It’s Official—Americans Won’t Be Allowed Into Europe When It Reopens

5  2020-06-29 by Bummunism


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They targeted gamers. Gamers.


  1. It’s Official—Americans Won’t Be Al... -,

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He's living in Paris, so it's understandable he wouldn't come back

He's living in Paris, so it's understandable he wouldn't come be allowed back

Parisians aren't people.


You really pretending the rest of the frogs are?

So Canada now has both Cuba and Europe to vacation in without having to deal with Americans. Win for us.

Canadians will actually have more freedom to travel to than within our own country!

I hate it here 😔


This is a violation of my civil rights. How do we sue the Europe? Can we invade them?

This, but unironically

Y'all are already here, doing it for free 😎

Burgers, jannies of the world.

How to do reverse Marshall Plan

Have Europoors even read the constitution?

Should be permanent, really.

This but unironically 👆👀👍

Based and europilled

I mean they can't really stop me.

How am I ever going to recover from that. I guess I'll start traveling in the States.

Wait, Americans were travelling to Europe?

I knew you guys secretly loved us.

It could also include China, but only if China allows EU travelers to visit as well, EU officials told the paper.

If you needed further proof that the EU is the single most r-slurred political institution in the world, consider that they are banning Americans but are thinking about allowing travel from China undergoes its second wave. Just today they put like half a million people in lockdown.

Speaking of the EU, I guess this ban won't apply to the UK in 2021 so you can all come here instead of Europe. I'm sure you're all looking forward to that.

They need to take the refugees from Three Gorges breaking after all, god other than anime island having to deal with irradiated fish I can't find a single thing that'd be affected negatively with the chinkocaust.


China doesn't have Drumpf.

Wait, Americans were travelling to Europe?

I was surprised to learn that about two thirds of Americans flew internationally once per year, on average. A flighty bunch, they.

Unlike America, China is a functioning country.

Its always harsch for declining powers. Theyll learn to live with it or start some retarded war



It's not like Americans actually go to Europe. It's all about the 元元元元元元.

The American inability to comprehend the concept of exponential growth and how to prevent it from occurring is why burgers will remain banned indefinitely while wontons will not. But keep on telling yourself that the EU are the delusional smooth-brained ones 😆


Nothing of value was lost

Exactly. Europe can finally enjoy a summer without those loud, obnoxious, land whale American tourists clogging everything up.

Those are australians.

Pls remember to pray towards Washington 2nite for being your military deterrent

LOL. You're so fragile.

Just please remember to thank your benevolent overlord that's all I ask

I doubt Putin browses Reddit.

It's easy, you just have to write a nice comment on the reddit

"Thank you for propping our states up mister American"

Go on, try it

America's day in the the sun is over, so you might as well just accept that, and start learning Mandarin.

At the very least you shouldn't be on Reddit while your country is imploding. You should be stocking up on guns and ammo before the stores are all looted.

Come on, it's not so hard, just type "Thank you for protecting my country, America!" and hit the add comment button


They wont let us into the zoo, boys

Yay. Yankees btfo

Can the European travel companies I've used before please stop spamming me with specials now?

Looks like they also banned the Bongs, Latin Americans and Russians but only America is in the title.

It'd be totally worth it if that also made them shut the fuck about us all the time. Holy shit imagine a europoor with an actual identity of their own instead of a poor imitation of Americans? This will be good for you guys.

How will we ever visit mountains and beaches and Mediterranean climates now?