66  2020-06-29 by WarBoyPrimo


This event today was so enormous that it sent shockwaves back in time to the 2016 election and caused James Comey to hold that infamous press conference. Now it all makes sense.

Don’t break the site or do anything that interferes with normal use of Reddit.

It's been quarantined for a full year and completely inactive (zero new posts) for many months. lol

Someone somehow managed to become an approved poster and posted something 5 minutes before the ban

I don't have the source, heard it from discord, so take it with some big grains of salt.

yes, very big bags of salt.

This was a foregone conclusion a while back. Plus Spez didn't write all that t_d related stuff in his announcement in 5 min.

2 days ago, a prophecy:


Clearly interferes with normal use of reddit are you stupid

Mods were probably still active

Reddit force-removed the actual mods months ago and replaced them with handpicked ones quite similar to what Mainland China does with Hong Kong. So yeah, mods may have been active, but if so they were the Reddit-approved ones.

eddit force-removed the actual mods months ago and replaced them

They removed some mods, who got sitewide permabans for whatever activity they were doing, but let other mods stay. Those mods shuttered the site but were most likely using those accounts and modmail to communicate and/pr coordinate.

Heaven forbid people communicate on an internet forum!

Yeah, it does.

Hasn't it already been basically closed for like 5 months?

Doesn’t matter, rightoids will still seethe and leftoids will still celebrate πŸ΄πŸ‘Ÿ

I'm a leftist and I think deplatformization is fucking stupid. Liberals thought it would only affect the right

I think it's a great thing. Drama wise, it's like a blessed rain in a dry desert

Who comes to a drama sub and complains about drama?

Apparently a leftist.

I come to create drama

Create drama all over my face

it permanently removes is from the internet. it was very difficult, and it hasn't been archived by search engines for a very long time, but you could still browse the old content there. now that's removed like it never existed

Surely it's archived somewhere?

Leftoid here, but holy shit I need that preserved for our collective history of retardation/shitposting.

I actually have a bunch of posts (everything in my reddit saved posts) downloaded to HD. It was the only way I could figure out, since I knew it would get banned eventually.

Since the quarantine it was impossible to archive anything (old or new), since reddit put a robots.txt disallowing it.

BEFORE the quarantine google blocked all searches / cacheing of the sub. You literally couldn't get a link to it by typing "the_donald reddit" let alone finding any comments. It was still searchable on Bing and other web searches.

What's the best way to download and archive a reddit thread?

I use this thing:


there are lots of alternatives. one click and saves to a single html with all the css, java etc.

With publishers taking down the large archiving sites even shit that was archived is going to get memory holed.

snappy exists for this smh

Yea but that was their choice. The admins started cracking down and the mods threw a tantrum and basically locked it up. Pretty good drama all around.

Would be neat if it was actually active πŸ˜”

Yeah they could have nailed it four years ago when it would've actually meant something. I am convinced it was only b& to provide horseshow balance to Chapo.

I am convinced it was only b& to provide horseshow balance to Chapo.

That's funny because AHScels are saying the exact same thing but the other way around

T_D was castrated ages ago and hasn't had a meaningful influence on Reddit in several years. Meanwhile Chapo for all of its retΓ‘rdation and quarantining still had a pretty loud and dynamic presence on the site.

They had plenty of justification to do this four year ago (partially because it was crawling with Russians, but particularly after Pizzagate), and they sat on their hands because they didn't want to stir the pot. Now they get to stick out their chests and say "see what we did to these rulebreakers??", without having to actually risk any karma equity. It's like, nice symbolic gesture, but it would have been appreciated more before President Real Genius got into the White House.

Slowly killing it over time until a ban was just a dull formality really lowered the drama potential.

This sub is going private again, isn't it?

Going private doesn't mean they admins can't see what's going on you dumb dumbs. Cumtown went underground months ago, wasn't accepting any new members, and it still got hit.

No but going private keeps out the fugees that post shit that gets subs banned.

Imagine being this absolutely pathetic. Even actual cuckolds probably test mog you.


Wow this is very racist and problematic. Are you a rightoid? How can you be so unaccepting of poor refugees?


Why would it? The Donfugees already went to rCon and a website.

This is not the time or place for another black-dick joke


  1. 🚨🚨🚨 THE_DONALD HAS BEEN BANNED 🚨🚨🚨 - archive.org, archive.today

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers

who cares lmao dead sub



Can't wait to hear my dad bitching about censorship in a week or two when the other r!ghtoids find out about this.



Banning skeletons is lit.

reddit shoots a corpse that has been dead for months.

lends credence to those that thought reddit was out to get them. since literally nothing happened for months that would cause this.

I was banned for making one comment, that Pizzagate was a conspiracy theory.

Ed wasn’t here to see it πŸ˜”