Ominous rumblings as a starbucks patron uncovers a rape LARP written by b*rnie. His signature looks kind of like Ben “see-a-gay-control-your-spray” Garrison’s. Have you ever seen them at the same place?

0  2020-06-27 by pretty_anxious


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I was gonna start playing league again til I saw they auto filter the N slur now. Noped right out.

Gaming is basically dead.


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If you have five minutes, the Medium article dunking on her is a pretty good read.

This is exactly the kind of weaponized bullshit that has since led to at least seven migrant children dying in federal custody.

All of them would still be alive if Hillary Clinton were president today.

Yikes sweaty you weren't kidding.

More 👏 ethical👏Obama-Era👏Concentration👏 Camps.

Yes they were in the same cages, but at least they didn't have to endure Trump's tweets.

I only wish I could provide takes that spicy

This shit is so fucking old, OP. How did the weirdos on r/Enough_Sanders_Spam just find out about it?

Also, at some point, people are just going to have to accept that every presidential candidate is some kind of rapist. No exceptions.

They didn’t “just find out about it”. They just bring it up every now and again because they let bernie live in their heads rent free

Politicians aren't good people.

In other news, water is wet and the sky is blue.

Despite being rapests, Ppoliticians aren't good people.


This is like, the one position Bernie is right on though.

Has any of you actually read that shit? It's just some post-modern pseudo intellectual drivel, about gener roles alienating both sexes (I guess? Its pretty meandering and unstructured, not to mention boring). Its not a rape fanfic. It just states that the woman fantasies about being raped during sex. And that magazines with rape stories sell well(?).

This is just standard socialist WORDSWORDSWORDS, not some male-feministing manifesto.

Reminder that rape is the most common fantasy for both men and women