8  2020-06-24 by professorshillphd

Recently I got into a large, multi-day long argument over a Karen video over at Publicfreakout.

The person has since deleted all of his comments, or the mods did, I don't know:

Well well fucking well, look who was right:

The point is, this was very obviously a racial grift attempt by a man with a documented history of being a racial grifter. He fabricated a story and tried to ruin a woman's life and redditors were perfectly willing to eat it up on the basis she happened to be white.

The fire rises.


Pizza good to know that you managed to win an argument for once.

Excuse me sweetie but having people getting sick of your long autistic ranting IS WINNING

I like this perpetual oppression war between white women and black men. That people cared enough to investigate this - a month ago the mayo would have been Cancelled and forgotten - is proof that the pendulum is swinging back from #BLM to #MeToo, and it won’t be long before we get back to topics like whether white women are the real n-slurs of the world.

It's not even about women at this point. It's about how much power these people have via social media.

The fact any white woman or person in general can have their entire lives ruined via a 30 second twitter video doesn't seem to jive with claims that minorities lack power in society.

Some poor woman flipping you off on the street has no power, but the fact this person knew he could ruin her life while making up random bullshit and it'd simply be taken at face value means he's well aware he is not powerless or disadvantaged.

And this is becoming increasingly obvious - ethnic minorities using lynch mobs via the power of twitter to cancel random people, while at the same time pretending they are powerless in society.

If people actually bothered to record racist outbursts from African Americans the number of videos would blot out the Karens in a week.

But you can be sure if I started uploading videos of black guys screaming racial slurs on the bus under the title of 'Jamal freaks out" it'd be instantly declared racist.

Sure, we can point to this brand of idpol call-out culture being primarily created by upper-class white women - but that doesn't really matter, it's still wrong and twitter had better start taking action because it's only a matter of time before someone in one of these smear videos realizes he or she is about to have their entire lives ruined and starts shooting.

But it’s just a revolving door. Right now the video is some psychopathic male tormenting a random woman because of stereotypes that uniquely target women. Last week it was some psychopath receiving her just comeuppance from an oppressed black male. Of course the woman is the actual victim here, but the fact that people thought she was in the wrong when she so obviously was getting harassed by some attention-seeker is proof that at the time white women were seen as oppressing black males, which is the core of the Karen meme.

A month ago if a white woman made a Twitter rape accusation against a black man nobody would have cared. But now the pendulum’s swung the other way, we’re in full-on White Feminism #metoo mode and everyone’s resuming the debate over whether the law is too lax and people are trotting out arguments that have been used to oppress black males for decades. No longer is the black male oppressed by Karen, now the (predominantly white) woman is oppressed by (predominantly black) males.

Hell, from the way the woman reacted you could tell that she’s participated in cancel culture before. She knew exactly how fucked she was when she saw the current Oppression Olympics winner bust out a camera.

Check out this thread politician Sam Parker tweeted today.


Pizza. I love you so much. 😳


taking action


woman is the gamer of the world

We all know that g*mers are the most oppressed minority.

That guy is an actual psychopath and probably should be locked up in prison for life tbh

Apparently he's an actual criminal too with a mile long rap sheet.

Edit: It would be funny if this guy got cancelled and blocked from postmates

Edit 2:

Police report of one of his crimes. It's a bit ironic that he is literally the Karen here walking up and demanding to see the manager 🤣

>black gay Trump supporter

>serial race baiter

>skilled harasser

>crack user

How it took so long for him to get here


I know the "Mod him" is over used , but mod this guy already, the only thing he needs is to become a tranny to reach the maximum drama potential

He also a few hours ago pretended he had a restraining order against this woman but he forgot to block out the part where it says it got denied 🤣🤣

His address got leaked too and is being spammed everywhere. What's that saying about glass houses?

Something tells me he doesn't care and lives for the drama


For those that are confused like me. A denial order is the document they fill out when they are denying your request. He didn't post the other pages that explain why he was denied his motion.


Kinda based tbh. I think he dropped this 👑

He totally did. I'd follow this man to the very end.

This is amazing work. Thank you for your service.


Lmao topshelf stuff

Excellent investigation skills on display. Better yet, you did a bunch of the digging so the rest of us didn't have to! xD

There is a certain tribe of people that have their owns school and teach them how to trick all of the other tribes.

Eww mobile links.

Social media was a mistake

The YouTube video is the most damning. If she presses charges for harassment that clip is going to absolutely fuck him.

Most interesting thing here is that this guy is a black Trump supporter in Seattle.

And he has a husband.

While Pizza getting banned is funny, stop giving reddit money you r-slurs


I wish you could still stay in the sub while being banned. Imagining you reading something, getting hopped up and adrenaline and furiously clicking the reply button, for the reply box to just not show up is hilarious. It just wouldn't have the same impact if you weren't actually banned.

And people who pay reddit are worse than actual jannies. At least the just get 0 dollars as compensation.

Imagine giving money to a billion dollar company. For a little symbol on a post.

Cancel culture is fucking disgusting. How do you even combat this? Take his phone and fucking smash it immediately? I guess he can press charges but at least there's not going to be some video floating around for people to ridicule and share. She's in her fucking driveway too, he comes up and parks haphazardly all angrily, this is threatening as fuck and borderline illegal.

Fucking figures. She was being over dramatic but how much of a loser do you have to be to get mad over someone flipping you the bird and follow a random stranger home to video them.

If a rando follows you home after an altercation while driving, freaking out is appropriate. I'm kind of disappointed she didn't have a ccw

Being upset I get but it was broad daylight and he was not in her space and was holding a phone. I understand being scared and confused and wondering wtf this person is doing. I don't think I would be like that but that's just me.

A few years ago, I walked outside of my old apartment to a guy who was about to rob me or my neighbor. It was an interesting encounter and I remember my adrenaline went sky high cuz I could tell something was wrong and this guy could do me harm. I just kinda looked at him and didn't react and he kinda chit chatted with me and asked me what kind of iPhone I had. This is when I said "fuck" in my head and looked around if someone else was around. I went back into my house and I guess someone called the cops and he did try to break into someone's house.

I sat in my house wondering if I should call the cops. I'm not one of those crazy cop hating CHAZ people, but I generally don't like to get involved with cops. That was also the day I realized I need a gun and one of them fancy carry licenses. lmao

Of course she’s not physically threatened (she might have been initially - a random man followed her, a woman, back to her home).

The threat comes from the fact that if this gets out and if she was identified, it will ruin her life if even the slightest detail is misconstrued. Job loss, ostracization, etc.

For example: if he just wanted to have a calm discussion and not publicly shame someone who was already visibly agitated, why did he - within one minute of confronting her - record her license plate and the front of her building?

He hides behind the claim, “I’m not attacking you”, throughout the video. Most disingenuous shit I’ve heard. He has all the power in this situation and he fucking knows it.

(Not trying to @ you of course, this shit just makes me mad because it’s cruel and it gives BLM opponents so much ammunition)

Oh noes, not @'d. Anything but @'d.

I specifically said that to avoid antagonizing you, to make it clear that I wasn’t trying to talk at you.

And yet...

Stop @‘ting me or I will report you to mods.


I'm not even sure she was being overdramatic. Having your entire life ruined like that is a serious event.

People in that thread are also really underestimating how terrifying it is to have some random stranger on the road follow you home and block your car in. Like that's actually how people get murdered in road rage incidents. Anyone who follows you home like that over being flipped off is already clearly deranged.

She went 0-100 REALLY fast, but maybe she was trying to make a lot of noise so bystanders would pay attention? And then realized he was doing the Twitter mob thing and her panic escalated? IDK. I feel bad for her here.

Especially if you're a woman and it's a man following you home.

And a black man at that

I can't help but think he saw a woman who was having a bad mental health day, and he knew he could break her

Poor white woman 😥

there is no such thing as a poor white woman, they are all rich in fat and privilege

Maybe she can take solace with the loyalty of (((her)))) canine companion.

Thats absolutely what happened. He saw a weak person and decided to hunt them

I don't think she even flipped the bird at him.

Apparently the cutoff didn't happen either

This is weird

That's so weird then. Dude is a psychopath though

Maybe they were initially parked.


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If someone followed me home and nature provided me no natural defenses against violence, I'd probably be freaking the fuck out too.

John Browning provides us with defenses against violence as long as you don't live in a gay ass state like Washington.


In public place
With lots of bystanders
With a shrill voice
Against a man

Yep, surely nature didn't provide her with any natural defense in this situation.

its 2020 so if you're black you can ruin any white person's life you want just by claiming they said the n word without evidence

being followed by some dude until you get out and filmed with accusations is nuts

conglaturation you're smarter than an erh slash averageredditor

uh are those not removed?

Everything probably is, you'd have to undelete?

yeah it's all red man

i dont think he deleted out of shame, the jannies just mopped it

I said I didn't know:

The person has since deleted all of his comments, or the mods did, I don't know:

They just nuked the whole argument for whatever reason.

i know you said you didn't know. that's why i'm trying to help inform you

Damn pizza you dropped the hammer on him, based as fuck

low-key kinda based but i still imagine this is pizza irl

Just call him ugly. We all seen his ass and its true. Dude has no retort for it lol.

Pizza defending wahmen, never thought I’d see the day

So proud of our Saladin.

The person has since deleted all of his comments, or the mods did, I don't know:



You're both removed, you dumb-dumb.

this is why i regularly open my profile in incognito to check and see if i'm be censored by the reddit fatstopo

checking via userprofile signed out won't work because the comment will show up on your profile. But if a mod removes your comment, it won't be visible within the thread of the subreddit you posted in. But, it will be on your profile.

If you delete your comment, it won't show up on either.

That's the difference between delete and remove.

DANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! jannies powerful as ever.

Use reveddit instead.

lol this is sick, i get a little shot of brain chemical cocktail seeing all that red. ty for the link.

A drumpf supporter pulling a Smollett and being an ironic Karen? Juicy stuff! Excellent find, Prof!

In The Lord of the Rings, J. R. R. Tolkien drew upon the language and themes found in the old Medieval hero-tales in order to construct a kind of new mythology. The brilliance of Tolkien was in his departure from the Pagan modes of conduct and morality of these old tales, his creation of a syncretistic fusion between Christian thought and Pagan language, and so his work achieved a deep resonance with all who read it.

We find this passage at the conclusion of The Return of the King:

>The Dark Lord was suddenly aware of him, and his Eye piercing all shadows looked across the plain to the door that he had made; and the magnitude of his own folly was revealed to him in a blinding flash, and all the devices of his enemies were at last laid bare.

Adversaries in the stories that Tolkien drew upon, Grendel, Mordred and the like, often served as obstacles that the heroes could overcome through feats of strength and cunning. Sauron is not like them. When Sauron is defeated, it is not because Aragorn is stronger than him or because Gandalf is wiser. They are not. It is only that his hubris was so great that it never occured to him that anyone would want to destroy the thing he held so dear. It is not until the final few seconds of his existence that he realises his mistake.

I think that I Am Jazz displays a similar moment. In the pictured scene, Jazz's journey to what he believes is womanhood is almost complete. He is resting after surgery, a triumphant smile on his face, his rotting groin held together by a labyrinthine patchwork of stitches and grafts. But as Eru Ilúvatar nudged Gollum over the Crack of Doom into the fires beneath, so too does the God of our world intervene in this.


In a second, the follies of men are undone and Jazz's crotch explodes, a meaty froth of blood and pus pouring out of the hole where his penis used to be.

In that moment of blind panic and terror, Jazz is Sauron. All triumph and victory is gone. Only the Void remains.



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you have really won me over with this one, great work

Cowering Karen.

I got into a similar argument on r/actualpublicfreakouts. I was trying to say that this guy was chasing clout and that the Karen was obviously not playing with a full deck (because of the fact she's driving a metro).

Glad to see that it turns out I was right


9 hours and Dr. Diatribe is already banned, nice going dramalets.

You don't have screenshots?

Called it

Thank you for fighting the good fight, pizzashill.

You guys remember like a year ago a black guy making a big drama on screen about some misunderstanding on airbnb or something and he goes “I’m gonna complain! Sorry but I don’t make the rules!”

He fabricated a story and tried to ruin a woman's

ohohoho let's not jump to assumptions just because of a karen hit-piece. yt women have been pampered for so long, the nature has finally created the gay-blacks to curb this menace. let's hope the balance is restored soon

She was still being overdramatic for the situation, and she was immediately scared just because he was black. People shouldn’t be so alarmed by black people confronting them in public, this is freakin 2020

The woman in question has a black husband it seems. It's not that she was afraid of him, she was afraid of having her life ruined and being doxxed.

This was not an overdramatic response, it was a response from someone well aware of what was about to happen.

So she recognized that he was some woke Internet crusader out to ruin her life, and wasn’t just some mayo foid afraid of a black man 🤔. I thought you were one of the few decent users here jfc, my mistake.


Im sure any woman would freak out if they were followed home by a man.