The 17-yr old that Chris D'elia dicked down posted on r/confessions about it over a year ago

6  2020-06-24 by Joe_Rogan_is_bae


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Surprised how many people suspected it was him all along even then

This is why we need mayocide.


  1. The 17-yr old that Chris D'elia dic... -,*

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him accepting an acting role playing a comedian/secret predator might be the only funny thing he's done

I have seen some bad comics but that’s the worst bit I’ve ever seen

Which one

hits pipe

Think about it logically.

She’s 17 and a senior in college?

Typo. She obviously meant high school.

I was a late bloomer and had never even kissed a boy, so I decided to start out by chatting up some celebrities

Literal meme gender, Jesus fucking Christ

Nice find. Sexual predators are such Chads. I'm envious of their ability to be so shamelessly creepy.

Well, I'm shamelessly creepy, but it really hasn't helped me get laid.

Just pretend to be a feminist.

I know a dude who is a slimeball who constantly hits on chicks and one time I called him out about it and was like "Does that shit ever work?" He said, "yeah, on really dumb chicks."

Is that the PUA equivalent of the Nigerian prince scam? Specifically designed so that only the stupidest and most easily manipulated will fall for it?

It's less about a specific design and more about effort. Why waste lots of effort on one woman. Unjustifiable.

Why waste effort on any woman when bussy is freely available?

Pussy is freely available too. Just bring a jar of pickles to the bar so you have brine for your pickle backs. Every bitch in there will be asking for a pickle.

he just seems the type

Based beyond belief bring back bpinging.


Wait, literally the only threat he ever made was "I will break-off this casual relationship"? I can't help but feel that's a little unthreatening.

well he knew the girl was already young, naive and emotionally attached to him. also that she might be somewhat honoured to be with him given his level of fame. it was manipulative whether it was a big threat or not.

but hey, he's a nonce but at least he's not a rapist right :)

All you need to read are the first two sentences to come to a conclusion

ok so just starting out with, i (now 22 F) was a late bloomer sexually. I hadn't done anything, even kiss a boy, by the time I was 17. I decided to be more outgoing my senior year of college, and I began messaging somewhat famous people on instagram (why? just to see if I could catch anyone's attention).

And remember this is what she's willing to admit.



This is why you don’t listen to whores. That was all make believe.

She provided proof in the dms of people that didn’t believe her