Q: "Girls of Reddit, what's the female equivalent of trying to hide a boner?" A: Take a guess.

1  2020-06-28 by HodorLePortePorte


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I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


  1. Q: "Girls of Reddit, what's the fem... - archive.org, archive.today

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Literally a sitcom joke character.

Fucking Monty Python shit right there

Looks eerily like Lawlz?

Actually, are we sure it isn't? He is a r/drama mod after all.


dont do lawlz like that

And you just know that's the women's restroom😭😭😭😭



I have noticed that many people in this community are very uglyphobic, but even the transwomen who don't pass deserve love, not just those who do. But I mean you'll laughing now, but when transhumanism will solve the issue, and every body could be transformed into a perfectly beatiful women or men body, who will laugh then. The people who want to stay natural, and refuse to modify their body with technology because of religious views or whatever will be the ugliest then. And there will be whole websites dedicated to making fun of "biofags".

The prophet has spoken 🙏🏼

Okay this is going to sound weird but I legit want to be a spaceship. Like upload my consciousness into spaceship and explore the stars.

This shit legit speaks to me and Brother Cavil was right.

Too bad it'll never happen because my species can't even handle social media, much less transhumanism. So if I can't be a spaceship, I choose monke.

Oh Battlestar Galactica one of my favourite tv series, I still haven't found a single sci-fi that is better than it, although the ending was lame.

The first two seasons were fantastic but it went to shit after that. "They have a plan" too bad the writers didn't.

I liked Caprica better, even though they had to compress the last two seasons into one because it got cancelled.

Yeah, I had gotten burned before on "They have a plan" by the X-Files but it still stung to be reminded. I'd suggest the obscure 1-season show Space: Above and Beyond by the guys who actually were the real brains behind the X-Files if you want to see what Battlestar Galactica could have been. A lot of Battlestar Galactica is just ripping off that show but not as well.

So you basically want to be a ship from The Culture and you have a perfect user name for it.


Haha my old username was taken from Surface Detail. Quietus is the division of Special Circumstances that deals with finding and destroying digital hells.

10/10 would trust to battle immortal theocratic space lizard.

PS. I really need to read Surface Detail now.

You can almost hear Ronald Moore screaming out here at everything he didn't like about this constraints as a writer on ST:TNG. You can have a robot but he has to wish he was just human.

And if the robot wants to be more, they have to be a villain. Because a perfectly reasonable desire for self improvement over one's limitations is somehow evil.

You stay in our box, robot.

If I may be so bold, this goes back to Gene Roddenberry who wrote a lot of stories about people (well... men... because he was really fucking sexist) who gained super powers. And then the normal people have to conspire to kill him while they can. Which I tend to agree with, but it's interesting how the kids brought up on X-Men and crap like that forget it.

Read the book, “A Ship Who Sang.”

I can’t tell if this is supposed to be ironic because I’ agreeing

Oh god

This new wave of Transsexuals really, really ruined it for Intersex people. The one I do know who's actually intersex has told me she's never faced as much as she did till people started chopping their dicks off and ruining the QOL for all intersex people so a group can start saying "Since you don't wanna suck her dick you're a bigot!" And making that whole community who just want to live their lives look nuts.

It gets even better. they made this post to /r/furry_irl


Gross. Where's the bussy?

No more bussy. Only trussy.

girldick UwU

i am trans, and because i care about my trans siblings and would die fighting for them

Statistically you'd probably die by your own hand first.

They always go for the "sorry for having the right to exist" thing whenever people aren't kissing their theor ass.

Liek nah, dude but not understanding the difference between existing and being a solipsistic jackass is probably why your only friends are the online people who groomed you.

damn harsh

Lmao 😂

reddit moment

People grilling OP for not having friends unironically posting anime fan art.




Huh i dont get it. I only see the the post but no marked answer when I click the link.

Just sort by controversial and you will see lol

Troons always interject themselves into women’s issues. I guess they believe that if they say it as loudly and incessantly as possible then their one-true wish will finally be granted. What they don’t know is that all it does is hasten the inevitable membership into the 40/100 club.

We as guys don't really have to care though, it's the women who fucked themselves over. Soon they'll realize that the (rightfully) safe spaces they build for themselves are once again over run by horny guys.

This time they won't be able to speak up due to their own infighting though lol


If you’re in a swimsuit and it gets really cold out or they just decide to do it randomly, it’s a fucking pain when your nipples perk up and everyone can see. Or if you’re exercising and wearing a sports bra and your shirt sticks to your chest and then that happens. Or for me, because I’m trans, trying to open a pad quietly in a men’s bathroom. Dear god that is HELL, I had one dude ask why I was eating chips on the shitter and I just left as quickly as I could

Dear god that is HELL, I had one dude ask why I was eating chips on the shitter and I just left as quickly as I could

This is honestly what I would assume and I genuinely wouldn't care.

I'm pretty sure the story isn't even true, there's an ancient tumblr screenshot making the exact same joke.

I don't get it. Is it originally a he? If so why is he in the men's bathroom? If it's a she why is she replying to the thread?


Then why is 'he' replying to a question for women?


i came to this thread expecting to get turned on but all i got was stories about periods.

coomer btfo

Askreddit is the worst for coomers trying to fish for lewd stories

I saw a top comment in one of those coomer fishing stories saying something like "remember, a lot of the people in these stories are fat and ugly, have fun" and there were so many people complaining that they ruined the thread for them. It was glorious.

Trans girl here, my equivalent definitely has to be hiding my boner when I'm with my boyfriend

Sacre bleu!

Troons complain more than real women

This makes them more female

Female hyena penis

Out of the 4 species of hyena only the spotted female hyena has a pseudo penis.


Der ewige Troon

Can one of you unironic troons please explain to me where we are in 2020?

I thought female referred to sex, not gender. And that when someone asks your sex, they're not asking if you're a man or a woman, but a male or a female.

Thus, this person asked "females; people with vaginas; both transmen and ciswomen, whats the vagina equivalent of popping a penis boner?"


so why are male-women responding?

I'm seriousposting now, why is what was woke in 2010 now reactionary?

None of it makes any sense tbh. That’s why they won’t debate, they just shout people down or get them canceled.

The answers to your questions don't matter, it's whatever the fuck people are shouting the loudest at any given point in time. When a mental condition becomes an identity, that's just bound to happen.

This isn't dramatic. It's just a navel gazing garbage fire.

In the future only post drama. These non-drama posts with shitty intentions only make more work for us.

Ask nicely.