Dramatards with kids, what's your parenting style?

1  2020-06-25 by alphetaboss

I know a few of you have managed to reproduce. Are you the neglectful alcoholic stereotype? Or super strict parents in the hopes that they don't turn out as bad as you? I've been playing around with the idea of keeping my future child off the internet as long as possible. I'm a šŸ’Æ% positive that the kids would be happier and healthier for it, but I don't know if it would make him/her/zim the weird ostracized kid at school. Snally, you've been prego for 4 years, what's your parenting style going to be when that demon spawn finally gets here?

What hobbies do you encourage your kid to try? Do you make them go to church so people better than you can raise them? Man there seems to be like a million different ways to fuck up your kid, which ways did y'all choose?


Like bears. Teach them to hunt and fish, then out the door at 3 yrs old.

No, seriously. An active lifestyle that encourages and enforces a wide variety of options and opportunities, including but not limited to: music, art, dancing, learning as a hobby, sports, computers, all kinds of things.

Strictly limiting and monitoring internet usage. Not refusing it, but limiting and monitoring it.

Parents and extended family should raise their children, NOT the internet. Anything else is straight up child abuse and neglect, should be punishable by law (I'm looking at you reddit admins, and all admins, ISPs and goverments) Custody cases should be, and increasingly are decided by neglectful parents who just let their children be raised by the internet.

Video games and internet forums are not a hobby nor a way for children to be raised.

That's pretty much my mindset too. Do most of the other parents you run into have this same type of parenting, or are they throwing their kids in front of ipads? It's been a long time since I was around parents, so I'm not sure of the trends these days.

Do most of the other parents you run into have this same type of parenting

Yes. But, IRL my select group of people are unusually responsible, upstanding and educated people.

Not the typical kind of people that we read discussed about on r/drama, or even average people.

edit: I think I skimmed your comment too much I want to expound on this:

Do most of the other parents you run into have this same type of parenting, or are they throwing their kids in front of ipads?

No, most of the parents I know are smarter than this, and know better. But the bigger picture is that giving children tablets, smartphones and computers without proper oversight has turned out to be a mess.

We have at least 2, maybe 2.5 wasted generations now. Useless, lack of leadership ability, no (not enough) real life skills. All due to parents being neglectful in having let "the internet" raise their children.

It's going to take at least 1, maybe 2 decades to fix this generational crisis.

That's an interesting thought. 2.5 generations? Are you counting half of X or half of millennials?

X is ok, it's the younger millenials and z. The .5 is the upcoming ones, until the problem is fixed.

This problem won't be fixed until parents, familys, websites, ISPs and governments recognize and take responsibility for the problem.

Of course the numbers are vague.

110% agree, as someone raised by the internet (after a certain point). The current younger folks, my gen included, are absolutely worthless. The disaster ends with me, and I will not be having kids.

Parents and extended family should raise their children

Do you have an opinion on so many parents that both still work, and let their kids be raised by stranger(s)? My husband and I are seeing some disastrous results amongst peers/co-workers who go this route...

If you don't teach your kid an instrument you've failed as a parent. It is extremely cheap long-term, and even easier than before to teach them yourself, or to let them teach themselves.

Guitar especially, I'm sorry for anyone who took lessons but guitar lessons are possibly the biggest waste of money on the planet.

I took 3 guitar lessons in highschool and then just learned the rest by playing with people in bands. It was really easy to pick up, and I'm sure it's even easier now.

It's ridiculously easy to learn basic chords and simple songs, which is about as far as most people want to get into guitar.

But even for more advanced shit it's a matter of time commitment more than it is difficult.

I was around a bunch of music artists who made their life guitar, so I was able to shred within a year and a half. It wasn't good, but I could still do it. I wasn't able to make decent music that people beyond niche metalheads wanted to hear until somewhere around year three.

If you don't teach your kid an instrument you've failed as a parent.

At least give them the opportunity and options to try.

Some people just can't hear, or don't have it. But very much trying to push it is very important. And lesson are better from a young age, because bad habits are hard to unlearn.

On any instrument, unless it's just natural talent, it's hard to unlearn bad practices especially on stringed instruments.

The only sport my 4 year old is interested in is jumping on my nuts from crazy heights. I've tried soccer but he just kicks the ball in the ditch and tells me to go get it. He pretends a baseball bat is a sword and he tries to kill me with it. I think I'm being bullied.

I've been told you gotta stand up to your bully to make them back down. Think that'd work?

Ok so he's really strong lol. Sometimes I get worried about how much grown man strength I have to use against a 4 year old.

Sounds like my dog tbh.

Your son is retarded

Fite him irl. Ur goin šŸ‘‡ chump

Of course Im gonna lose to tard strength

admitting you can't outwit a supposedly retarded 4 year old

Issa joke

Congratulations! I do not often downvote. You have earned mine.


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Incel cope

I wish I had kids.

Daddy mom is having her Me-time and you are not invited. Don't burn the house down and I'll see you briefly between my benders.


I'm hoping one day someone will let you adopt a child so that we can see it featured here.

If you are serious, my favorite parenting book is How to Talk So Kids Will Listen by Faber and Mazlish. The part I find questionable is the "no punishment," but if the Bible can be reinterpreted, so can that chapter. The main thing I took from that part was to make punishment more constructive (i.e. give your kid a way to meaningfully make amends rather than just sending them to their room).

For hobbies, there's the usual rec league sports, reading, music, and crafts. I've started taking my eldest to the range and we clean the guns together after.

The most conspicuous difference in parenting we do is that we have a lot less stuff. Other families seem to get their kids a million toys, most of which are played with for a few minutes then abandoned. The only toy I wish I could get them that they don't have is an old style Super Soaker CPS.

I'm totally serious. As fucked up as it is, I'd trust arrdrama over the rest of reddit any day. I'll look into that book.

Also, do they not make any supersoakers any more? I used to have a legit one, but my neighbor had the one with the backpack so he always won until I busted out the water balloons. Then he'd cry cuz I'd knock his glasses off.

They still make Super Soakers and water guns in general, but they don't make the really powerful ones any more. I can nerd out about this, but the CPS series of Super Soakers from the late 90s were the most powerful water guns ever made. They probably stopped due to liability. New water guns are pretty anemic or just gimmicky.

You might also look at "The Incredible Years" by Carolyn Webster-Stratton. My kiddo is not quite 3 yet, and this book has helped us as she is beginning to tests limits, and to establish independence. I will take a look at NumerousEvent's book. Thanks for bringing this topic up.

I dont have kids but I beat other peoples kids when they do a wrongy so their parents dont have to šŸ¤—

Raising future soldiers in the race war šŸ”«šŸ”«

I was a "babies having babies" senario, so my opinions may be a bit different, but heregoes:

Keep your kids off the Internet for a long time. Kids will easily pick up on it, so an extra year or two wont hurt anything. Also, for the first few years, monitor it.

For activities: me and my kid's mom had the buffet approach: small bits of things until you see what they like, and then focus on that. Don't let the plate fill up and then the kid takes a bite and decides they are full.

General life advice? Don't encourage them after their high school graduation party to put on a wrestling match with their friends and then have them suplex you onto your wife's favorite coffee table and break it. That tidbit may come in handy someday.

Did you film the suplex?

Iā€™m still trying to figure out whether I want my kids to be LGBT, like I think it would be cool and fun and make me look way more trendy to have gay kids, but Iā€™m really struggling with the work it would take to get there, Iā€™m just not that excited about the molesting them part.

I'm an ironically abusive parent. I ironically beat my kids with a metal pipe as a joke.