Poland becomes gamer state

1  2020-06-25 by MikeStoklasa-cel


By the title I thought it was a racist state or something nope turns out it’s actually just gaming

lol it’s still a racist state

The last time a black guy was killed by police was in 1994 or something around that and it was an accident.

Can’t be racist if there are no Coloreds

Am I being ironic? I actually don’t know

I mean if race is a social construct than yes because Poles hate plenty of other white people just as much as the other white people hate the Poles lmao

Race is a social construct. Look at the Rwandan Genocide.

Yikes friendo, why are you ignoring the sufferings of PoC? r*cist much? you think that PoC are the same as whіte colonizers? you're cancelled.

I post on r/Drama sweaty. I was born cancelled.

We are too busy hating in the gays right now

"LGBT are not people"- polish president 2020

just gaming

this is the worst outcome

This is why we need mayocide.


  1. Poland becomes gamer state - archive.org, archive.today

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I agree, but we should deal with the Polish as well.

Around P*lacks, never relax

Mods can just lock the thread because the truth has been spoken.

It's true.

Honestly Poland is so based this is absolutely the kind of thing I would expect of them. It's like they're governed by a bunch of 4Chan shitlords

Yeah, based on poverty and EU gibsmedat lmfao. Owning libs epic style on TV but still begging them for money because you can't have a functional state otherwise. 🤔

cry more. Poland gives generous money to each family. A poor state couldn't afford it. They deserve everything from the EU for being so based.

Not crying, I guess they are kind of chads since they just perpetually talk shit and still get paid for it. But still it's funny to see people praise poland when they would literally be a third world shithole that would make 1990s Russia look like paradise if it wasn't for leeching from actually productive economies. Still, gotta respect the hustle

It's almost like some certain economic system somewhere in time crippled their economy?

The Europoors deserve to lose money because they like flirting with pinko shit nowadays. Not OG commie shit but the g@y wokie version of it.

They should honestly have to personally pay former Soviet countries an allowance as reparations for that shit because if how they act.

the best part is the EU will give it to them, despite all their unwoke policy making



You can only pick one friendo


Hungary is running some stiff competition

nationally de-accrediting gender studies lol

nationally de-accrediting gender studies lol

It's pretty interesting to watch this shit. The Poles and the Hungarians are still culturally aware of the excesses of Marxist-Leninist philosophy since the generation that had to live with the work camps and secret police are still alive.

Hungary in particular got there via an academic lead leftist revolution. They're sort of being nice by just defunding these guys.

"LGBT are not people" -current Polish president two weeks ago

your making his point



We're gonna see a massive uptick in mass shootings in Poland. This is what cultural appropriation looks like 😤

Pasha Biceps london School of Video Games

This is a gateway to requiring every polish citizen to be legally required to own a copy of might and magic 3

But I was told all Slavs are trained to play that game on a competitive level from birth

Gamer ethnostate

In this game the best path to victory is to viciously strike from the shadows.

Hatchet an unsuspecting soldier or bandit to death and you get sweet high end gear easily. The best part is killing soldiers or bandits doesn’t even lower the morale of your survivors, but often in fact raises it.

If you go full murder-hobo it is easy to afford every comfort and turn your shelter into an awesome treehouse and the game is like.

This is in direct contrast to the heavy handed melodrama the game tries to shove at you.

This is an anti-gamer plot in disguise. The school system has a way of ruining every activity for kids and making them not want to do it anymore - gaming is next (and that's a good thing).


i hope your rite

Krycek, your K/D is in the bottom percentile! Detention!


this war of mine

Game about surviving in anarchist world.


Also polacks are literally the biggest gamers every league and csgo lobby has at least 3 polacks.