7  2020-06-24 by i_Chapo-d_my_pants



I hope they rise again. Just for the laughs they brought me. I’ll miss CHAZ

meh, not enough killing

2/Kent State

The weeks not over, maybe now that the end is in sight, they'll go all-out for that high score

vote for Joe Biden

This outta go over like a lead balloon lol

The SPD killed Rosa

Biden killed Raz

Raz was a tough dude.

for you

Imagine if this endorsement costs Biden his lock on Washington

is the meme about blm being a dnc slushfund true then?

And now they go back to their mom's house and the city residents get to clean up lol

I guess they just got bored or didn't want to get shot. https://twitter.com/Omarisal/status/1275808484219486210?s=21

As someone who's been paid a lot of money to pressure wash things, this looks like a local business is about to seriously cash in on the graffiti removal.

Actually not a bad idea. Start a pressure washing business.

I'm nearly there.

A v twin gas engine for a lawnmower and 1:1.5 gear reducer mated to a 10gpm 4000psi pump with an aux injector circuit for glycol injection is what I plan to build.

Small enough to fit in my truck and still enough ass to use a couple hundred feet of 1/2" hose with a remote step down reel holding another 200 feet of 1/4" hose.

It would be just the right ending for CHAZ. Zoomers go back to their parents' houses and capitalists make money on their mess.

And the taxpayers foot the bill.

That'll show that working class.

What do you think the guy getting paid for pressure washing is?🤔


Biggest shit head I knew growing up with the most intense ADHD I have ever witnessed got out of jail and started a pressure washing business. He now no longer robs wealthy neighborhoods for drug money and instead pressure washes their streets. There is still hope yet for some of these chazistanis to pull themselves up by the bootstraps. The American dream incarnate in my opinion.

This is an unfortunate turn for dramacoin.

Seriously they just left? Fucking lame I at least wanted some cops to show up and start shit.

That would just have reinforced their r-slurred worldviews


And that's a good thing

Seriously anticlimactic.

I can't believe even one person didn't stick around just for the clout. Scream, make a scene.

Why is everything about clout lately in the PNW?

a current livestream : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YcRRf19FvQw

talk about a ghost town.

been hearing these people moved to the seattle space needle but can't confirm

Vote for Joe Biden


Virtual activism

I am going to puke

Let’s start a revolution by voting in a career politician.

We call on everyone to continue the struggle through Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat.


edit: nvm the replies are calling it fake but whatever I choose to believe bc it’s funny

Chaz died with a tiny whimper instead of the bang I was hoping for

Idonno, they held out for a couple weeks. I'd say they beat the over/under.

true. haven't heard of a 'rona case coming from this yet either

How many people were actually there any given day? Might not have been significant enough to cause a dent considering Seattle is pretty big.

There's still time though.

can't find a story that has a count but using this walkthrough https://youtu.be/nE7P1cSJjRA over 300 under 500 maybe?

Uh, was there any testing going on there?

Has any leftoid social experiment been anything other than a horrible failure?

I had a buddy start a commune on a corner of his dad's land in North Carolina. Probably like 15 people.

They lasted 1 year before the shack town/barn burned down and he moved back to Florida with a slightly different ideology.

I'm picturing the unwashed primal sex that no doubt took place there throughout the year, I can't help but wonder what it smelt like.

The leftist uprising against monarchist forces in 1776 was a resounding success


some hippie communes work pretty well for years as long as everyone there works hard and gets along

lots of others fail tho, and you can't scale up far past the size of a commune without, y'know, laws and cops and money and jobs and all those total bummers

This almost reads like satire lol

Bcuz it is

if it isn't satire, it is unbelievable levels of cope

"You can't fire me, I quit!"

Was the USDA called into save those poor plants?

Hey kiddos. U tried. Now we cry

Now the rightoids can post about the other thing that is TOTALLY FUNNY and DOESN'T MAKE THEM MAD!

https://twitter.com/daeshikjr/status/1275871213206691840?s=20 Someone claims the announcement was fake. This will be good for dramacoin

i've been seeing that as well. regardless their numbers are waaaay down https://youtu.be/px48_yNDbSc

Lmao, a victorious retreat!

That was it? Come one, they went out with a whimper.

We successfully built a self-governing community

No you didn't

It is time we shift to the next phase of our organizing and move from direct action to virtual activism.

That's a step backward.

The voting sales pitch at the end was weird. What a weird timing to plug it in.

The voting sales pitch at the end was weird.

Especially because aren't they are urging people to vote for the exact same incumbent politicians that they just spent weeks protesting?

"good revolution folx we really owned the chuds, now go home and vote Democrat" lmao holy fuck this cannot be for real

Chop just got the wr in the any% glitchless communism speedrun

The joke is that this November your vote counts exactly as much as a senile retiree whose political sources are nestled between a thread of gay furry porn and a thread of kids wearing swimsuits.


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wonder what unsubstantiated rumor notice of danger from a trusted partner was enough to spook them out of their playpen

That the cops were going to be busting heads when they cleared them out?


They are so dumb


I don't think that word means what you think it means.

All of that just to shill joe fucking biden. What a massive failure.

Lmao vote Biden. Confirmed these are Ukraine trolls

Known revolutionary Joe Biden

Wow. What a bunch of garbage. CHODE was a complete failure. The garden is dead, people have been shot, women have been raped and lives have been destroyed. Everyday people leave because it’s not a safe, free or respectable place.

Local businesses and residence hate and fear you losers because of the filth and disease you people bring. Trash, drugs, COVID-19, putrid fumes from your unclean bodies. CHODE is a fucking joke. Naturally because CHODE blocks free speech and media, locals live in fear of the gorilla militants that roam the streets harassing citizens. These nazi gorilla militants have been video documented practicing authoritarian rule along with public beatings and now these public executions. It’s sickening.

From all the footage that’s out, the place can be describe in one word. Hell. It looks like East Berlin at the height of its oppressive regime. Armed guards, cement constructs to limit freedom of movement. Mass shootings. Illegal confiscation of private property. Ban on free speech. Hideous graffiti everywhere. Censorship. Armed nazis. Anti-free press. Mob mentality. No due process. Public executions, rabid and savage gang fights, drug cartels, authoritarian oppression and the like.

CHODE is a filthy disgusting place that needs to be rounded up and sent to prison camps for mandatory re-education.

Some moron from CHODE suggested a biannual event which is complete lunacy. The mad animals are now confiscating phones from innocent people in the CHODE. It’s a complete authoritarian nightmare no better that communist countries and nazi regimes.

CHODE is a complete failure. Another shooting just occurred and armed nazis illegally confiscated a streamers phone to hide and destroy evidence. They are just as bad as HKPD.


Burning man was cancelled. Coachella was cancelled. They did the next best thing. That's all this was.

continue supporting the kind of revolutionary change by voting in the elections


I'm half convinced americans are actually illiterate, they just mash their head on the phone and the autocorrect does the rest.