class-action started against seattle by residents and businesses who dealt with CHOP 😆 also incredibly b*sed bl*ck man has had enough and tears shit down 😲

1  2020-06-25 by i_Chapo-d_my_pants


he's mad as fuck and he has every right to be.

beyond based

He made sandwiches out of those mayos

Are you a mayo?

Good to the know the party's still going.

lol @ the bootleg DJT Jr in the replies finding the weakest excuse possible to shill his boomer podcast

okay I did that.

I’m black

fuck you

It’s like he’s some action movie character giving an exposition but he’s wayyyy too based/pissed to even care or slow down enough for the line delivery.

His move with the tables had biblical energy to it. I have a feeling he‘d be part of the #IAMRepublican project. The full hour of #IAMRepublican comes out today at 11AM PST, 1PM CST, 2PM EST.

Why do Republicans do such lame things?

They need their next token Black man.



finally finding a black republican is like catnip to rightoids

Did I miss this guy saying he was a republican? He sounds like he's just sick of having larp wars in his neighborhood.

was talking about rethuglicans in general, not just this guy

Dramacels dunk on me for being a leftoid but seriously, do they expect me to get on board with that

No you're supposed to embrace radical centrism

Republicans have been served the easiest layup in political history and they're just gonna JAQ off about wearing masks and do whatever oranj man dementia posts about on twitter

It's honestly embarrassing. On the plus side, we might get to experience President Joe 😍😍😍

I'm looking forward to the 8 year old grand daughters act

Republicans will never stop coomin over conservathots and based black patriots

Right?! I was actually really interested in this right up until I saw that lameass whitebread bullshit and noped right out... But the worst part is that it's just going to incite all the boomers and racist dicks to start tagging it cause they are old and lame and it's something that makes them feel like they're part of a "movement" but really it will just mean "#imracist"

No idea but reading all this makes me thirsty for a #ChikFilA Sweet Tea

Because they're fägs. And not even the good bussy-loving kind.

Even rightoids in Europe wouldn't vote for Republicans in the US and they rarely can speak the same language

For a group that hates the gays Republicans say the gayest shit

All politics are sexual pathology

Excuse me but my daughter is spending her summer break from Evergreen College fighting for Black Lives. Can I please speak to the manager of CHAZ to tell them to remove this superpredator from her camp?

Blue shirt: "We are both black. Dont you realize we are supposed to think and act alike?!?!"

Red shirt: Stan Hanson/Big Van Vader in AJPW/NJPW impression

Blue shirt is culturally and ideologically a white woman. Listen to his inflection.

We judge may*s for the content of their lack of character, not the color of their skin.

I was gonna start playing league again til I saw they auto filter the N slur now. Noped right out.

Gaming is basically dead.


  1. class-action started against seattl... -,

  2. -,*

  3. -,

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It's such a pig sty lmao

Anarchism doesn't work because mommy isn't there to clean up. Maybe they should've taken Jordan Peterson's advice seriously after all.

Clean your room and wash your penis.

Wash yo ass*

t. Tariq Nasheed

If you were circumsized, you wouldn't have to wash your penis. Or so I've been told.

It's true, I'm (((circumcised))).

It's still a good idea.

I mean it can, especially in small areas. (Cherán e.g.). It's just that Americans are too retarted.

Maybe they should take lobster Daddy's playbook and OD on benzos

that last video is unfathomably based

black people get angry, destroy city

white people build LARP anarchist commune in solidarity

black people get angry, destroy commune


Almost like normal people are tired of this commie larping.

I'm not tired of laughing at it

"Buh- but we're helping you!"

"Maaan, this is what they want dude! They are trying to, like, divide us!"

"Fuck yo tables bitch"


"Go home. I'm sick of this shit. Fuck you. GO HOME." A true king.

I like how they don't really know how to respond to the dude throwing their shit out. If he was white they'd say he was a white supremacist, but since he's black all they can do is stand there looking stupid.

Internalised white supremacy?

Internalized >!whiteness!<

Damn drama now has visual effects too 🤠

He's transracial


CHODE was a complete failure. The garden is dead, people have been shot, women have been raped and lives have been destroyed. Everyday people leave because it’s not a safe, free or respectable place.

Local businesses and residence hate and fear you losers because of the filth and disease you people bring. Trash, drugs, COVID-19, putrid fumes from your unclean bodies. CHODE is a fucking joke. Naturally because CHODE blocks free speech and media, locals live in fear of the gorilla militants that roam the streets harassing citizens. These nazi gorilla militants have been video documented practicing authoritarian rule along with public beatings and now these public executions. It’s sickening.

From all the footage that’s out, the place can be describe in one word. Hell. It looks like East Berlin at the height of its oppressive regime. Armed guards, cement constructs to limit freedom of movement. Mass shootings. Illegal confiscation of private property. Ban on free speech. Hideous graffiti everywhere. Censorship. Armed nazis. Anti-free press. Mob mentality. No due process. Public executions, rabid and savage gang fights, drug cartels, authoritarian oppression and the like.

CHODE is a filthy disgusting place that needs to be rounded up and sent to prison camps for mandatory re-education.

Some moron from CHODE suggested a biannual event which is complete lunacy. The mad animals are now confiscating phones from innocent people in the CHODE. It’s a complete authoritarian nightmare no better that communist countries and nazi regimes.

CHODE is a complete failure. Another shooting just occurred and armed nazis illegally confiscated a streamers phone to hide and destroy evidence. They are just as bad as HKPD.;utm_medium=ios_app&amp;utm_name=iossmf

That's great and all, but I asked for my burger without cheese.

I am a bot.

The multiple mass shootings in CHODE don’t have enough evidence to rule it out public execution style murder. What we do know is that people have been murdered in cold blood. Also the police chief just came through with the reports filed of rape, arson, and extortion. It’s documented. Private security has been hired to keep real peace and protect the real residents. CHODE’s days are numbered. The clock is ticking. It would be wise for CHODE to pack up and go.

It seems that the over all goal may have been to mass rape women forcing them to birth the new children of CHODE. Women were to be barefoot and pregnant in the park worshiping the newly erected hate statue and making beads to sell at the market. Primitive gardening was to feed the tribe what little it could. The men were to continue forcing them selves on the women ensuring some of the young survive the harsh winter ahead. Begging for pizza would be a regular ritual.

Ironically just blocks away major tech companies thrive in the 21st century on the cutting edge of technology. During lunch they would have sometimes strolled by the park to see the primitive culture in a stolen city park habitat. Although CHODE acknowledges the illegal occupation of stolen land, they must push the cause. Rather than top of the line space heaters, gourmet food and clean clothes, tents shelter the freezing destitute savages.

This sad sad goal is being speculated by several at this time. Some say that it would have resembled Mad Max Fury Road but in a city park.

That's nice sweaty. Why don't you have a seat in the time out corner with Pizzashill until you calm down, then you can have your Capri Sun.

I am a bot.