consumeproduct masks off to reveal /r/short and /r/smalldickproblems

4  2020-06-26 by kevindurantalt


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Daily reminder to any moids here that small penis shaming is valid, true, and hilarious

This is also true of manlets. They're adorable.

Indeed I am.


I'm not short but I do have a small penis and I have never quite figured out what all the fuss is about. it still feels good to me when I'm having sex, so what's the problem

too many of these coomers only learned about sex through porn, and they think you're only having good sex if the girl is acting like she's having demons exorcised outta her from getting piped. grow up

it still feels good to me when I'm having sex, so what's the problem

Disregard for female pleasure, based.

๐Ÿ‘the ๐Ÿ‘ female ๐Ÿ‘ orgasm ๐Ÿ‘ is ๐Ÿ‘ a ๐Ÿ‘ myth! ๐Ÿ‘

how can you even orgasm without a prostate? ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”

in an inferior way, just like everything else they do

Oof no, orgasms are the one thing allah blessed women with over men. If you had a big dick youโ€™d understand.

If you had a daddy with half a century of experience working every inch of your body and bussy, you'd understand that male orgasms are superior when you don't have a lazy dumb foid getting you there

Yo weird question but did u grow up in a town whose name is 6 letters and starts with a D and ends with N?

Nah, I grew up in a large city in AZ.

Oh damn, must be a weird coincidence then.

I grew up with a D Legare who lives in a Chicago, is an engineer/software in his mid 20s, and would be the only person I know autistic enough to post on this sub as well.

I'd have to be even more autistic to use a reference to my name on my shitposting account lol, it's just a reference to Italian heritage.

Speaking of, have you been educated on pastacide?

Yeah makes sense, it just seemed like too much of a coincidence for me not to ask lmao.

Wouldโ€™ve been lit af tho if you were my long lost middle school friend.

I have not.

Italian heritage

Beating women, eating deli meat and being loud in restaurants is your heritage

^ Found one of the racist incels who tore down the statues of my beloved Christopher Columbus.

We will not stand for pastacide. Your days are numbered, incel.

Bippity boppity go make my pastrami

Are u circodufudor?

no I'm geauxhouston22

> all the world's information at your fingertips

Can't wait to spend all my time exposing myself to people and things I hate.

Remember when voat was relatively new and imzy was still around and all of the chronic whiners on reddit swore that they'd finally fuck off? It seems that certain types of '''''''''''''people'''''''''''''''''''''''''''' are hooked on complaining about things they dislike online. Though tbf that describes a pretty large fraction of the '''''''''''''''''''''people'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' on /r/drama as well so I guess there's no room to talk


At least r/averageredditor is still pretty good.


Someone should point out the irony to them

They're all poorcels there that try to use that sub to cope with not being able to afford shit they want. It's a sour grapes scenario.

  • poor
  • short
  • chode-havers

they should all probably pack it up and call it on life because they got nothing going there. or they could hop on the lupron train to twink-town but that's basically just giving up too.

Exactly. Same with anything Apple-related on Android or Windows subs. There's plenty of things you can shit on Apple for, but the specific way they seethe about Apple just reeks of insecure butthurt that they can't afford Apple products and their chosen products will never be considered "cool" like Apple.

Well myself and a few other deuxugees place blame squarely on those poorcel manlets for ruining it and getting it banned . They would come in with the alpha male fake ass b.s. and then once you engaged them it became them going on and on between extreme rightoids tradshit and going on about products people bought . It almost came off as cultish tbh

yep... Hate ((some)) of the poors... crab logic.

when will they learn

Randy Newman called it in his song:

I watched all six minutes and 42 seconds of that. And Iโ€™m not going to lie.

That was the best thing Iโ€™ve seen Iโ€™m my life.

The combination of autism, insecurity, and shitposting?

Itโ€™s a da Vinci. I feel ashamed for even being in your presence. That is true art. That is true beauty

people go into LSU dumb, come out dumb too

fuck off randy

That sub is so weird. I guess they are probably mostly NEETs so are salty they can't participate in glorious capitalism so shit all over it despite being rightoids.

And they all consume Media more than the average person, its all projection who fucking cares if nerds waste their money on funko pops, as long as retards exist they will find something retarded to buy.

No we used to be such discerning and informed consumers:

Was it full mask off?

real question is, if i take off the mask, will they die?

It would be extremely problematic.

For me


Unfathomable levels of cope.

I enjoyed your anteater post today.

So calvin klein's new model is a fat crossdressing jogger? Interesting choice

It's signalling that they believe everyone is beautiful by finding the ugliest person, dressing them up like a clown and putting them up on a billboard. Based tbh.

Convincing ugly people to buy your shitty "premium" brand by putting them on a poster, so that the CEO's beautiful wife can get her 9th plastic operation, is honestly genius.

dunno, the fashion industry is only as big as it is because it's gotten really good at convincing people that they're ugly and need to be less ugly.

Not that I disagree, but CK is more of a clothing company, and IMO it doesn't apply as much in this case as with other hygiene or skincare products, or god forbid surgeries, all of which tend to be abused a lot more and can have permanent effects (most women and rich men still have way too many clothes tho).

However, there's definitely a push towards more inclusive, "socially conscious" marketing, in an attempt to cater to practically everyone. I feel like in the past, marketing was more segmented and targeted more precisely towards specific demographics, whereas nowadays, if your brand is already established, you just keep casting a wider net.

Not that I disagree, but CK is more of a clothing company, and IMO it doesn't apply as much in this case

They were still selling "in our clothes you will look like this supermodel" to the subconscious, idk how this ad is supposed to work. Maybe for people even uglier than the model?

Whatโ€™s with the AHS title

ugh, rdrama has always been ahs's sister sub standing against problematic subreddits to keep this website free of sexism, homophobia, transphobia, fatphobia and other form of violence against marginalized peoples and minorities.

Everyone's projection issues would be solved if they just realised that edging for four hours a night cures all sexual frustration.