Tzar Month: Jesus' Appearance

1  2020-06-27 by Tzar-Romulo

You've all probably seen the "This is what Jesus would've actually looked like" picture. The one where it looks like an arab Neanderthal räpebaby. But Jesus was from Galilee a historically GREEKED region. Explain.


I have had a main account permanently banned in the time you were supposed to update us on the dead animal on your campus. This is what you hit us with for a monthly feature?

I'm so bummed at you right now.

Jannies won't let me post pictures. Birds keep dying here pretty weird.

Unless you pissed off birdgirl herself I don't see why they wouldn't let you post pics. I post my dumb shit I don't see why you couldn't post yours.

We can't post pictures in drama.

But I did.

Just look at my plant post one post under yours.

Sitting at 0 upvotes like it should be.

Now it's at 1 upvote. 😏

Reddit moment.


Tell me more, I’m interested.

My dog found a sick bird in my backyard. Last few days I saw many sickly birds. Los pajaros are getting corona.

Interdasting, very interesting indeed. Lots of devastating pathologies in animal populations in last decade between deer, foxes, Tasmanian devils, and Florida panthers (😢). Sad to say but hopefully that and not something pollution or run-off related.

You didn't even read it, did you? You just disregarded it because it doesn't fit your world view. You are pathetic, scum of the earth. People present you with scientifically backed evidence showing how the world really is and you disregard it because it is brought to your attention by a group of people you find inferior to you.


  1. Tzar Month: Jesus' Appearance -,

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Was Jesus a Greek? 😯

Jesus: I'm gay and my dick is small, catch me at Pharisee Moms


Nowhere near as fun as the screeching over the ancient Egyptians.

Everyone wants to be associated with a civilization known for incest and being conquered constantly cause they couldn’t figure out how to get out of the Bronze Age.

Should be a stickies COPE megathread whenever there’s something published on them.

Jesus is meh in comparison.

Many basketballs think Cleopatra was a kween.

When they tested Tut they withheld the DNA and it made AAs seethe.

Turns out the Egyptians were seething too cause they had way more subsaharan DNA than their ancestors.

It just keeps giving.

A fun pastime when Cleopatra talk starts a shit fight is to work in how she married her brothers and how I have more questions about their representation. It doesn’t end the fight, but both sides tend to cool off for a few hours usually.

It's much less of a stretch to say that Cleopatra was Albanian.

Do one for all the greccoroman larpers in r/drama next

People really miss the point of this story.

Yeshua told the two Marys in the final days, after they begged him to expose himself, that he was just allowing himself to be crucified so that he could prove that he would come back, and wasn't subject to death.

That's what easter means, and what his whole point was.

"The wages of sin is death", but when one rises above that, one can traverse freely between life and death, heaven and earth. He didn't die, he wasn't killed because he couldn't be killed. He could come and go as he pleased.

(((Jesus))) is a (((jew))), end of discussion

Jesus is a Mexican name buddy.

He looked like this but handsome since it's Jesus we're talking about 💅🙏:

Note the facial features. I think they overdone the nose a little.

That shnaz. 😟

Galilee a historically GREEKED region

Not sure where you got this impression. In Greek sources I don't believe it's even mentioned until Josephus, who wrote about a generation after Jesus and was trying to educate Greeks about Jew stuff. But history does record all kinds of people had migrating to that region over the centuries, so it's entirely possible that he was more of what we would call a Russian now.

Due to Mosaic law, religiously-observant Jews of the time didn't usually intermarry with Gentiles, especially Greekoids for obvious reasons because what human being would do that, although today almost all Jews, including Orthodox ones marry non-Jews, it's over for Deuteronomycels.

Lots of Roman soldiers BLEACHED hot Jеwish gussу during the Jewish-Roman wars though, unintentionally giving birth to more Jews due to the matrilineal descent.

Due to this, many Middle-Age Jewish writings and the Talmud said that (((Yeshua Moschiach))) was an offspring/rape baby of a Roman Chad and (((Maryam))), who then made up the miraculous birth myth to hide her affair.