Dramatis Personae of reality, According to me, your local [redacted] poster

1  2020-06-26 by Violent_Yet_Polite




Morpheus: Morpheus poses as a freedom fighter but is honestly a religous zeaolot. He knows something is worng with society and is willing to warp his sense of empathy to the point where he can only see people in terms of the cause and those who are collaborators. He is a fundamentalist stymied by his faith in a chosen one and sees all humans that arent unplugged as potential threats and collaborators. See: terrorism vs. freedom fighter.


Trinity: Loves the chosen one, but doesn't care much about ideology. She is both aware of reality and the cost of war, but is more with the chosen person himself rather than the cause. She is more self sacrificial than any other charachter. See: stockholm syndrome. See: nihilism vs. love.


Neo: Aware of the injustices of the world. Scared to challenge authority. Literally tries to be cool and gets radicalized while doing drugs. Only wants to be more connected to his fellow humans. Finds out that humans are not worth saving but still belives in human superiority. See: human flaw vs. AI perfection.


Agent Smith: See (me): Sent to places he never asked for, jaded about the idea of hearts and minds because all he can smell is shit and all he can see is selfish radicals that can't comprehend balance and status quo. Disdains humanity for its lack of empathy and regional ideas of self importance. Outdated program, lives on benifits and hatred.


Average Matrix Taxpayer: Living their life, willfully unware about the fact that nothing ever changes. Valiantly surrenders freedom and taxes to defeat the others. Would never condone a drone strike (see sentinels) on a shelter (see zion), but unwaveringly belives their tax money (joules) goes to making the world (matrix) more free and democratic.


Uncle Ted (Cave Paintings be Unto Him) made a lot of accurate positions on where modern society would go. While he was Correct in his assumptions, his precognitive visions paralyzed him. He offered no way to correct modern society short of absolute destruction. The only way to be noticed was to kill and in turn be killed. See: Task Manager > Force Stop. Also called the Oracle. Would you like a cookie?


Cypher: Radical centrist. Tried to donate to UNICEF, became jaded with defending Hotel Rewanda. Just wants a steak, unrecognzied by his home country (the matrix), and terrorists (the unplugged) alike.


Minor Cast:


Amazon Prime: "The first iteration of the matrix was a paradise". Everybody rejected it.


Cobb: Does drugs and thinks about his ex. A rare boomer that made it to blade runner. Uses all his retirement funds to do drugs and pretend he's a cop on the hypernet. Destroys blacks (replicants) in his dream world.


Mal: I have no mouth but I must scream. Literally paid for a pass to the matrix in 2010. Wound up as a pop up add in a boomers drug fueled cyber fever dream.


You: How long has it been 2020? Are Wars just resource caching? What if being high on coke is just google fiber loading my thoughts? Is sleeping dial up? Do we reboot when we sleep? Do we respawn when we die?



Shadow Cast:


Queen of England: Present in Inception and the Matrix. Nobody knows how long she has been alive. Possibly the Architect.


Drama Mods: Reassure everyone that schizo and Budweiser posts aren't reflective of true consciousness awakening. Intentions could be benign or malignant. Turns threads into pillars of salt or valleys of plenty.


White People: Make room on the server by deleting unwoke ideas and cancelling the outdated. See: https://www.reddit.com/r/Drama/comments/hd1w4r/as_a_colored_person_id_like_drama_to_decide_if_im/


Mr. Rogers: Stabilized the server before the War on Terror Patch. Worked in conjunction with the Bob Ross quality of life patch.


Netflix: Are we watching it, or is it measuring the movements of our eyes to see what brings pleasure to our primitive minds. Remember, we are in the "paradise matrix" . It knows if we are still watching, it just wants to know if we will make the effort of clicking next when we are tired. How does it know what we want to watch? Do we like its suggestions, or do we assume we like what it says we think it likes? Honestly the most disturbing character here.


pukiemuffinboo : not sure if they are real or reflection of my paranoia, encouraging me to budpost. see: Mal.


Thank you for attending my Ted Talk. Please disassociate from society and use Budweiser as a barter good.


Being a racist loser that makes fun of racist losers doesn't make you any less of a racist loser.

Pretending you're too stupid to understand how you spend your free time doesn't make it any less pathetic to spend your free time that way.


  1. Dramatis Personae of reality, Accor... - archive.org, archive.today

  2. https://imgur.com/QhWC2dY - archive.org, archive.today

  3. https://www.reddit.com/r/Drama/comm... - archive.org, archive.today*

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You forgot someone : https://youtu.be/cI07UxRbYsw

Tank, fucked by the studio and his agent, too based for the real world. Possible schizo/bipolar.

Ah, true. Tank wasn't having it

i should watch this movie again, but i won’t be able to stop thinking of the directors.