence is not consent". This is not so much because it never happens, but rather that online and public discussions rarely shine the spotlight on these arguments and debates to amplify them.

But in the end, none of it matters because we all agree on our desire for mayocide sundaes, proudly supported via kind donations from bussy-showers everywhere. OwO

Good points but you can’t expect people to read this

Nope! The words are secret. :p

Didn't read

I'm glad! Now my words can stay secret whilst you go find funny stuff to lol at. ^^

I got 2 paragraphs in, didn’t understand what you were saying and gave up

>Rightoids largely do not "get away with it"

>Some leftoids do "get away with it" over a lot of things

>Bussy lmao

tl;dr complete.

Oh I get what you’re saying now

Your perception of rightoids and not leftoids being called out on it is due to leftoid opinion being prevalent fckin everywhere, but completely invalidated cause rightoids won’t hold themselves to their own standards.

You get what I’m saying? I don’t give a shit about rightoids bitching about leftoids because they’re hypocritical (the same goes for leftoids, they don’t hold themselves to their own standards either)

Which brings me back to the smaller point I was making - rightoids call leftoids snowflakes but they bitch about absolute nonsense too, and therefore, they‘re bitches too

Either way, radical centrism is the one true path and these rightoids in this comment section bitching when their ideology is called out is super pathetic


It would really help your argument if the left wasn't literally burning shit down and had 400 pundits worse than Carlson from the Lemon to current year man.

As someone that has spent years arguing with SJWs, the most extreme radlibs on the internet, and Trumptards/conservatives, it is not possible to conclude even the most obese of pink hair is anywhere near as incoherent and retarded as conservatives have become in this country.

So why are the intellectual kings taking down statues of Ulysses S. Grant?

To be clear here, you believe the entire left is doing this?

Why is the right planning large scale terror attacks in which they blow up apartment buildings to kill children?

Are you okay, since when are their large mobs of rightoids killing children? The closest thing I can do is Britain's approved multicultural rape gangs, but that's more of a you thing.

You seemingly miss the point. You tried to claim some small feral horde of people doing something stupid was "the left."

To remain logically consistent, then right-wing extremists that get caught planning large scale terror attacks:

Are "the right."

This is just one of many examples.

But of course you don't apply your reasoning evenly, now do you?

So, are these terrorist receiving hundreds of millions of dollars in donations and have the Republican party openly support them? I feel like you don't know what a false equivalency is.

Who involved in ripping down this statue got millions of dollars?

What's his or her name?

BLM is running the show, because it's a large group of people as opposed to one. You see, rightoid r-slurs are shutins who get made fun of. Leftoid r-slurs are celebrated and cheered as the heroically topple the statues on themselves forgetting gravity existed.

Ok, which specific BLM organization was behind the taking down of this statue, and where is their donation page?

Here you go. For those reparations so you can smug post about it on the twit feed. Also you can get pictures of you literally licking their boots if you'd like.

That's a website related to over 30 organizations.

Give me the names of the people involved with this statue going down and the specific organization.

Unless, of course, you can't. Which begs the question - why did you claim the people that had taken down the statue got millions of dollars, if you can't name any names, or povide specifics, how did you conclude that in the first place?

Why? How does that change my point at all, especially since they've taken down even abolitionist statues to boot. You've gone from willfully stupid to actually stupid.

You made the claim the people that took down this specific statue enjoyed wide support, and had gotten millions of dollars.

Who, give me the names. We can do this right up until you admit you can't give me the names because you have no idea who did it and simply declared they had gotten millions of dollars to salvage your collapsing argument.


That's a good argument actually.. Wait I can't agree with you. I mean fuck you etc

Well said, but most conspiracy theorists are rightoids. They seem to also reject facts that don’t fit their narrative. Some people still think Obama wasn’t born in the US or that Russia didn’t hack our election. Also this was the one garage with a noose style knot, and for the garage of the only black driver 🤔

It’s been there for eight months though, and just at that particular track. It seems like the mostly likely explanation is some guy doing a knot he was familiar with when his team was there.

if there really was some grand conspiracy to be racist towards him, I doubt they would’ve waited past his first race to do it lol

Reddit spacing 🤮

Harry potter ruined everything

I know. Isn't it great? xD

This is my first time learning that the FBI and youtube are run by the american police department.

Even the Police in Burnley said there was no wrongdoing with the banner that was flown over the Etihad Stadium yesterday

What laws does he think were broken?

The law where they get triggered and they “can’t even “

The law that says mayocide now

Well doesn't britbong Island have hate speech laws or w/e!

They are genuinely disappointed no one wants to lynch the dude.

As always the demand for lynchings is far higher than the supply

He's not black enough for anyone to want to lynch him

Is he blacker than Shaun King tho? 🤔


If I must...

Is it racist to hang yourself? 🤔

I don't know why they are y'all mad Nascar is actually pretty progressive... First black female driver in the 50's if i recall

Doesn't matter if they're "progressive" or not. If it's a wypipo thing, it will eventually be declared problematic.

'The unbearable whiteness of progressivism' when?

I've got a pretty good grasp on the utility of various knot types and I just can't think of a reason to use that specific knot aside from the aesthetic implication.

I can tie a tie, a noose, and my shoes. I’m guessing the person who tied the noose made the only knot with a big loop he knew. Or they’re in the kkk.

It's probably not even a noose, using a slip knot as a handle is retarded.

Goddamned l*eftoids acting r-slured and making drama posts all r*ghtoid.

The planning that would be put in place if this did turn out to be a hate crime reminds me of this classic M&W look sketch