CLASSIC DRAMA: Bodybuilders argue furiously about the number of days in a week

236  2020-06-27 by Babybear_Dramabear


On 9/5/18 I met my best friend. Nearly 5 months later she gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Just a reminder that being a father is not about “blood” but about being available with unconditional love and support


  1. CLASSIC DRAMA: Bodybuilders argue f... -,*

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Old repost, but still one of the best forum fights of all time.

This was "classic drama" a decade ago. It's practically archeological drama by now.

Sips. People don’t fight on the internet like they used to.

I'm old too

Now that I think about it, my flair is as close as I’ll get now to repping a sick photoshop sig that pisses everyone off. PBuH.

allah is god and mohamed pbuh is his messenger

Mods crack down too soon these days. On most subs you can't even tell people to fuck off anymore.

It's been that way for a while. I had to make so many Democratic Underground accounts back in the day.

The proliferation of internet point systems (likes, upvotes, retweets, etc) discourages people from rocking boats, and it gives lazy/censorious mods an easy tool to identify "bad" posts and users.

Can't wait til they have a brick and mortar museum that is just printed out forums.

I forgot what internet fights looked like when no one was called a Nazi.

Yea this is like a repost5 but it is fun to revist from time to time.

I love how it just gets more intense and everyone doubles down. The dude who thinks if you go every other day you would go 8 times in 2 weeks LOL.

This is first time I've seen this somehow and it's the funniest shit I've seen all week. I miss when internet drama was like this and not just buttmad agendaposting.

The problem is that finding tasty drama takes some real effort. Finding it, curating the relevant threads, and posting the juciest morsels. It's much easier to just post a snarky tweet or Babylon Bee article. I myself am guilty of Ben posting too much in the past.

If I go every other day I will be at the gym 4-5 times a week

This math is irrefutable.

Holy fuck, I laugh every time.


bois bois reporting in

Knew what it was before I even clicked lmao

Why would you watch someone read this who is such a pussy they won't say the word "retarded"?

Fitness is my all time favorite sub genre of drama.

Great forum for discussing one's love of crossfit.

It's the intersection of passion and a lot of junk science.

I love when CICO nuts burst out the laws of thermo dynamics as if it's apropos 😅😅

Oooo sweaty gonna have to disagree with you there.

talks about junk science

defends CICO

Can't make this up

Lol if you are at a caloric deficit you will lose weight with the possible exception of accumulation of non fat weight like water.

If you are at a surplus you will gain weight.

Conceptually it is that simple if you think that is wrong you are stupid AF that's like basic thermodynamics.

That doesn't mean it is easy to do. I understand that it is easier said than done to maintain a deficit.

Lol Caloric Restriction as a form of sustained weight loss is a joke that has only a few base studies of dubious scientific value

You can lose weight with more calorie intake lol

Sure you can eat more... if you increase your output.

A Calorie is a unit of energy equal to the amount of energy required to raise 1 kg of water 1 degree Celsius.

Energy cannot be created or destroyed so when you eat something you will absorb some portion of the available chemical energy. The absorbed energy will then either be spent by exercise, normal daily activity and your BMR. Any energy in excess of this will be stored as fat. Any short of that will require using fat.

If you can't recognize that you are beyond help.

Other issues like feeling satiated and for how long, sustainability of energy, are fine to acknowledge but noting disputes CICO. It is fundamental physics.

Any energy in excess of this will be stored as fat. Any short of that will require using fat.

See... this is where CICO nuttery falls apart. It's not that energy is "created from nothing" it's that the balance of excesses of certain macro-nutrients are well known to stick around longer as fatty tissue instead of being used to replace cells, burned off quickly, or expelled via sweat/piss/shit. It also grossly misrepresents how the body "sees" nutrients, CICO at it's base requires to think of energy balance to be first... yet energy is last to be produced because fucking duh.

There's also insulin production that engorges adipose cells to be receptive to far more storage of passing nutrients than it would "ignore" without the insulin, TDEE being lowered by calorie restriction (thus resting body heat), and that adipose is usually the last store of energy used en mass (and it doesn't work like a reserve tank or a fucking battery).

This has been established for so long it's almost amazing that calorie restriction maxim persists. The base of the "a calorie is a calorie" are actually a set of well circulated but p-hacked to shit trials from the 60's that were not funded by independent sources that had no financial stake in the outcome. I've read a lot of studies on the issue, and though almost all of them show distinct variations in speed, amount, sustained fat loss, and types of body weight loss the CICO adherents lazily chalk it up to poor self reporting instead of a fundamental flaw in their models of how the body processes certain macro-nutrients. It's actually fucking amazing, though unsurprising because nutrition "science" has been poorly funded at an institutional level for decades and has had huge issues with replication and disclosing of funding sources.

And... oh yeah, holding up CICO becuase it's "basic physics" is hilarious because while adherents use it to support the foundation of the claim it literally violates a few other laws of TD whereas the idea of metabolic processes being different for different macro-nutrients absolutely does not LMAO.

Some light reading for you: Overview:

Fatty Tissue is more than "energy storage":

If you need more I'm willing to provide. CICO is bro-science to the fucking max.

It's fascinating the amount of time and energy people will put into to find excuses for them being fat.

I promise you if you take whatever the worst fucking food out there is say pure high fructose corn syrup. And feed some fatty nothing but 500 kcal of that a day, a vitamin suppliment, and water. They will start losing weight real fast. Muh insulin effects and all.

Of course if they already have diabetes this would just kill them.

Lol you wish I was a fatty but nah I'm basically if Phil Brooks was taller, broader, and bigger muscles...

But while starvation will decrease body weight the results aren't pretty or healthy... Sorry but bone density loss, lack of sex drive, hair loss, psychosis, and muscular atrophy isn't a great trade off.

And the reason I think CICO is shit is because without reduction weight loss in a practical level is much more common.

There's just something about the thought that what you eat is more important and doable than trying to regulate how much of utter garbage you put in. Just, like, prepare your own food and not eat like shit. Less will stick around.

I never said you were a fatty don't project.

While looking up your garbage article I found this one. It directly supports CICO. We could spend all day throwing articles at each other because nutrition is pretty much a soft or junk science field in itself.

Will your macros help you facilitate losing weight? Yea probably. Because if I eat a 2000 calorie bowl of sugar for breakfast I'm probably going to feel like ass and sit around all day and probably even feel hungry again in a few hours. If I eat 2000 calories worth of steak I will probably be fairly productive plus all the extra energy spent by the horrendous bowl movements that result.

I think one issue is just communication. When I think calories in I don't mean calories put in your mouth, I mean calories you successfully uptake. So anything you shit out wouldn't count. And things like the thermogenic effect. Normal bodily processes like digestion and your BMR processes are calories out.

Also you were talking about expelling weight through piss, shit and sweat, you do know when you lose fat weight you do it through exhalation hot through those excretory pathways?

Yeah I think you get what I'm saying... But the definition of CICO is the tautology of "a calorie is a calorie" and at its roots takes the caloric value pre digestion... Compounded by the fact there's little evidence that some macros contribute to long term fatty cell stores it's a shit diet strategy if weight loss/gain is the goal.

It's a bit of a slight of hand that CICO nuts have about body weight, which isn't the concern for most people it's excess fatty tissue that causes many of the issues health wise (though it's possible to have too strong of bones that's such a rarity it barely is worth mentioning).

Also you were talking about expelling weight through piss, shit and sweat, you do know when you lose fat weight you do it through exhalation hot through those excretory pathways?

But much of the unabsorbed nutrients go out though piss, shit, and sweat. As do some deadened cells.

Ok then we don't disagree as much as we thought we did. If that is the real definition of CICO then I am more than happy to acknowledge that two different people may have different efficiencies in their gut.

I also agree that weight itself isn't the best indicator as muscle tissue is denser than adipose tissue as well as fluid retention differences.

I think the problem is that people that are overweight often are looking for any excuse to justify it. Yes it is easier for some people to lose weight. But people often hold some of these bad studies up claiming it is impossible for them to lose weight. Anyone can get down to a healthy weight. It may involve dietary and lifestyle changes but no one on this planet is medically incapable of losing weight.

I think the problem is that people that are overweight often are looking for any excuse to justify it.

I agree with everything in your post but especially this. There are absolutely unhealthy communities like Anti-diet that are filled to the brim with people that throw their hands up and say it's to hard as they chow on their eighth bag of crisps that day.

Cultivating a healthy, and ultimately pleasurable, relationship with the food you make and eat is step one. If there's a way to satiate and be healthier that cuts down fatty tissue in the long run I'm all for it... And it's possible with not eating a shit diet lol

Wow an argument that resolved amicably on reddit... in /r/drama of all places!?

Never thought I'd see the day.

... What have we become, my dearest friend? This drama empire of dirt...

You channeling Johnny or Trent?

Trent cried when he heard the man in black do the song. Allegedly he said: "it's not mine anymore"

Correct answer.

CICO as a fundamental physics concept only works if the body processes 100% of food input, which it doesnt. That's why we cook food - to get more nutrients out of it.

Fat fingers typed this post.

Sorry to disappoint ya sweaty but no

Using voice to speech is just a technical deflection fatty.

I'd rather be fit and strong while eating healthy than pointlessly counting shit that doesn't matter 😅😅

How do you think weight loss works then?

Talk shit, post pics. Let's see your physique then.

You are too caught up in science. It’s like how squatting at or below parallel is bad for your knees, or how hammer curl works the tricep. You have to accept it to know it, like Jesus himself.

Jesus died for our gains.

Sorry can’t tell if you’re joking, is squatting at or below parallel actually bad for your knees?

For most people no.

Cutting a squat short or half repping actually is kinda bad, because you remove a lot of posterior chain from movement and put all the stress on knees and quads from suboptimal angles. Generally you want to go for parallel, can go deeper if you want to stunt on them hoes but it makes almost zero difference and elite lifters really just aim to hit parallel in competition.

It’s fitness, every poorly informed and counterproductive idea has been championed or sold by someone at some point. I’m sure you could find people telling you I’m rarted for this take.

Hammer curls working triceps is straight from the mouth of the Monkey Prick himself. The Iron Extortionist hath spoken and we must listen. The Words of Jason Giovanni from the frothy, piss filled waters of Lake Cresva must be heard as gospel. So sayeth Janoy Cresva. It sick, it piss, it revolting, it insulting.

All troopers await the mythical day when Burger King will be Order 66’d for not accepting his Imperial Oatmeal recipe for the breakfast menu.

Can you explain to me with science how thermodynamics is wrong

They don't explain the pocket dimension all people over a certain weight have in their guts. They allow for weight loss despite taking in more calories than you burn.

The thermodynamics isn't wrong, the base understanding of how the body uses and stores nutrients under the CICO paradim is. Excess sugar is highly correlated to fatty tissue gain, regardless of overall calorie intake levels.

No, please use science to explain why people can, apparently in your view, continue gaining weight despite having caloric deficit.

If your gall bladder is filled to the brim with bile, it'll likely get converted to adipose even at a deficit because energy needs will be met elsewhere (mostly muscle degradation, ask any diabetic you fucking idiot). Adipose is hard to shrink if there's an excess of insulin, thus sticks around longer and accumulates. Calorie replacement (aka not eating like a god damn blob) shows significant changes even if the caloric intake remains constant.

Put down the bag of crisps and pick up some walnuts you ape.

Where does that bile come from?

Most of the quick filling excess that floods the system seems to be overabundance of refined sugar, with overall caloric intake seemingly not playing a role as much as would be thought.

So let me get this straight

That bile comes from food, correct?

Yes. But usually most food derivatives that goes into it is processed slower at a lower percentage than others... Not hard to understand and backed up by science.

So it's still calories in and calories out them, right?

... Kinda but not really that's the issue

So the answer is yes, it's still calories in versus calories out and there is no free lunch. Insta-downvote all you want, it doesn't make you less incorrect.

It's that different macros work doddering that's all you dunce

So it's still calories in, calories out?

Jesus christ. CICO is the idea that you can control weight by caloric restrictions alone and that all calories should be treated the same by the body.

So you're telling me that the energy contained in food isn't measured in calories? Or that energy isn't conserved?

Are you saying that you can gain weight despite having a true caloric deficit? How specifically does that work?

... Are your cells made of actual energy? 😅

Why aren't you answering my questions? It's a simple answer.

CICO relies on the idea that energy imbalances lead to weight gain/loss alone, all "extra" calories are stored, and that all calories (as measured by using the burn method) are processed the same in the body. That's why it's bullshit. It's not wrong per se it's pedestrian and ignores other biological mechanisms at work. "Different food affects body differently" shouldn't be a controversial subject yet here we are, as a society.

How do you gain weight on a true calorie deficit? Continue to eat like shit and not let the fat stores wind down and they still grow, as your body cools because temp is more dependent on the intake.

Okay, so are you admitting that you'll never gain more weight than the energy you've ingested or not?

Duh. Deficit being less than less than regular intake

are you admitting that you'll never gain more weight than the energy you've ingested or not?



lmao what? who cares what bile gets converted into, it doesn't magically gain more mass out of nowhere??? your body can shuffle around tissue or transform it however it wants, but it is not capable of magically generating more mass. if you eat less calories than you use, you will lose weight.

Nothing is being created out of nothing dingus. It's the body using and storing macro nutrients differently than one another and that thinking about it in terms of "energy balance" is faulty at its core because that's just not how the body "sees" nutrients.

How does uhhh. Not eating enough lead to losing weight. And eating more than enough lead to gaining weight?

Because the body doesn't store energy at a 1:1 ratio of total caloric intake excess? Jesus christ CICO nuts are retarded.

Ya man that like 200 caloric variation between metabolic rates is crazy eh!

only gigafats question CICO

I'm an exiled (damn Covid) gym rat and people pay me lots of money to run fast lmao

how do you get paid for running?

I also use a whistle and get yelled at but idiots.


The fact that you got downsnoozled is the proof we need to go private again.

It's actually amazing how frothing they get when someone challenges their precious CICO... It's more of an emotional connection they have to it rather than anything science based

I have no fucking clue what you are ralking about but keep posting and making the newf*gs s e e e th bud 👏👏👏

My entire shtick is pissing newf*gs off of making weeb pedos delete their accounts after I bully them.

It doesn't pay much, but it's honest work.

Fcuking based.

It's called broscience and it's real science from the /fit/test minds.

the intersection of based and based

That is amazing thank you for sharing this.

This is the drama classic. Newfags get in here.

I think about this every week.

But how many days?

7.5 but every other day

Just don't think about it on a Sunday

Calendar says, poverty ghost, Malodrax and his shenanigans, the library girl, Misc has some of the greatest threads of all time. I actually learned a lot from those guys back in the day and still keep in touch with some of them, sad the modern forum has been taken over by incèls

I only know about Delray Misfits, what other fitness lolcows exist?

Vegan gains is a source of constant drama

Oh fuck I forget about him, he was based

Oh lawd this drama is such a classic


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I get what TheJosh was going for but fucks sake dude it literally just takes looking at a calendar

Actually laughing at how stupid that guy is. Soo good.

I think the closest you can get to this kind of broscience drama nowadays is nofap, but everyone is too afraid to get real mad these days. These days the rule is that if you got mad, you lost, so only lolcows tend to scream and blow up over nothing now. Everyone else just adopts the smug redditor tone, even if they're seething on the inside.

That or it was all the roids these guys were taking. That too.

No fap is real I can move shit with my mind. Just my dick upwards at the moment, but I'm sure i'll be able to move a car in a few weeks.

Back in the day (2000-2004) used to have a Sex forum where porn was posted. It was mainly just pictures of naked chicks.

Anyway, there was a gimmick poster named BIGJOHN who come into threads and post 900 word stories in all caps loosely related to the image, but were always about him and his bisexual construction workers fucking each other. Something like "WE WORK HARD AND WORK EACH OTHER HARD". A shit show would always follow as the meat heads would flame him.

wonder whatever happened to BIG JOHN

hope he's still trolling along in some forgotten corner of the internet

I will link this thread all over the planet if you don't admit defeat.

Promise made, promise kept

Why are you stealing shit from the internet museum? Hilarious classic, though.

TheJosh is kinda right but for all the wrong reasons. I've always thought of him as the antihero. He's probably a polite yet stupid person in real life. Maybe unconventionally educated. I wonder what he does.

Do you mean he was right in how he acted or with his core point?

His idea that you can fit 4 workouts into a week. Yes, you can fit 4 workouts into 7 days. TheJosh is just rounding up the 3.5 without knowing it.

No he thinks you can fit in 4 workouts every week while working out every single day. He even states that explicitly. If you are going EOD you need to think of it as a 2 week cycle 4 the first week, 3 the second and repeat. The average is 3.5 a week.

I get what you're saying and you're right--when you set your calendar for the next two weeks that's how you fit every other day in a schedule.

I've always understood TheJosh making the start date of a week arbitrary. Like, he thinks that once 7 days have passed that means a week has happened.

No he said you don't count the day you start working out. He definitely was in the wrong. But the other guy was just and ass about it.

That's always been my interpretation too. You should write a post about it.

This is absolutely beautiful

this has me dyyying

I wish I could go back and read it for the first time.

Ion be thinking ima read all dhat shit get to dha point

To be clear, he thinks the days of the week are:




















I will never not upvote this link. It’s absolute gold.


who gave this gold this post is older than the itnernet itself.