'I Think We've Found All The Institutions Founded By Racists And We Can Just Stop Looking For Them Now,' Says Planned Parenthood Spokesperson Nervously

1  2020-06-25 by caliberoverreaching


Man the Bee has stepped up their game so fucking hard since snopes decided to try and police satire.

Yeah and The Onion is a shell of it's former self. These two will always be funny to me:



This represents how great it used to be. So innocent, so random. It's like something some smartass 20 year old wrote in 1999, between Warcraft 2 and Quake sessions.

They still have some great stuff.


The clips you posted were from their show on IFC, which was short-lived to due to poor ratings.

I have yet to meet anyone dispute this

That Vice headline was on fucking point.

they don’t miss


soleimani btfo

They included themselves too

I hadn't heard of this, what is Snopes doing?

Snopes tried to report The Bee as a malicious fake news outlet. Several times, in fact.

I'm assuming this was only last year, though, since I haven't heard from them trying to pull this shit again for a while now.

Yeah they admitted defeat last year.

I thought it was pretty obvious fact checking satire because people are retarded enough to say "its also true!"

They editorialized the absolute shit out of the supposed fact checks then got assblasted when the bee wrote funny articles about them. They couldn’t just say “no, this is satire you fucking morons” they had to accuse the bee of malicious intent.

The original Snopes piece included the subheadline, “we’re not sure if fanning the flames of controversy and muddying the details of a news story classify an article as ‘satire.’” It called the Bee story a “ruse” and suggested it had been published “in an apparent attempt to maximize the online indignation.”

Every time the Bee gets brought up on r/atetheonion, one of the top comments is Always, without fail, about The Bees sinister true purpose as an fake news site. A grand conspiracy to trick ‘tarded boomers into believing every word of their vicious lies.

They somehow manage o look dumber than boomers sharing memes on Facebook, it’s all incredible.


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Is there a horseshoe theory for generations? The millennials are very boomer-like.

Turns out the millennials and zoomers learned from their parents and took after them after swearing the opposite.

Holy shit, they are.

Entitled, always complaining, annoyingly one-sided politically, and fucking stupid.

Is the entire article just the headline?

Even the onion does it on occasion.

How all media should strive to be ✊🏿

The Bee is perfect for short-posters because of headlines & long-posters because of content.

Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


  1. 'I Think We've Found All The Instit... - archive.org, archive.today*

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Definitely not fugeeposting.

We stan the Bee here sir

Ok unapprovedcel

The 🅱️a🅱️ylon 🅱️ee is the 🅱️est satire we have in the current year.

We literally don't need satire in the current year.

Hey mods instead of tagging all the lazy rightoid posts "where's the drama" why not just close the sub back up?


Nice job tracking down a Babylon Bee post. Maybe next time you'll grab the twitter repost so least there will be some blue check smuggles.

Imagine seething this hard.

Please leave


Ok agenda poster

The only agenda I have is to spread the good news about Allah.


Nah don't close it. This post belongs on /arrr conservitard for sure but I'm an unapprovedcel and I've missed my drama fix. I'm a rightoid myself and I hate this post.

then do your part and bully OP so that they think twice before doing it again

Done. Morally I had no choice really.

Die mad, pleb.


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I think you're lost retard this isn't /arrr conservitard


Go away and play your creepy anime games.

At least I don’t post about GOT 24/7

Why not do that then? We will allow it if it means we don't have to see every own-the-libs Bee article.



Is this The Onion for conservatives?

Yes it is, and it's actually pretty funny most of the time. Of course it has no business being featured in this subreddit, but it looks like we have been overrun by boomer refugees now that the admins are shutting down alt-right subreddits.

i will never understand the rightoid desire for even more minorities they despise.

If black women didn't have fatherless children to raise they might get an education.

Force women of COLOR to give birth.

Cut all government programs that will help poor children.

Create more poverty.

Point at poverty to justify racism.

It's really counter-intuitive. One of the most fiscally conservative things the government could do would be to make birth control - especially long-term ones like IUDs or implants - free. If I was king, make birth control free, but I'd give $300 to woman getting long term birth control (like this foundation). The amount of money we would save in the long run would be staggering.

Just something easy to blame

Not that different from leftoids quoting gun suicide statistics.

Even a black baby has the potential to eventually become FUCKING BASED

Many don’t despise minorities, they despise cultural degeneracy (especially family-focused ones.)

They understand that the commodification of sex and devaluation of childbirth and family leads to long-term cultural destruction.

One fun part of going to Catholic school was being reminded that Planned Parenthood was founded by a racist eugenicist like every other day


I don't get it
