Ricecel reparations. Item 2. Whitu men must convince quality, young, pretty whitu females to come to us Azn men equal in number to Azn females they have brainwashed to prefer whitu guys throughout history.

1  2020-06-25 by peterzak


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Seething azn manlets are the best kind.

I love how the problem with "white supremacists" is not that they are, you know, white supremacists but that they might take an Asian girl off the dating market.

Stay crazy, aznidentity.

white supremacists

Fetishise IQ and openly admit that slantcels are superior then them.

Plus a lot of them love Japan, more so than weebs citing how safe Tokyo is and their immigration policy.

Azntàrds are never happy smh.

Dumbasses don’t know that mixed white/asian kids look pretty white.

Europe is full of those people already. They basically want more Turks.

That's a great idea, I'm sure mayo foids and ricecels would get along since they both love dog meat.

They targeted gamers. Gamers.


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Most ricecels are fat NEETs that live with their parents. Depending on your ethnicity, a lot of the time this is perfectly OK, so they don't see an issue with having done nothing with their lives except for deliver pizzas 20 hours a week and play some shitty MMO the rest of that time.

I'm making six figures and I still live like a NEET and never get laid. I think there is no escape if you are a ricecel like me.

You make six figures? You need to get down to the trailer park ASAP. You'll have to search a few before you find yourself a passable mistress with an acceptable amount of teeth, but all good things take time.

i'm this close to eating one

Then don't live like a NEET lol.

i mean i go to the gym and shit, doesn't make me less of a rice-cel

Be less autistic. I know an Asian guy that does fantastic with women because he's not a hopeless autist.

It's easier to moan on the internet than make self improvement, it's one of the reasons we exist.

If you have 6 figures and dont get facial surgery then you are one dumb mf. Literally with 3 months of wages you can add 3-4 points. And still women finds you short. Go back to your home country lmao. It is too hard to not get laid.

Lemme guess, your parents still look at your purchasing histories and comment on every little thing you do around the house?


Is that a yes?

I keep forgetting that r/aznidentity is basically just r/braincels with a side of race card

90% of racism is just crying about "muh women" no matter what race is involved. I guess rice bois are most upfront about it

that's because Asian men resemble the women of other races more than they resemble the men

Same thing with black women. Black guys are hyper masculine and asian girls are hyper feminine. Reverse it get you get the shortest stick at genetic lottery.

Maybe if we breed them they'll balance out

All ideology is sexual pathology

Asian men make nice asian women

Mandatory HRT for aznidentity when?

Incels unironically recommend this for manlets and ricecels in their forums lmao.

LOL @ using women as reparation tokens

Can’t blame em though, everybody needs a PAWG at least once in their life

Womyn are worthless though. They have to use bussy for reparations.

Didn't the japs get like 100k per person to play some baseball?

I think it was more like $20k in 1990s dollars.


The whole concept of asian unity is retarded. The Chinese hate the Japs and gooks because they're inferior. Any concept of a common asian goal is not only idiotic but solely the product of the American born slant eye

Chïnks are the most imperialist people in the world.


The Virgin Greater East Asia Sphere: Advocating Pan-Asianism as an excuse for imperialism and Yamato supremacy

The Chad RicecelIdentity: Advocating Pan-Asianism because white Chads keep stealing our kawaii noodle waifus

Even the most successful Pan-Nationalist concept, Pan-Arabism, was still a failure.

The Virgin Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere: Advocating Pan-Asianism as an excuse for imperialism and Yamato supremacy

The Chad RicecelIdentity: Advocating Pan-Asianism because white Chads keep stealing our kawaii noodle waifus

Even the most successful Pan-Nationalist concept, Pan-Arabism, was still a failure, Arabs are the same ethnic group who have the same language, religion, culture, and common history, yet they still consider themselves to be different countries and sometimes even enemies to one another.

Now apply that to Asia and Africa, Pan-full of people of different ethnicities, cultures, religions, and languages who always fucking hated each other for thousands of years, hence why the only Pan-Asianists today are muh ancestors Asian-Amerimutt Ricecels who don't exist outside of the internet.

Even the strongest and most successful Pan-Nationalist concept, Pan-Arabism, was still a failure, Arabs are a common ethnic group who have the same language, religion, culture, and shared history, yet all of this still isn't enough for unity among them, they still consider themselves to be different countries and sometimes even enemies to one another.

Now apply that to Asia and Africa, Pan-full of people of different unrelated ethnicities, cultures, religions, and languages who hate each other for thousands of years and still do til this day, what should they unite for? what kind of shared destiny do they have? because they hate wypipo?

Imagine if a muh ancestors Asian-Amerimutt ricecel teenager finally gets off the internet and talks to a native Japanese and a Chinese and say that they're brothers and the reason why they should unite under a common goal is because they can't get laid 🤣

burger neurosis skewing people's perception of the world

Another day ending in y


Cope harder ricedicks 😂



Really no.

I can't take this. I am going to serious post so I can sleep soundly at night.

Pay us back reparations for Chinese Exclusion

They did.

massacres of Chinese men

They did?

Japanese Exclusion, pay us back for Japanese internment more than the pitiful shit they gave us

They did, and apologized profoundly. Blacks didn't get a dime.

pay us back for the Opium Wars and imperialism in Asia

First, cope.

Not only the U.S. was not part of Opium war, it stopped the encroachment of European powers by brokering the Open Door policy. They also gave up their portion of war reparation after the Boxer Rebellion to build universities.

and pay us back for all the treasures they looted from Chinese palaces

Wartime booty raiding feels like fair game to me. Plus the imperial house brought it onto themselves.

and pay us back for Vietnam/Korean invasions

Oh for fucks sake. First of all, who give a shit to dead commies? If they didn't want the U.S. involvement, they shouldn't suck so much at repelling the commie invasion. The U.S. blundered, sure, but we did to protect them.

pay us back for firebombing Japanese civilians and the two nukes,

Japanese brought it on themselves. They would have suffered a worse fate if there were no atomic weapon used. Unless Japanese women had a thing for Soviet dick.

and the 1000s of rapes of Japanese women per day after occupation of Japan.

I doubt the number is that high. Plus, the Japanese government willingly threw those women at American soldiers as prostitute, so the remaining women could remain "pure" for Japanese men.

as soon as they convince the same number of quality, young, pretty white females to come to us Asian men

Good fucking no. Just no.

Oh, and as soon as they hand back over the lands they stole from ASIAN-CHINESE-looking Native Americans

What in the actual fuck?

Seriously r/drama, I am thinking raising a second generation Asian in the United States would be a bad idea. If I have a kid in the future, I will make sure he is raised like a FOB to get some perspective. God damn this person is so dumb is make me angry.

This is what thinking the world owes you something does to you.

It's so tiring to watch the second generations saying they have it hard.

Don’t forget the brainwashing,apparently every Asian girl is taken into a dark room at 12 years old and forced to drink psychedelics while staring at a spiral for hours,while subliminal messages force them to love white men and white cocks. Seriously,as a white self-diagnosed autist I have a hard time too,but these clowns think every Asian woman is hypnotized.

and pay us back for Vietnam/Korean invasions

Lmao where's that bitch even from? VNs veterans don't give a shit about that war, most passed away or just livin the life right now. Stop trying to speak for us, Asian are not some homogeneous race, go hire a prostitute or sth.

Tell me about it.

Plus, Vietnamese hated Korean for Vietnam war, so I seriously doubt they would team up on this one.

Oh, and as soon as they hand back over the lands they stole from ASIAN-CHINESE-looking Native Americans

Dear Ricecels, we N8Vs are not AZN and do not want to have any association with your аutism.

This message was brought to you by Tupi-Guarani gang.

We wuz Shoguns'n'shit

Seriously though,do they realize how government mandated girlfriends sounds?

seems like a decent step toward no more white women 2020 tbqh

Azn women don't hate azn men. They just hate men who post on that sub.

lol small peepee man angwy

Lol, Asian stormfront over here

Maybe we can talk when they stop going pee-pee in my come.

My sister dates asian guys have I paid my dues aznidentity?

Oh, and as soon as they hand back over the lands they stole from ASIAN-CHINESE-looking Native Americans

This is a reach, even for tendacels