I’ve been on this site 3 years

1  2020-06-27 by caliberoverreaching

I am pathetic




But have you upset anyone during your time here?

what else is there to do tbh

Share useless knowledge. Or piss people off. Either is good.


Also spread the word of Allah to non-believers.

Or Marx

I should get back into Hadithposting... Without Lines or Ed here I may be the only non ironic bismallah poster left

Inshallah brother

Practice restive writing.


Prolapse bussy

I post nudes on my alt cause i need validation



I've been on here for like 8 and it's been terrible

Same here and it just gets worse

I discovered this site in 2010 during my freshman year of university and it's been a downward spiral ever since

3 years and not perma banned. pathetic

Been here 7 years... yeah...

I'm a year more pathetic than you!

Luv u dude

lol nerd

Holy many hours do you have though?

First went on this site in like 2012, but didn't actually start being on here regularly till 2014. I regret my decision every day.

my condolences

There is a hell and we are in it. Happy cake day.

I only follow the patriarchal aspects of Islam. Not the aspects that make you a cuck e.g. Abstaining from womanising, penetrating a sweet trap virgin ass and lowering your gaze.


  1. I’ve been on this site 3 years - archive.org, archive.today

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