Fwank Ocean fans get angey when Mr. Atlantic doesn’t ship their shirts and vinyl (imagine buying vinyl) for 3/4 of a year, only to ship out a different version of the vinyl bought. Vulgarity ensues. (Trigger warning: F word in title)

37  2020-06-27 by transilio


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Fuck you dude. You don't just get to believe what I'd been thinking the whole time now that it's convenient for you. First apologize to me for your original opinions, shithead.

And look: the fact that you just very recently had those problematic opinions does not just mean that you get to be woke within a matter of clicks; you still have a lot of rethinking to do. So shut up. Say you're sorry, SHUT THE FUCK UP, and start listening: the adults are talking, and what we have to say will impact generations to come.


  1. Fwank Ocean fans get angey when Mr.... - archive.org, archive.today

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Dude sentient

Does anyone know the origin of this one? It's so good

was hoping this was going to be vinyl crafting drama

Unfortunately (or fortunately) frank shipped out all of his vinyl crafts within 2 weeks of them being sold out. he was... eerily quick with those

Niche, sticky and repetitive.

Man that vinyl thread was great.

What if that

Who the fuck is Frank Ocean?

The first queer black singer.

Frank was the first openly gay even though half of all RnB singers were closet homosexuals meaning they sexually identified as closets and were sexually attracted to other closets.

okay gamer.

I'm sure frank is an excellent gamer. Don't diss him like that.

Frank Ocean has literally never made a single good song

It’s odd considering I’m a dead head / rock guy (mayo btw) that I like franks music, but I do. Couldn’t fathom buying his $60 t-shirts so I say these r-slurs got what they deserved 😎

Oh god, i relistened to his first album last week and i was so taken aback at how bad i thought it was compared to when i first heard it in 2014 or whatever.

Dude I was in fucking middle school then and I thought it was the deepest shit ever. A tornado flew around his room HOLY SHIT BRO THAT MEANS ITS MESSY 🤯 now I can’t stand channel orange, and only listen to a few tracks off of Blond... if you’re open to the suggestion though, I’d recommend listening to Endless, it actually holds up in adulthood.

Most of his albums are shit and filled with fluff and weird noises but the few good songs are very good. they have a vibe to them

I always say the reason I like him is because of his production quality. Each song (and I know frank may or may not have a hand in this) on at least blond and endless are masterfully crafted in my opinion. that’s not speaking to the music’s subjectivity, just my opinion on the objectivity of its production... Jesus I sound like I just hopped off his dick

Yea, i just listen to the Weeknd now for some actually good rnb

Nice bro, that’s also what I listened to in middle school
