Is Skai Jackson a right winger?

1  2020-06-28 by perkot12


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I was gonna start playing league again til I saw they auto filter the N slur now. Noped right out.

Gaming is basically dead.


  1. Is Skai Jackson a right winger? -,

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Good God, they're so insufferably smug, and about something they have to know they're wrong about. For fuck's sake, the "Donate" button on the BLM website [links to ActBlue, a Democratic Party political action committee.

Circlejerk subs are at their best jerking, and at their absolute worst thinking they have any right to an opinion on anything.

Good God, they're so insufferably smug, and about something they clearly know they're wrong about. For fuck's sake, the "Donate" button on the BLM website links to ActBlue, a Democratic Party political action committee. All three founders endorsed Bernie Sanders in both 2016 and 2020, despite him getting, what, 10% of the black vote?

Thinking that black lives matter doesn't make you left-wing, but supporting Black Lives Matter definitely does.